.s - Assembler source code Unix
.s - Mime: text/x-asm
.s - Modula-3 foreign assembly source
.s - MultiEdit macro source
.s - Scheme language source
.s - Source code (non-PC platforms/Unix)
.s - Soubor ze hry (Microsoft Train Simulator) | www.microsoft.com
.s - Mozilla (Netscape) Password Data (Mozilla.org) (Mozilla) | www.mozilla.org
.s - Nitpicker Backup Ipflow soubor
.s - Free Pascal Assembler soubor for Linux or DOS Version (FPC Development Team)
.s#+a - Soubor platformy MAC (Rag Time 2 text file)
.s#+d - MAC CREATOR CODE (Rag Time 2)
.s$$ - Sprint temporary sort
.s$n - Mindstore Digital Wallet soubor | www.mindsatwork.net/
.s01 - WordPerfect Distribution soubor (Corel Word Perfect) | www.corel.com
.s02 - WordPerfect Distribution soubor (Corel Word Perfect) | www.corel.com
.s03 - WordPerfect Distribution soubor (Corel Word Perfect) | www.corel.com
.s19 - Motorola EEPROM programming
.s1k - S1000 Simnet format
.s2 - Motorola S-record format
.s2p - Sonnet soubor
.s3 - Motorola S-record format
.s31 - audio module
.s330 - sound soubor
.s3d - Micrografx Simply 3D Project
.s3d - Philips 3D Solutions 3D Displays that show 3D content (3DS Media Player)
.s3i - Sample soubor (Digiplayer/ST3)
.s3m - Digiplayer Sample soubor
.s3m - Mime: audio/s3m
.s3m - Mime: audio/x-mod
.s3m - Scream Tracker III music (16 channels)
.s3r - Rtl Ski Jump replay soubor
.s3z - Mime: audio/x-mod
.s50 - sound soubor
.s550 - sound soubor
.s57 - vector image ( "International Hydrographic Organization's" )
.s6bn - Soubor platformy MAC (Word 6 Template)
.s8bn - Soubor platformy MAC (Word 98 Template)
.sa - System Sa51swe soubor
.sa2 - Suprise! adlib tracker music module.
.sab - ALSong Album soubor (ALSong) | www.altools.net/ALTools/ALSong/tabid/58/Default.aspx
.sacm - Soubor platformy MAC (Microsoft Spelling File)
.sad - Lucas Arts sound soubor
.saf - Spatial Archive Interchange Format
.sah - http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/
.saif - Spatial Archive Interchange Format, same as SAF
.sal - Database Program; SQL Application Language
.sal - SORITEC datasoubor
.sam - Ami Professional document(Samna/Lotus Ami, Ami Pro)
.sam - Mime: application/vnd.lotus-wordpro
.sam - MS Office 97 soubor Converter (DLL)
.sam - SAMple soubor
.sam - Sound Sample
.sample - WADigital ReportMagic soubor
.san - LUCAS arts: The Curse of Monkey Island Movie soubor
.sap - hyperbanner: Java animation
.sar - SAR compressed soubor archive
.sar - Saracen Paint image format
.sas - SAS source code soubor (VMS)
.sat - ACIS 2D/3D : Vector graphics / CAD
.sav - SAVed backup/configuration data
.sav - SAVed game situation (eg. NetHack)
.save - Game Salt Lake city 2002 soubor
.saved - Obvykle záloha, kopie originálního souboru bez přípony .saved
.saveme - Mime: application/octet-stream
.say - Sound data 1 bit
.sb - 8bit sound data : Raw Signed PCM Byte format
.sb - Audio soubor (Signed Byte)
.sb! - Superbase : Locking soubor
.sbbugrepORT - SBBugReport.Document open with: APPLOCalize.EXE
.sbc - Smart Book compiled distribution soubor
.sbd - Storyboard Editor data soubor
.sbe - Spybot Excludes soubor
.sbf - Superbase 95 soubor
.sbglossary - SBGlossary.Document open with: APPLOCalize.EXE
.sbi - Sound; Creative labs SoundBlaster instrument
.sbig - Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image (Bitmap graphics)
.sbj - Clipart Index; Micrografx Clipart or Palette
.sbk - Asymetrics ToolBook System Book
.sbk - Creative Labs Soundfont 1.0 Bank soubor
.sbk - Mime: application/x-tbook
.sbk - Mime: audio/x-sbk
.sbk - Multimedia Subject/book?, Metatec Corp.
