.v - Main input soubor Vivid 2.0
.v - ReaGeniX Consistency check support
.v - subsampled raw YUV bitmap
.v06 - Xwave soubor
.v22 - CWCDATA soubor
.v3d - Stratum Samples Models Balls3d 2 soubor
.v3s - Voice Master Key Sound
.v44 - CWCDATA soubor
.v56 - modem Patch
.v5d - Dataset UNIX chemical
.v5d - Mime: application/vis5d
.v64 - Nintento 64 Emulation ROM Image
.v8 - Covox 8-bit Audio
.vab - Album Visualb
.vac - Oc2.316s cakit soubor
.vaf - Microsoft Visual Studio Common Tools Vanalyzr Proj. Item soubor
.vag - Sony PlayStation ADPCM Sound soubor
.val - Macintosh Spreadsheet (VALU)
.val - Validity checks and referential integrity (Paradox for Windows)
.val - Values list object soubor (dBASE Application Generator)
.valu - Same as VAL
.vam - Microsoft Visual Studio Common Tools Vanalyzr Proj. Item soubor
.van - VistaPro animation
.vap - Value Added Process (NetWare 2.xx)
.var - variables soubor (eg IconAuthor)
.vars - Templates soubor
.vax - Pbm plus soubor
.vb - Visual Basic skript
.vba - VBA Module; Visual Basic for Applications (generic name)
.vba - VBase soubor
.vbc - Slovník
.vbd - Visual Basic 5 Active Document (Internet/Intranet document)
.vbe - Visual Basic skript
.vbg - Visual Basic 5 Project group soubor
.vbk - VisualCADD Backup soubor [Support Group]
.vbk - Mime: audio/vnd.nortel.vbk
.vbl - Visual Basic user control licensing
.vbox - Mime: application/vnd.previewsystems.box
.vboxlm - Vbox Common soubor
.vbp - Visual Basic 4 Project (similar to MAK)
.vbr - Visual Basic remote automation Registration soubor
.vbs - MPEG Movie Clip
.vbs - Skript (Visual Basic for Applications) | www.microsoft.cz
.vbw - Microsoft Visual Basic workspace
.vbx - Visual Basic eXtension (custom control), 16 bit, can be used by e.g. Visual Basic or C++
.vbz - Visual Basic Setup Wizard launch soubor
.vc - Include soubor with color definitions (Vivid 2.0)
.vc - Spreadsheet; VisiCalc; also VCX
.vc1 - Ms Visual C 1 (make-) soubor
.vc15 - Ms Visual C 1.5 (make-) soubor
.vc2 - Ms Visual C 2 (make-) soubor
.vc4 - Ms Visual C version 4 soubor (Microsoft Visual C) | www.microsoft.com/
.vc4 - Image soubor virtuální mechaniky, CD (VirtualCD) | www.virtualcd-online.com/
.vc5 - Ms Visual C 5 (make-) soubor
.vc6 - Ms Visual C 6 (make-) soubor
.vc7 - Ms Visual C 7 (make-) soubor
.vca - Visual Clip Art
.vcd - VisualCADD Drawing soubor [Support Group]
.vcd - Mime: application/x-cdlink
.vcd - Image disku programu VirtualDrive
.vcd - Imgage disku (ISO)
.vce - Cool Edit NMS soubor, audio editor soubor
.vcf - Mime: text/x-vcard
.vcf - Outlook Express VCard soubor
.vcf - Vevi Configuration soubor
.vcf - WorldToolKit objects
.vcg - Mime: application/vnd.groove-vcard
.vcl - Jill game soubor
.vcm - Visual Component soubor
.vcp - Visual Studio (7).NET Project settings soubor
.vcp - Workspace Information (old MS Visual C++ 32-bit versions)
.vcpref - Symantec Shared soubor
.vcproj - Visual Studio .NET Project settings soubor
.vcr - Arvid VCR driver
.vcs - Mime: text/x-vCalendar
.vcs - Netscape Calendar data
.vct - Visual Foxpro98 Solution soubor
.vcw - MS Visual C++ Status soubor, used with MAK soubors
.vcwin32 - (make-)soubors for Ms Vc
.vcx - Mime: application/vnd.vcx
.vcx - MS Class Browser class library
.vcx - Spreadsheet; VisiCalc Advanced
