.x - Alysis SuperDisk self-extracting archive
.x - Lex language source code
.x - Microsoft Direct-X SDK
.x - Stardent AVS X bitmap image (24bit)
.x - X-soubor animation (Direct3D) (DeepV2)
.x - X1 archive
.x - XYZ chemical modeller output soubor
.x-png - Mime: image/png
.x01 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x02 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x03 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x04 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x05 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x06 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x07 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x08 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x09 - Paradox secondary index soubor
.x10 - Bitmap image (X Window dump)
.x11 - Bitmap image (X Windows system window dump)
.x16 - Macromedia Extra document (16 -bit program extension)
.x20 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.x32 - Macromedia Extra document (32 -bit program extension)
.x3d - Mime: application/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword
.x3d - x3d and xdart formats
.x3f - Sigma Camera RAW Picture soubor
.x40 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.x4m - TeamLinks Mail soubor Data
.x5 - Rockwell Software Logix 5 soubor
.x50 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.x60 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.x70 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.x80 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.x90 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.xa - Sony Playstation audio soubors
.xa0 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.xab - Microsoft Mail address book
.xaf - Active VRML
.xann - XANN Packer format (music/sound)(Asle / ReDoX)
.xar - Corel Xara drawing
.xar - Mime: application/vnd.xara
.xb0 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.xbd - Mime: application/vnd.fujixerox.docuworks.binder
.xbf - Data base soubor
.xbm - Mime: image/x-xbitmap
.xbm - Mime: image/x-xbm
.xbm - Mime: image/xbm
.xbm - X Windows system BitMap image
.xbn - cygnus ld-skripts soubor
.xbw - Crossword
.xb~ - compressed Ic soubor
.xc - Bitmap image (X server screen)
.xc0 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.xcel - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Excel 1 (PC ext: XLS)
.xcel - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Excel 4 (PC ext: XLS)
.xcel - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Excel 5 (PC ext: XLS)
.xcel - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Excel 6
.xcel - Soubor platformy MAC (MS Excel)
.xcf - Gimp Bitmap image format
.xch - LinkAssistant project settings soubor (LinkAssistant) | www.link-assistant.com/
.xck - Extended crack soubor (usually text)
.xcl - Xtree for Win skript
.xcode - Xcode development project soubor
.xcof - Soubor platformy MAC (Mac OS Object Library)
.xd - Ccs-lib.2 Examples Motif-cc soubor
.xd0 - Xtree (gold) Dos help soubor
.xdct - Soubor platformy MAC (XPress Dictionary)
.xde - Tgif-3.0 soubor
.xdf - Extended disk format image (OS/2 xdfcopy.exe)
.xdl - XML Schema soubor
.xdm - Mime: application/x-xdma
.xdm - X-Windows Dump
.xdma - Mime: application/x-xdma
.xdo - Animation Formula Graphics
.xdoc - Soubor platformy MAC (Xpress (all versions) (PC ext: QXD))
.xdoc - Soubor platformy MAC (Xpress file)
.xdoc - Soubor platformy MAC (XPress 3 Layout)
.xdoc - Xerox ScanWorX and Textbridge OCR soubor Format (Word)
.xdr - Mime: video/x-amt-demorun
.xdr - XML data reduced soubor
.xdw - Mime: application/vnd.fujixerox.docuworks
.xe0 - Xtree Dos help soubor
.xed - XED chemical modeller input soubor
.xed - XED chemical modeller output soubor
.xen - Xenu Document open with: XENU.EXE
.xfdl - Mime: application/vnd.xfdl
.xfi - Latex Figures soubor
.xfm - Cooledit 1.50 soubor
.xfm - Coolwave 2000 soubor
.xfn - Printer font (Xerox 4045) (Ventura Publisher)
.xfr - Ventura Publisher bitmap editor font soubor
.xft - 24 pin printer font (ChiWriter)
.xfx - Fax soubor (various)
.xg0 - Database Index; Paradox secondary index; see YG0; changes to XG1
.xg1 - Database Index; Also XG2, XG3...
.xg2 - Database Index; Also XG3...
.xg3 - Database Index; Also XG4...