.sbkt - Soubor platformy MAC (ScrapBook)
.sbkt - Soubor platformy MAC (Scrapbook File)
.sbl - Shockwave Flash object
.sbl - Stone Brook Pascal library
.sbm - Image .LBM
.sbn - ArcView : spatial index for read-write shapesoubors
.sbp - Dml program (Superbase 4)
.sbq - Superbase : Query definition soubor
.sbr - Source Browser for BSCMAKE (source for .bsc)
.sbr - Scribes report archive soubor (Scribes)
.sbs - Spybot Includes soubor
.sbt - Suberbase 4 Windows notes related to record
.sbv - Superbase Form definition soubor
.sbw - Smart Book soubor
.sbx - Adobe Illustrator Tsume
.sb_ - Creativ compressed Sb16 sbide soubor
.sc - Ingres Embedded SQL/C Source soubor
.sc - Framework II display driver
.sc - Mime: application/x-showcase
.sc - Paradox PAL skript
.sc - SciTex Continuous Tone image format
.sc$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk1 soubor
.sc1 - Simcity
.sc2 - Ms Schedule+ 7.x export
.sc2 - Msx 2 Screen image format
.sc2 - SimCity2000 soubor
.sc2000 - Sim city 2000 dos tileset soubor
.sc3 - Harvard Graphics 3.x screen device driver
.sc3 - Renamed dBASE III screen mask soubor (dBASE IV)
.sc3 - SimCity3000 soubor
.sc4 - RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario
.sc4 - Soubor hry Sim City 4 - uložená hra
.sc? - Image ColoRix (? = resolution)(EGA Paint)
.sca - SCA datasoubor
.scan - Thunderscan image soubor
.scav - Soubor platformy MAC (Disk First Aid)
.scb - Scribble.Document open with: SCRIBBLE.EXE /dde
.scc - MSX ( = MicroSoft eXtended home computer) bitmap image
.scc - Source code control soubor; programming project soubor management
.scd - Matrix/Imapro SCoDL film recorder (SCODL = Scan Conversion Object Deskription Language)
.scd - Mime: application/x-msschedule
.scd - Ms Schedule+ 7.x contacts
.sce - SoftCuisine Data Exchange soubor
.scene - Sculpt 3D/4D 3D object (Amiga)
.scf - ScoreMaker multimedia show
.scf - Symphony spelling checker configuration
.scf - Windows Explorer Shell Command soubor
.scf - DNA sequence soubor format
.scg - Bitmap image (ColoRIX)
.sch - Project schedule (Schedule Publisher/Ms Schedule+)
.sch - Scheme (P CAD/Orcad)
.schakal - Schakal chemical modeller input soubor
.schd - Soubor platformy MAC (Microsoft Email Schedul)
.schemas - Amaya config soubor
.sci - Scitex Continuous Tone (CT2T) bitmap image/Fax
.sci - System Configuration Information
.scitex - Scitex Continuous Tone (CT) CMYK color images and grayscale images
.scl - SCALA Scale
.scm - Lotus ScreenCam Movie
.scm - Mime: application/vnd.lotus-screencam
.scm - Mime: application/x-lotusscreencam
.scm - Mime: text/x-skript.guile
.scm - Mime: text/x-skript.scheme
.scm - Mime: video/x-scm
.scm - Scheme language source code soubor
.scn - Calgari trueSpace2 soubor Format
.scn - Kermit screen dump or soubor
.scn - Minolta SCeNe soubor
.scn - Visual Basic
.scne - Soubor platformy MAC (Infini-D Scene)
.sco - SCOre (best results in games)
.scodl - Bitmap image (Agfa slide soubor)
.scp - BITCOM skript
.scp - ColoRIX bitmap image
.scp - Microsoft Dial-Up Networking Script
.scp - Mime: text/plain
.scp - Palm OS configuration soubor
.scpt - AppleScript Script soubor, MAC soubor type
.scr - fax image
.scr - Screen dump/tbv
.scr - Screen font
.scr - Sun Raster Images image format
.scr - Windows screensaver
.scri - Soubor platformy MAC (Extension)
.script - Win Help related soubor
.scrn - Soubor platformy MAC (StartUpScre)
.scrn - Startup Screen
.scs - ScreenCam Script; Lotus
.scsi - Soubor platformy MAC (Apple HD Setup)
.sct - FoxPro additional (FPT) screen deskription soubor
.sct - Mime: text/skriptlet
.sct - SciTex Continuous Tone bitmap image
.sct - Windows Script Component