.vc_ - C Poet compressed Disk1 soubor
.vd2 - Vedit soubor
.vda - Graphics (VDA-FS surface data)
.vda - Mime: application/vda
.vda - Truevision Targa bitmap image
.vda - Video Display Adapter image format
.vdb - Trend Pc-cillin 2000 soubor
.vdf - Webcd virtual driver plugins soubor
.vdi - Bitmap image (Digital Research GEM VDI soubor)
.vdk - Steuer99 soubor
.vdm - Vedit soubor
.vdo - Mime: video/vdo
.vdo - Sound in conjunction with AVI soubors
.vdo - VDOLive Script Video image (Story Board)
.vdoc - Projekt (Superior SQL Builder) | www.superiorsql.com
.vdr - Drawing (ComputerEasy Draw)
.vdt - SwiftView Command soubor
.vdu - Detailer 3D soubor
.vdx - driver 32bits
.vect - 3d Graphic
.veh - Vector data (SPANS VEH/VEC format)
.vel - 3D drawing soubor (CAD( (Ashlar)
.vem - Voice Email
.ver - Version deskription (Windows)
.vers - Version deskription (many)
.versatec - Misc
.version - Version dist soubor
.vert* - glslang vertices program (* means only .vert is tested)
.vet - VET antivirus system soubor
.vew - GroupWise for Windows
.vew - Mime: application/groupwise
.vew - Mime: application/vnd.lotus-approach
.vew - View soubor (Clipper 5/Lotus Approach, earlier versions than 3.0)
.vf - vitual terrain software
.vfa - FontLab database soubor
.vfd - Drive Image5 Vfd soubor
.vff - DESR VFF greyscale bitmap image
.vff - Sun TAAC Image soubor Format bitmap image
.vfl - Clip art soubor (PrintMaster Gold)
.vfm - Ventura Publisher Font Metrics soubor
.vfn - Voting Form for Customers (Voter)
.vfp - Qtreader soubor
.vfw - Video for windows image format
.vfw_ - Soubor platformy MAC (AVI Moviee Messagee Fiavi)
.vga - OS/2 bitmap image
.vga - Same as BMP VGA resolution MS MRBC.EXE
.vga - Vga display font
.vgd - Vga display driver (Generic CADD)
.vgdt - Soubor platformy MAC (SAM)
.vgl - Config 911s soubor
.vgr - Ventura Publisher graphics/bitmap
.vgrd - (MAC CREATOR CODE) LaserWriter (Postskript soubor)
.vgrd - Soubor platformy MAC (LaserWriter)
.vh - Winhelp Vh soubor
.vhd - "Very High-level Design Language" Hardware design document
.vhd - Soubor virtuálního disku (Microsoft Virtual PC) | www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/default.mspx
.vhd - Quartus II VHDL Design soubor (Quartus II design software) | www.altera.com/products/software/sfw-index.jsp
.vhdl - "Very High-level Design Language" Hardware design document
.vh~ - V-help soubor
.vi - Bitmap image (Jovian Logic VI video capture board)
.vi - Script (Watcom Vi editor)
.vi - Virtual Instrument soubor
.vib - Chemsoft Export/Import MSDS Data
.vic - Graphics (VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval)
.vicar - Graphics (VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval)
.vid - Bitmap image (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer soubor)
.vid - Screen device driver (Ms DOS/Word)
.vid - Vidcom 64 image format
.vid - Video Driver (Microsoft DOS applications)
.vid - Visual Image Directory
.vif - 1bit CCITT Group 4 bitmap image (Verity Image Format)
.vif - Bitmap image (Khoros Visualization Image soubor Format)
.viff - Bitmap image (Khoros Visualization Image soubor Format)
.vik - Viking graphics
.vim - Vim skript soubor
.vioj - Soubor platformy MAC (Po)
.vip - Mumath 30 Vip soubor
.vir - soubor identified as a virus-infected soubor by Norton AntiVirus