.xgl - MegaBitz graphics language soubor
.xgz - MegaBitz vector drawing
.xgz - Mime: xgl/drawing
.xhtml - Libxml Html soubor
.xi - Fastracker 2.0 instrument soubor
.xif - eXtended Image soubor Format
.xif - Mime: image/vnd.xiff
.xif - Xerox DIFF image format
.xim - X11 Xim Toolkit bitmap
.xip - HP95 Execute-in-place program (modified EXE/like com)
.xl - Mime: application/excel
.xl - Ms Excel spreadsheet
.xl$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk2 soubor
.xla - Mime: application/excel
.xla - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xla - Mime: application/x-excel
.xla - Mime: application/x-msexcel
.xla - Ms eXceL Addin macro sheet
.xla - Xlib Archive (Xlib graphics library)
.xla5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 5)
.xla8 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 98 Add-in)
.xlam - Excel 2007 XML Macro-Enabled Add-In (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.xla_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4 Add-In)
.xlb - Mime: application/excel
.xlb - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlb - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlb - Ms ExceL Spreadsheet
.xlb4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4 Toolbar)
.xlb5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Microsoft Toolbar)
.xlb8 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 8 Toolbar)
.xlbn - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 1 (PC ext: XLS))
.xlbn - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 1 spreadsheet)
.xlbn - Soubor platformy MAC (Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet)
.xlc - Microsoft Excel chart
.xlc - Mime: application/excel
.xlc - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlc - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlc3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 3 Chart)
.xlc4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4)
.xlc_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 2.2 Chart)
.xld - Microsoft Excel dialogue
.xld - Mime: application/excel
.xld - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlde - Soubor platformy MAC (Dialog Edito)
.xlg - Xnetech Engraving Logo soubor
.xlk - Microsoft Excel backup
.xlk - Mime: application/excel
.xlk - Mime: application/x-excel
.xll - Microsoft Excel add-in
.xll - Mime: application/excel
.xll - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xll - Mime: application/x-excel
.xll_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4 Add-In)
.xlm - Microsoft Excel macro
.xlm - Mime: application/excel
.xlm - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlm - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlm3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 3 Macro)
.xlm4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4)
.xlm_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 2.2 Macro)
.xlpf - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel Setting File)
.xlr - Soubor balíku Microsoft Works (Microsoft Works) | www.microsoft.com/products/works/default.mspx
.xls - Seąit Microsoft Excel | www.microsoft.cz
.xls - Microsoft Excel worksheet
.xls - Mime: application/excel
.xls - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xls - Mime: application/x-excel
.xls - Mime: application/x-msexcel
.xls3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 3 spreadsheet)
.xls3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 3 Spreadsheet)
.xls4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4 (PC ext: XLS))
.xls4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4 spreadsheet)
.xls4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4)
.xls5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 5 (PC ext: XLS))
.xls5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 5)
.xls8 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 98 Spreadsheet)
.xlsb - Excel 2007 Binary Workbook (Microsoft Excel 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.xlsm - Excel 2007 XML Macro-Enabled Workbook (Microsoft Excel 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.xlsx - Excel 2007 XML Workbook (Microsoft Excel 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.xls_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 2.2 spreadsheet)
.xls_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 2.2 Spreadsh)
.xlt - Microsoft Excel template
.xlt - Mime: application/excel
.xlt - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlt - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlt - Translation table (Lotus 123/Symphony/Procomm Plus)
.xlt - Translation table many prgs
.xltb - Soubor platformy MAC (DataViz Translator)
.xltm - Excel 2007 XML Macro-Enabled Template (Microsoft Excel 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.xltx - Excel 2007 XML Template (Microsoft Excel 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.xlv - Microsoft Excel VBA module
.xlv - Mime: application/excel
.xlv - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlw - Microsoft Excel workbook / workspace
.xlw - Mime: application/excel