.sct01 - SAS catalog (Unix)
.scu - ColoRIX bitmap image
.scv - Winphone connection soubor
.scx - Chart (Stanford Chart)
.scx - ColoRIX bitmap image
.scx - FoxPro main (DBF) screen deskription soubor
.scx - MS Class Browser form
.scy - ReaGeniX security soubor
.scz - Wingz data
.sd - Entropic Sound Data format : Audio
.sd0 - Dali Raw image/tbv
.sd1 - Dali Raw image/tbv
.sd2 - Dali Raw image/tbv
.sd2 - Sound Designer 2 soubor
.sda - Software Distribution Network soubor archive deskription
.sdb - SideKick 2 Database
.sdbn - Soubor platformy MAC (Word 4/5 Template)
.sdc - StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (StarOffice Calc) | www.sun.com/software/star/staroffice/features.jsp
.sdd - StarOffice StarImpress Presentation
.sde - Drumbeat (Internet application) exported data
.sdev - Soubor platformy MAC (Control Strip Module)
.sdf - MDL Isis SDF chemical modeller input soubor
.sdf - Mime: application/e-score
.sdf - Mime: chemical/x-mdl-sdf
.sdf - Source Definition soubor (Sourcer)
.sdf - System Data Format soubor (fixed lenght ascii text)
.sdg - Star Office Gallery image format
.sdi - QuickBooks; Data
.sdi - Software Distribution Network Info soubor
.sdi - Super Data Interchange
.sdk - Roland S-550/S-50/W-30 Disk Image
.sdl - Alias Wavefront Scene Deskription Language
.sdl - Paradox
.sdl - Parsys hardware network deskription soubor
.sdl - SmartDraw Library
.sdml - Mime: text/plain
.sdml - Spatial Data Modeling Language (VRML) by Silicon Graphics
.sdn - Software Distribution Network compressed soubor archive (pak251.exe)
.sdp - IBM Storyboard PIC image
.sdp - Mime: application/sdp
.sdp - Mime: application/x-sdp
.sdp - RealAudio Scalable Multicast
.sdpc - "Cocreate SolidDesigner" Datasoubor
.sdr - Mime: application/sounder
.sdr - SmartDraw drawing
.sdr - Sounder music
.sds - MIDI Sample sound (DUMP Standard soubor)
.sds - Mime: application/x-onlive
.sdt - QuickBooks; Data
.sdt - SmartDraw Template
.sdts - Spatial Data Transfer Standard (10m and 30m 7.5' DEM )
.sdv - Semicolon Divided Values soubor
.sdw - (header) soubors for MrSID (ESRI picture soubors)
.sdw - Amidraw vector image
.sdw - SourceSafe soubors in Shadow Directory
.sdw - WordPro Drawing; Lotus
.sdx - Sample DUMP Exchange soubor
.sdx - sound soubor
.sdy - Starmoney soubor
.sd_ - Audio Utility Midimach compressed soubor
.se - ScopeEdit Project soubor
.se - Dll Directx Migrate soubor
.se1 - Synthedit soubor
.sea - Mime: application/sea
.sea - Mime: application/x-sea
.sea - Mime: application/x-stuffit
.sea - self-expanding archive
.sea - StuffIT Expander archive format (orig. Macintosh)
.seawifs - SeaWiFS Frame Formatter (Level 0) output soubor format
.sec - Diskreet encrypted soubor
.sec - Disney Animation Studio secured animation soubor
.sec - Pretty Good Privacy secret key ring soubor
.security - Javasoft Jre 1.3 lib security soubor
.sed - Sed/unix doc soubor
.see - Mime: application/vnd.seemail
.sef - Kódovaný soubor, archív (Steganos)
.seg - Compressed soubor Segment
.seg1 - Soubor platformy MAC (StuffIt Segment)
.seg2 - Soubor platformy MAC (StuffIt Segment)
.seg3 - Soubor platformy MAC (StuffIt Segment)
.segn - Soubor platformy MAC (StuffIt Segment)
.sel - PaintShop Pro Selection soubor
.semi - Spartan Semi-Empirical chemical modeller input soubor
.seo - ScopeEdit Object soubor
.sep - Printer separator page
.sep - Tagged Image soubor Format (TIFF) bitmap image
.seq - Atari STAD bitmap image/animation?
.seq - Bubble Chamber Sequential Instruction soubor
.seq - PowerTracks Pro Audio, by PG Music, Inc sequence soubors
.seq - Sequence soubors of PowerTracks Pro Audio, by PG Music, Inc.