.vis - Mime: application/vnd.informix-visionary
.vis - StudioPro 3D soubor
.vis - Vista graphics
.vis4 - Soubor platformy MAC (MindVision Install File)
.visa - Soubor platformy MAC (Apple File Exchange File)
.visio4 - Visio-soubor
.vit - Bitmap image (VITec scanner raster format)
.vitec - ViTec Tiled Image soubor
.viv - Mime: video/vivo
.viv - Mime: video/vnd.vivo
.viv - VivoActive ActiveX Control (streaming video)
.vivo - Mime: video/vivo
.vivo - Mime: video/vnd.vivo
.vivo - VivoActive movies and audio
.viz - Division dVS/dVISE soubor
.vi_ - Audio Waveprg Samplitude compressed soubor
.vlb - Corel Ventura LiBrary
.vlm - Virtual Loadable Module (Netware)
.vlt - Darn! Passwords! Vault soubor
.vm - Geoworks Virtual Memory soubor (or localization soubor)
.vm - Virtual Memory (Swap soubor)
.vmb - Quicken 2002 order soubor
.vmc - Virtual memory configuration (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender)
.vmc - Microsoft Virtual PC settings soubor (Microsoft Virtual PC) | www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/default.mspx
.vmd - Mime: application/vocaltec-media-desc
.vmd - Mime: chemical/x-vmd
.vmd - Movie-format (used in "gabriel knight ii")
.vmf - Mime: application/vocaltec-media-soubor
.vmf - Ventura Publisher font characteristics
.vmg - Image soubor
.vmi - Mime: application/x-dremacast-vms-info
.vml - "Microsoft Office 2000" Vector markup language
.vmn - VXDSRC soubor
.vmo - Siemens Sl45 Mobile Phone Voice soubor
.vmox - Virtual MakeOver Content
.vms - CVS and VMS sound soubors (continous variable slope)
.vms - Mime: application/x-dremacast-vms
.vms - Text soubor containing VMS specific info
.vmsg - Soubor platformy MAC (CompuServe Message)
.vna - Video Capture Album
.vnc - Virtual Network Computing
.vo - Vivid 2.0 include soubor with object definition
.vob - MPEG-2 movie
.vob - Vue d'Esprit image format
.voc - Creative Lab's Soundblaster digitized sound (PlayVoc)
.voc - Mime: audio/voc
.voc - Mime: audio/x-voc
.vod - Video On Demand
.vof - VZ Programmer Object Folder
.vok - Dictionary soubor
.vol - Volume soubor (many prg)
.vor - OpenOffice or StarOffice template soubor (OpenOffice) | www.openoffice.org/
.vort - Bitmap image (Very Ordinary Rendering Toolkit)
.vos - Mime: video/vosaic
.vox - Dialogic sound
.vox - Mime: audio/voxware
.vox - Voice (generic name)
.vp - 3D Studio Video Posting
.vp - Ventura Publisher publication
.vpb - Quantel VPB image format
.vpf - Vector Product Format
.vpg - Graphics (VPGraphics)
.vph - Virtual Pascal Help (VP/OS2)
.vpi - Virtual Pascal Unit (VP/OS2)
.vpr - VideoCraft Project bitmap animation
.vpr - Visual Prolog Resource
.vpx - Fh5 Usenglsh soubor
.vqa - Video soubors (Westwood Studios)
.vqe - Mime: audio/x-twinvq-plugin
.vqe - Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator soubor
.vqf - Mime: audio/x-twinvq
.vqf - Music (Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization)
.vql - Mime: audio/x-twinvq
.vql - Mime: audio/x-twinvq-plugin
.vql - Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator soubor
.vrb - Dict soubor
.vrc - REGSRC VXD soubor
.vre - Mime: x-world/x-vream
.vre - VREAMScript extension
.vrf - Oracle 7 Configuration soubor
.vrj - Mime: x-world/x-vrt
.vrm - QuattroPro overlay soubor