.xlw - Mime: application/vnd.ms-excel
.xlw - Mime: application/x-excel
.xlw - Mime: application/x-msexcel
.xlw3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 3 Workbook)
.xlw4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4)
.xlw5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 5)
.xlw_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 2.2 Workbook)
.xm - Cubic Player soubor
.xm - FastTracker 2, Digital Tracker music module (MOD) soubor
.xm - Mime: audio/x-mod
.xm - Mime: audio/xm
.xm - sound soubor
.xmb - X-Wing Mission Briefing soubor
.xmi - Compressed eXtended MIdi music
.xml - Dokument XML | www.w3.org/XML/
.xml - Internet document; Extensible Markup Language; many prgs even. MS Office later 98
.xml - Mime: text/vnd.IPTC.NewsML
.xml - Mime: text/vnd.IPTC.NITF
.xml - Mime: text/vnd.wap.si
.xml - Mime: text/vnd.wap.sl
.xml - Mime: text/vnd.wap.wml
.xmp - Spice Pspice Lib soubor
.xms - eXtended Memory Specification (XMS), ver 3.0 Microsoft
.xmt - XMT_auto_soubor open with: TriSpect.exe
.xmz - Mime: audio/x-mod
.xmz - Mime: xgl/movie
.xmz - XGL movie (MegaView)
.xn - cygnus ld-skripts soubor
.xnf - Standard Network soubor form
.xnk - Microsoft Exchange shortcut
.xnt - Spice Pspice Lib soubor
.xof - RenderMorphics
.xon - Axon datasoubor
.xos - Xaos Tools bitmap image
.xot - Xnetech Job Output soubor
.xown= - Xtras soubors Type "Xtra" Creator "Xown" (MAC)
.xp - System Util soubor
.xpi - Doplněk, plugin, rozšíření prohlížeče Firefox (Firefox) | www.mozilla.com/addons
.xpix - Mime: application/x-vnd.ls-xpix
.xpix - Nonogram puzzle
.xpk - Spice Pspice Lib soubor
.xpl - Xset plugins soubor
.xpm - Mime: image/x-xpixmap
.xpm - Mime: image/x-xpm
.xpm - Mime: image/xpm
.xpm - Unix-X11 PixMap (256 color image for X Windows) (8bit text)
.xpr - Mime: application/vnd.is-xpr
.xpr3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) EPS created by Xpress (PC ext: EPS)
.xpr3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) QuarkXpress 3
.xpr3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Xpress (all versions) (PC ext: QXD)
.xpr3 - Soubor platformy MAC (QuarkXPress)
.xps - backup for xport .sps by sharkport
.xpw - Mime: application/vnd.intercon.formnet
.xpx - Mime: application/vnd.intercon.formnet
.xpx - Mime: application/x-vnd.ls-xpix
.xpx - XML Format soubor
.xpx - RAFTS-XP Macro soubor (http://www.xpsoftware.com/)
.xpx - Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2 with Expansion | www.wizards.com/dnd/
.xqt - SuperCalc macro spreadsheet
.xqt - Waffle executable
.xr - cygnus ld-skripts soubor
.xr1 - Epic MegaGames Xargon game data
.xref - Cross reference soubor(AIX as)
.xrf - Cross Reference
.xrs - Realplayer Plugin Extresources soubor
.xsb - XQ-Xsetup backup soubor
.xsc - XML schema
.xsd - XML schema deskription soubor
.xsl - Mime: text/xml
.xsl - Mime: text/xsl
.xsl - XSL soubor, různé aplikace
.xslt - XSL Transform soubor
.xsm - LEXIS-NEXIS Tracker
.xspf - XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF (Spiff))
.xsr - Mime: video/x-amt-showrun
.xst - Tanner Ledit : Crossview data
.xstb - Soubor platformy MAC (TextBridge)
.xsu - Fortran Libf77 soubor
.xsum - Clapack soubor
.xt - FastTracker music track
.xt* - Crosstalk Related soubor
.xtb - LocoScript External Translation TaBle
.xtg - Quark Xpress 3.32 tags soubors
.xtmp - Soubor platformy MAC (Xpress template)
.xtmp - Soubor platformy MAC (XPress 3 Template)
.xtnd - Soubor platformy MAC (Acrobat Plug-in)
.xtp - XTreeGold overlay
.xtr - RealArcade Compressed Data soubor
.xtra - Soubor platformy MAC (Flash)
.xtra - Soubor platformy MAC (Quark Xtra)
.xtra - Xtras soubors Type "Xtra" Creator "Xown" (MAC)
.xtrl - Soubor platformy MAC (XTND Translator Lis)
.xu - cygnus ld-skripts soubor
.xul - XML User Interface Language
.xul - Mime: text/xul
.xv - VIFF bitmap image (Khoros Visualization Image soubor Format)
.xvr - Superscape Viscape soubor
.xvu - BOClean Database soubor
.xwc - Crosstalk for Windows Compiled Script
.xwd - Mime: image/x-xwd
.xwd - Mime: image/x-xwindowdump
.xwd - X Windows window screen dump/bitmap
.xwf - Yamaha XG Works
.xwi - X-Wing Mission soubor
.xwk - Keyboard mapping (Crosstalk)
.xwp - Crosstalk for Windows Phone book
.xwp - Xerox Writer document
.xws - Crosstalk for Windows Script
.xwz - Xset wizards soubor
.xx - XXEncoded soubor (ASCII) (xxdecode/xxencode). 7bit ASCII attachments for email programs that can't handle binary attachments
.xxe - XXEncoded soubor (ASCII) (xxencode). 7bit ASCII attachments for email programs that can't handle binary attachments
.xxt - Extension DLL (seldom)
.xxx - Sysinfo SA51SWE soubor
.xy - XyWrite document
.xy3 - XYWrite III document
.xy4 - XY Write IV document
.xy4v - XYWrite IV document
.xy? - XyWrite document (?=version)
.xyp - XY Write III Plus document
.xyw - XYWrite for Windows 3x/4.0 document
.xyz - Mime: chemical/x-pdb
.xyz - Mime: chemical/x-xyz
.xyz - Moleculeviewer models soubor
.xyz - XYZ chemical modeller input soubor
.x_b - Parasolid documents (Parasolid) | www.ugs.com/products/open/parasolid/
.x_t - Parasolid document (Parasolid) | www.ugs.com/products/open/parasolid/