.seq - Stad image format
.ser - Mime: application/x-java-serialized-object
.ser - Webalizer Lang soubor
.server - Analog soubor
.ses - Clarion Modula-2 session info
.ses - Cood Edit Session soubor
.session - Internet Security Scanner soubor (ISS)
.set - 1st Reader configuration
.set - soubor Set for MS Backup
.set - Mime: application/set
.set - SETup data or info
.set - Symphony driver sets created by Install
.seu - Serials 2000 Encrypted S2K Update
.sew - Generic : Sewing program soubor
.sex - Urban Chaos Game soubor
.sext - Soubor platformy MAC (Text Template)
.se_ - Midiprg Cakepro compressed soubor
.sf - OS/2 WPS Attribute Storage
.sf - IRCAM Sound soubor (CSound package/MixView sound sample editor)
.sf - Signature instructions soubor
.sf - WPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell)
.sf0 - Windows Sytem soubor check soubor
.sf2 - Creative Labs Soundfont 2.0 Bank soubor
.sf? - Bitstream Printer Font
.sfax - Soubor platformy MAC (STF Sent Fax)
.sfb - HP soft font
.sfc - Windows System soubor check soubor
.sfd - SoundStage : Sound soubor Data
.sfe - Split soubors Shell Extension
.sff - Fritz!Fax document
.sff - Scene soubor Format
.sff - Structured Fax Format image format
.sff - Structured soubor Format
.sfi - Bitmap; SIS Frame Grabber
.sfi - Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape) (Ventura Publisher)
.sfi - SIS Framegrabber image
.sfil - Soubor platformy MAC (Sound File)
.sfk - Sonic Foundry SoundForge : Sound soubor
.sfl - PCL 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont/Ventura Publisher)
.sfm - Dart soubor
.sfn - SPX font
.sfo - Bitstream font soubor - fontware format
.sfp - Pcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont/Ventura Publisher)
.sfr - Sonic Foundry Sample Resource : Sound
.sfs - Pcl 5 scalable font soubor (Intellifont)
.sft - ChiWriter screen font
.sfv - Easy SFV Creator
.sfw - Seattle Film Works graphics
.sfx - Self-extracting soubor archive skript (RAR)
.sg - Snap Quiktour soubor
.sg - SnapGraphix : Image soubor
.sg1 - Graphics (Stanford Graphics)
.sga - SEG-A Seismic Data Format
.sga - Relic Entertainment SGA Archive
.sgd - Lahey Blackbeard help soubor
.sgf - Starwriter document with graphics
.sgi - Silicon Graphics workstation, Irix RGB bitmap image
.sgi-lpr - Mime: application/x-sgi-lpr
.sgl - StarOffice Master Document
.sgm - IETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
.sgml - IETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
.sgo - 3d Graphic generic
.sgp - STATGRAPHICS Plus statistics
.sgt - Save/get keyboard macro (Signature)
.sgw - Snap Quiktour soubor
.sgx - Lahey Fortran help soubor index
.sh - Internet Program
.sh - Mime: application/x-bsh
.sh - Mime: application/x-sh
.sh - Mime: application/x-shar
.sh - Mime: text/x-skript.sh
.sh - SHell skript (Unix sh or bash) (ASCII)
.sh - Unix ASCII soubor archive created by SHAR (use unshar)
.sh3 - Harvard Graphics 3.0 presentation
.sha - Mime: application/x-shar
.sha - Unix SHAR
.shade - Rayshade ray tracer
.shar - Mime: application/x-bsh
.shar - Mime: application/x-shar
.shar - SHell ARchive skript (Unix)
.shb - Corel Show presentation/background
.shb - Windows Shortcut into a document
.shcf - Soubor platformy MAC (Shared OLE DLL)
.shd - Metatools' Bryce Support soubor (Materials catalogue)
.shd - W95 spool soubor
.she - 2D-Medusa CAD
.she - Windows 95 ".ShellExt"
.shelx - ShelX chemical modeller input soubor
.shex - Motolora hex-format
.shf - PGP Share
.shg - "Segmented Hypergraphics" Bitmap with hot-spots, created by "SHED.EXE", compiled with "HC.EXE" (Windows help soubor compiler)
.shh - Automated Setup template
.shk - ShrinkIt compressed Apple II soubor archive
.shl - Inno Setup String Tables soubor
.shlb - Soubor platformy MAC (Shared Library)
.shm - SHell Macro (WordPerfect Library)
.shn - SHorteN compressed audio soubor, lossless format but larger than MP3
.sho - Mime: application/x-showcase
.show - Mime: application/x-showcase
.showcase - Mime: application/x-showcase
.shp - AutoCAD shape soubor and source soubor for text fonts
.shp - ESRI shapesoubors
.shp - Image Format
.shp - Printmaster icon library
.shp - SHaPe soubor (ESRI GIS & Mapping software)
.shr - Unix Shell Archive (ASCII) (SHAR)
.shrp - Apple IIG image
.shs - Shell Scrap Object
.shs - W95/98 Clipboard
.sht - HTML,; SHTM, SHTML; structured HTML
.shtm - Same as SHT
.shtml - Mime: magnus-internal/parsed-html
.shtml - Mime: text/html
.shtml - Mime: text/x-server-parsed-html
.shtml - Same as SHT
.shtml - SSI-HTML (SSI = Server-Side Include): dynamic HTML page
.shtml3 - Shtml soubor
.shv - graphic soubors read by Husqvarna Viking Designer 1 sewing machine (embroidery soubors that control stitching of the designs)
.shw - ETC theatrical lighting control consoles. stores cues, dimmer-channel patch, submaster assignments, and general settings. It can be read and edited on a PC by ETC's free software, Expression Off-Line, available at www.etcconnect.com.