.vrm - Virtual Reality Modeling Language
.vrm - Visual Rexx language source code soubor (Watcom VRexx)
.vrml - Mime: application/x-vrml
.vrml - Mime: model/vrml
.vrml - Mime: x-world/x-vrml
.vrml - VRML Worlds for WWW, (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)
.vrod - Soubor platformy MAC (QuickTime VR Player)
.vrp - WATCOM VXRexx project
.vrs - WordPerfect Video ReSource (device driver)
.vrt - Mime: x-world/x-vrt
.vrt - ViRTual world (WWW)
.vrw - Mime: x-world/x-vream
.vrw - VREAMScript Command Language ActiveX 3D
.vs - Include soubor with surface definition (Vivid 2.0)
.vs2 - Roland-Bass Transfer soubor
.vs? - Visio soubor
.vsc - McAffee VirusScan configuration
.vsd - FlowChart; Visio Document
.vsd - Mime: application/vnd.visio
.vsd - Mime: application/x-visio
.vsdir - Microsoft Visual Studio Ide Newsouboritems soubor
.vsdisco - SOAP Dynamic Discovery soubor (MS SOAP & .NET apps)
.vsh - McAfee VirusShield Configsoubor
.vsh - vertex shader definitions for Direct3D programming. (DirectX 8.1 SDK)
.vsk - Msdev Common Ide soubor
.vsl - Download List soubor
.vsl - Mime: application/x-cnet-vsl
.vsm - VisSim simulation model
.vsn - ViruSafe version soubor (information about all the soubors in a dir)
.vsp - SPX sprite
.vss - Mime: application/vnd.visio
.vss - Visio smartshapes soubor
.vst - Mime: application/vnd.visio
.vst - Mime: application/x-visio
.vst - Visio Flowchart
.vst - ViSTa Truevision Targa bitmap image
.vsu - Visio custom user interface soubor
.vsv - Uložený stav paměti (Microsoft Virtual PC) | www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/default.mspx
.vsw - Mime: application/vnd.visio
.vsw - Mime: application/x-visio
.vsw - Visio Workspace soubor
.vsz - Msdev Visual Interdev98 Templates Web Projects soubor
.vti - Visualization Toolkit Image Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.vtk - Visualization Toolkit Legacy soubor Format (http://www.vtk.org)
.vtk - Vtk Sample soubor
.vtp - Visualization Toolkit Polygonal Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.vtpc - Soubor platformy MAC (Virtual PC)
.vtpf - Soubor platformy MAC (Virtual PC Prefs File)
.vtr - Visualization Toolkit Rectilinear Grid Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.vts - Intel VTune program performance monitor project soubor
.vts - Mime: workbook/formulaone
.vts - Visualization Toolkit Structured Points Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.vtst - virtual terrain software
.vtu - Mime: model/vnd.vtu
.vtu - Visualization Toolkit Unstructured Points Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.vue - 3D Studio animation
.vue - Ms Schedule+ configuration
.vue - View (dBASE IV/FoxPro)
.vvd - Minolta element soubor
.vvf - ViVerify Fingerprint
.vvr - ViVerify Repair
.vw - Volkswriter text soubor
.vw3 - Text soubor (Volkswriter 3)
.vwf - CADvance Drawing soubor
.vwp - System Dll soubor
.vwr - Multimedia viewer, Metatec Corp.
.vwr - PC Tools soubor viewer soubor
.vxd - 32-bitový virtuální ovladač zařízení (Microsoft Windows) | www.microsoft.cz
.vxo - SYSTEM driver soubor
.vxx - Iosubsys driver soubor
.vx_ - Compressed Tvideo card soubor
.vy3 - VY3 is Samsung Yepp VY-H350H Digital Voice Recorder format (Samsung Yepp recorders) | www.samsung.com
.vzn - Windows VZN Image soubor