.shw - Corel Show | Corel Presentations Show
.shw - Mime: application/presentations
.shw - Presentation; Harvard Graphics DOS 2.x Show
.shx - AutoCAD shape entities
.shx - ESRI shapesoubor (points)
.shz - Ximage soubor
.si - Mime: text/vnd.wap.si
.si - Script Interpretor soubor
.si - SoftImage image
.sib - Sibelius Music soubor
.sic - Mime: application/vnd.wap.sic
.sic - Quicken 2002 order soubor
.sid - C64 tunes and sound effects soubor (PlaySID)
.sid - LizardTech MrSID image soubors http://www.lizardtech.com
.sid - Mime: audio/prs.sid
.sid - Mime: audio/x-psid
.sif - Setup Installation soubor
.sif - Vector data (ISIF format)
.sig - gen. Current program settings = Signature
.sig - SIGnature soubor (ThunderByte AntiVirus/PopMail/PGP)
.sign - Archive soubor
.sigs - Soubor platformy MAC (Microsoft Signature Fi)
.sik - Ms Word backup soubor (SIcherungsKopie)
.sik - Dočasné soubory
.silk - Same as SLK
.silo - MeshTV : Mesh soubor
.silo - Mime: model/mesh
.sim - Aurora image format
.sim - Intel VTune performance monitor
.sim - SIMPLE skript source (Telix)
.simple - cygnus share soubor
.sip - Scoptrax soubor
.sir - Bitmap image (Solitaire soubor)
.sir - BYU SIR image format
.sird - Soubor platformy MAC (Infini-D)
.sirds - 2d Graphic
.sis - Mime: application/vnd.symbian.install
.sis - Psion software installation soubor
.sit - Mime: application/x-sit
.sit - Mime: application/x-stuffit
.sit - StuffIT Expander archive format, Macintosh
.sit! - Soubor platformy MAC (Archive created by Stuffit (PC ext: SIT))
.sit5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Stuffit 5 Archive)
.sitd - Soubor platformy MAC (Archive created by Stuffit (PC ext: SIT))
.site - Site specific soubor
.sitl - Soubor platformy MAC (Stuffit Library)
.sito - Soubor platformy MAC (Stuffit Translator)
.sitv - Soubor platformy MAC (StuffIt Viewer)
.sitx - Soubor platformy MAC (StuffIt Expander)
.six - Bitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel soubor)
.sixel - Bitmap image (DEC LN03+ Sixel soubor)
.siz - Oracle 7 Configuration
.sj1 - Image SEGA SJ-1 DIGIO
.sjf - Split soubors Shell Extension
.sj_ - Midiprg Superjam compressed soubor
.ska - soubor of VIRUS ska.exe / happy99.exe
.skb - QuickPOS (Point-Of-Sale) Standard Keyboard Layout soubor
.skc - Mime: chemical/x-mdl-isis
.skc - SKCARD SideKick for Windows
.skcard - Same as SKC
.skcard - Starfish SideKick datasoubor
.skd - Autosketch soubor (Autodesk)
.skd - Mime: application/vnd.koan
.skd - Mime: application/x-Koan
.skd - Mime: application/x-koan
.skf - AutoSketch : Drawing soubor (Autodesk)
.skl - Macromedia Director resource soubor
.skm - Mime: application/vnd.koan
.skm - Mime: application/x-Koan
.skm - Mime: application/x-koan
.skn - souborWrangler/SecurDesk!/ImageForge Graphic Skin,LV, ZipWrangler
.skn - Kinupix skin image format
.skp - Mime: application/vnd.koan
.skp - Mime: application/x-koan
.skp - Mime: application/x-Koan
.skr - PGP private (secret) keyring
.skt - Mime: application/vnd.koan
.skt - Mime: application/x-Koan
.skt - Mime: application/x-koan
.skw - SKWRITE SideKick Write or Calendar (same extension for both)
.skwrite - Same as SKW
.sky - Multiplan SYLK spreadsheet soubor
.skyt - SKYT packer format (music/sound)(Asle / ReDoX)
.sk_ - Audio Utility Koan compressed soubor
.sl - 3d Graphic
.sl - Mime: application/x-seelogo
.sl - Mime: text/vnd.wap.sl
.sl - PACT's Save Layout extension
.sl - S-Lang language source code soubor
.slb - Autodesk Autocad Slide Library
.slb - Symbols library (P-CAD)
.slc - Mime: application/vnd.wap.slc
.slc - Mime: application/x-salsa
.slc - Telix compiled SALT skript
.sld - Autodesk Autocad Slide
.sld3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Power Point 3 (PC ext: PPT))
.sld3 - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint 3/4 Slide)
.sld8 - Soubor platformy MAC (Power Point 98 (PC ext: PPT))
.sld8 - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint 98 Slide)
.sldasm - Solidworks soubor
.slddrw - Solidworks soubor
.slddwg - SolidWorks drawing 2D (Vector graphics)
.sldprt - SolidWorks drawing 3D (Vector graphics)
.slds - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint 2 Slide)
.slf - Ntgraph Setup30 soubor
.slg - Chromeleon Audit Trail
.sli - MAGICorp Slide Service : Slide
.sli - Slice : used by some 3d-modeller
.slickediT - Bugslayer Tracesrv soubor
.slides - Mime: application/x-showcase
.slk - Excel-Spreadsheet: Data format (Sylk Symbolic Link format) (Microsoft Excel, Multiplan, Microsoft Works, OpenOffice, Gnumeric etc.)
.slk - Timeslips Lock soubor
.sll - Sound data soubor (Generic)
.slm - Microsoft Visual FoxPro
.sln - Microsoft Mse soubor
.sln - MS Visual Studio .Net solution soubor
.slnk - Soubor platformy MAC (System Comms)
.slo - Webalizer.01 Lang soubor
.slp - Pro/E rendering soubor
.slp - Timeslips Data soubor
.sls3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 3 Template)
.sls4 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 4)
.sls5 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 5)
.sls8 - Soubor platformy MAC (Excel 98 Templat)
.slt - Mime: application/vnd.epson.salt
.slt - Selection
.slt - Telix : Salt Script Application Language skript source
.slt - ZX SPECTRUM emulator
.sm - Samna Word text document
.sm - ScriptMaker skript
.sm - Smalltalk language source code soubor
.sm - SoftSpoken Mailer maillist
.sm$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk2 soubor
.sm2 - Terrasoft summery table
.sm3 - DataCAD Symbol soubor
.smc - SmartMaster LOTUS Freelance Graphics 9x scene soubor
.smc - Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image (See ZNES or SNES9x)
.smd - Mime: chemical/x-smd
.smd - SmartWare II, version 1.02
.smd - StarOffice Mail
.smd - Video game console ROM emulator soubor
.smdb - SteamMaker project soubor. Windows-based authoring tool http://www.learn.com
.smf - SMARTFAX : Fax
.smf - StarOffice Formula
.smi - CC:Mail Smart Icon
.smi - Daylight SMILES
.smi - LOTUS Smarticons
.smi - Macintosh : "Self-mounting image" : Disk Copy compressed image
.smi - Mime: application/smil
.smi - Mime: chemical/x-daylight-smiles
.smi - Mime: chemical/x-x-daylight-smiles
.smi - RealPlay SMIL soubor Real Player G2
.smi - SMIL multimedia
.smil - "Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language"
.smil - Mime: application/smil
.smil - Text
.smiles - SMILES chemical modeller input soubor
.smk - Image soubor (Deer's Revenge)
.smk - Image soubor (Nascar Racing '99)
.smk - RAD Video Tools : Smacker compressed video
.smm - Ami Pro Macro (2.x,3.x)
.smn - ParaGraph's WorkScript format : Font
.smn - Samma Word : text
.smp - Ad Lib Gold Sample
.smp - Mime: application/studiom
.smp - Sample Scream Tracker Sample
.smp - Samplevision format : Sound
.smp - Ulead Photo Express
.smp - Xionics SMP image
.SMRailroadsSavedGame - Uložená pozice hry Sid Meiers Railroads
.sms - 8-bit Sega Master System : Emulator ROM image soubor
.sms - MS Package Definition soubor (used to be .PDF)
.smt - extension used by some CAD programms used for SMT-circuit layout
.smt - HiPer-Six Memo soubor
.smt - IconAuthor : SmartObject soubor
.smt - QuickBooks
.smt - Smart Ware II : Text soubor
.smu - Simple Musical Score
.smv - Saved Mail Video
.smz - Audio/Video soubor
.sm_ - Midiprg Seqmax Seqprest compressed soubor
.sn - serial number soubor
.sn - Sound Club editor : Compressed song soubor
.sna - ZX80 SPECTRUM emulator snapshot
.snd - AKAI MPC-series sample : Sound
.snd - Amiga IFF/8SVX Sound
.snd - Digitized sound soubor ATARI
.snd - internet sound format
.snd - Interplay/MusicStudio sound
.snd - Mime: audio/basic
.snd - Mime: audio/x-adpcm
.snd - Unix sound soubor, similar to AU
.snd - Raw unsigned PCM data : Sound
.snd - Resource Fork sound
.snd - Software Toolworks Sound
.snd - Sound Clip
.snd - sound soubor, similar to AU
.snd - Sound generic name
.snd - Sounder/Soundtools sound
.snd - Sun/NeXT/Tandy/Apple Macintosh : Sound soubor, old format
.snd - Wired For Sound
.sndj - audio modul
.sndr - Sounder sound soubor : Sound
.snds - Soubor platformy MAC (Microsoft Sound Set)
.sndt - Sndtool sound soubor : Sound
.sng - Midisoft Studio - Prism : Song (midi sound)
.sng - Song : various prgs
.sniffer - Sniffer trace soubors
.snm - Netscape Communicator : Mail, News messages
.sno - Snobol4 language source code soubor
.snoop - SNOOP capture soubor format
.snp - Access 97 report SNaPshot soubor
.snp - CoffeeCup HTML Editor Snippet
.snp - ComputerEyes output video Animation
.snp - Microsoft Access : Database soubor
.snp - READIBM : Book-shelf for .BOO
.snp - Shapshot soubor (Snapview)
.snt - Microsoft vissdk Vislocalinfo soubor
.snt - Tonline Email sent soubor
.snw - Wired For Sound
.snx - QuickBooks; Data
.snx - Slide Show Image
.sn_ - Midiprg Guitarws compressed soubor
.so - Fortran 90 shared object
.so - Shared library soubor (Unix)(similar to DLL)
.so3 - MP3 compressed .sou soubor =sound
.soa - Sage MAS 90 Accounting Software soubor
.soap - Soubor platformy MAC (KPT Soap)
.sob - Visual Basic
.soc - Game: Uefa champions league Logic soubor
.sol - MATRA prelude solids
.sol - Mime: application/solids
.sol - Solution soubor ,Solution eg. game walkthroughs(Common used with game examples,tutorials)
.som - Paradox : Sort information
.som - Quattro Pro: network serial numbers
.son - Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio II : Song soubor
.sort - thoroughbred basic direct / sort soubor
.sos - Dynamite VSP Swept Object Style (Dynamite VSP) | www.3am-solutions.com/
.sou - Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio : Sound soubor
.sou - Lucas Arts sound soubor
.sou - Sound data (sound tool)
.sou - Sound soubor by games(Indiana Jones
.soup - Message / E-mail
.sow - ARJ archiv
.sox - native Unix Sox raw sound
.sox - Schema for object oriented XML
.so_ - Midiprg Score Midiprglite compressed soubor
.sp - Micrografx ABC Snap Graphic
.sp - Spice : Data
.sp - Splint/unix : Compressed soubor archive
.sp - ZX SPECTRUM emulator source prosoubor
.sp - SignPlot output format (SignPlot) | www.buchanancomputing.net/SignPlot.php
.sp1 - various games
.sp2 - various games
.sp4 - Roller Coaster Tycoon : Saved game
.spa - Flash Movie
.spade - Snort soubor
.spar - Spartan chemical modeller input soubor
.spar - Spartan chemical modeller output soubor
.sparc - Sunos4 soubor
.spc - 2d Graphic
.spc - Atari compressed Spectrum soubor : Bitmap graphics
.spc - Galactic Industries SPC soubor Format
.spc - Microsoft Multiplan : Program
.spc - Mime: application/x-pkcs7-certificates
.spc - Mime: chemical/x-galactic-spc
.spc - Mime: text/x-speech
.spc - music : SNES Audio
.spc - SPC format for spectral and chromatographic data
.spc - Text to speech
.spc - WordPerfect Temp soubor
.spd - Adobe printer driver
.spd - Harvard Bitstream Typefaces
.spd - Postskript printer mini driver
.spd - Speach Data soubor : Sound
.spd - Speedo : Scalable Font
.spe - Princeton Instruments CCD camera : Bitmap graphics/image
.spec - Gen. specs soubor
.speex - A Free Codec For Free Speech
.spere - NIST SPHERE sound soubors
.spf - 2d Graphic
.spf - Bitmap image ,spiff = Still Picture Interchange soubor Format
.spf - EnerGraphics : Slide presentation soubor
.spf - Setup soubor
.spf - Site Publisher Prosoubor
.spg - Sprint : Glossary
.sph - POV-Ray (old vers.)
.sph - Sphere
.spi - scanned Graphics (Siemens and Philips scanner)
.spiff - Bitmap image , SPIFF = Still Picture Interchange soubor Format
.spj - Site Publisher Project soubor
.spk - Acorn : Compressed soubor archive (Spark)
.spl - Compressed soubor archive created by SPLINT
.spl - Customized printer driver by Sprint
.spl - Digitrakker Sample (by n-FACTOR)
.spl - FutureSplash Animation (Internet Picture)
.spl - Macromedia Future Splash Animator : Movie
.spl - Mime: application/futuresplash
.spl - Mime: application/x-futuresplash
.spl - Personal spell dictionary
.spl - Sample soubor (Generic)
.spl - Signature : Personal spell dictionary
.spl - Sound
.spl - Split soubors Shell Extension
.spl - Windows 3.x printing : Spool soubor
.spm - WordPerfect soubor
.spmm - Spartan Mol. Mechanics chemical modeller input soubor
.spn - Spanish readme
.spn - WordPerfect Distribution soubor
.spo - Mime: text/vnd.in3d.spot
.spot - Mime: text/vnd.in3d.spot
.spot - SPOT satellite image soubor : Bitmap graphics
.spp - Serif PhotoPlus Native Format soubor
.spp - Sprint : Printer soubor
.sppack - SPPack sound sample : Sound
.spr - Document letter PR: SPRINT
.spr - Foxpro Generated Screen Program
.spr - Lutin
.spr - many - Story Board : Sprite (graphics image)
.spr - Mime: application/x-sprite
.spr - Psion Series 3 : Spreadsheet
.spr - Sizzler : Animation
.sprite - Acorn : Bitmap soubor
.sprite - Mime: application/x-sprite
.sprite - Sizzler : Animation
.sps - 2d Graphic
.sps - Image Atari Spectrum 512
.sps - Screen driver of Sprint
.sps - VAX/VMS : SPSS language source code soubor
.sps - xport .sps by sharkport
.spt - Mime: application/x-spt
.spt - MITAC disk/system management utility pack : Data support soubor
.spt - one part of multi-part soubor : Split
.spt - Spitbol language source code soubor
.spu - 2d Graphic
.spu - Atari compressed Spectrum bitmap image
.spw - ABC Snap Graphics workspace backup
.spw - Jandel Sigma Stat/ SigmaPlot Worksheet
.spx - Foxpro Compiler Screen Program
.spx - Screensaver (Screen Peace) (Windows)
.spy - SEO SpyGlass project soubor (SEO SpyGlass) | www.link-assistant.com/seo-spyglass/index.html
.spy - Wintech Software Design soubor
.sqb - SyQuest Backup
.sqc - Structured Query Language (SQL) Common Code soubor
.sqd - 3d Graphic
.sqd - Misc
.sqd - Squish : Squish message base
.sqf - France98 football game fe soubor
.sqi - Squish : Squish message base index
.sql - Squish : Squish message base last read pointers
.sql - Structured Query Language Data SQL
.sqp - Sonique : Query result of audio search
.sqr - Structured Query Language Program soubor (SQL)
.sqw - Archive squeeze
.sqz - Squeeze : Compressed soubor archive unix, also msdos
.sr - Netscape soubor
.sr - Sun Rastersoubor : Bitmap graphics
.src - DataFlex/Multi-Edit souce
.src - generally Source code soubor
.src - Mime: application/x-wais-source
.sre - Motorola S-record soubor (undef)
.srec - Motorola S-Records
.srf - Sun Raster soubor : Bitmap graphics
.srf - TerraGen SuRFace MAP
.srf - Sony Digital Camera Raw Image soubor
.srf - Siebel Repository soubor
.srfmap - TerraGen SuRFace MAP
.srg - Microsoft PowerPoint : Self-registration data soubor
.srm - Video game console ROM emulator soubor
.srp - QuickLink : Script
.srq - MS Server request soubor; unprocessed
.srs - Bitmap: Sun Raster soubor
.srs - MS Server request soubor; partially processed
.srt - Skymap data soubor
.srt - Movie subtitle soubor format
.srv - Help Maker soubor
.srvr - Soubor platformy MAC (Server Connection Fil)
.srz - DataFlex : Source soubor
.sr_ - Compr. Tvideo card Neu soubor
.ss - Screen saver
.ss - Snappy configuration soubor
.ss - Splash : Bitmap graphics
.ss2 - Terrasoft SAS program soubor
.ssa - Sub Station Alpha : Video soubor
.ssage - inbound internet email message : Microsoft Exchange Server
.ssc - SourceSafe (source code control) configuration
.ssd - Painter4 Script soubor
.ssd - SAS/PC Datasoubor
.ssd - Style sheet definition soubor
.ssd01 - Unix : SAS data sets
.ssf - Enable : Spreadsheet soubor
.ssf - Mime: application/vnd.epson.ssf
.ssf - Sound set soubor
.ssh - DataFellows : Secure Shell document
.ssh - Style Sheet for MS Internet Explorer
.ssh2 - SSH Secure Shell Client
.ssi - HTML with server side includes
.ssi - Image SriSun
.ssi - Installer/GD Software Setup Information
.ssi - Mime: text/x-server-parsed-html
.ssiw - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Wordperfect 4 (saved by WP for the Mac) (PC ext: WP4)
.ssiw - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Wordperfect 5 (saved by WP for the Mac) (PC ext: WP5)
.ssiw - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Wordperfect 1
.ssl - Borland Paradox5 soubor
.ssl - Corel Flow Smart Library
.ssl - Sessions List
.ssm - Mime: application/streamingmedia
.ssm - RealAudio Standard Streaming Metasoubor
.ssp - Axialis screensaver image format
.ssp - SAS Transport : Datasoubor
.ssq - ODBC skript
.sss - Saved Game of Heart Of Darkness
.sss - Studio Session Song soubor Format
.sst - Certificate store soubor Microsoft
.sst - IDIDAS, SSTMAP, IMGMAP : Bitmap graphics - Satellite image data AVHRR soubor
.sst - Mime: application/vnd.ms-pki.certstore
.ssv - Chartsoubor
.ssx - Misc
.st - NeoPaint Stamp soubor
.st - Disk Image soubor (Atari)
.st - Little Smalltalk language source code soubor
.st - NeoPaint Stamp soubor
.st - Scream Tracker : Instrument library
.st0 - Spice : Status
.st1 - Spice : Status
.st2 - Spice : Status
.st3 - Spice : Status
.st4 - Bitmap Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image
.st4 - Image Raw grayscale soubor
.st4 - Image SBIG CCD Camera ST-4 / ST-x
.st4 - Spice : Status
.st5 - Bitmap Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image
.st5 - SBIG CCD camera ST-x photo
.st5 - Spice : Status
.st6 - Bitmap Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image
.st6 - SBIG CCD camera ST-x photo
.st6 - Spice : Status
.st7 - Bitmap Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image
.st7 - SBIG CCD camera ST-x photo
.st7 - Spice : Status
.st8 - Bitmap Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image
.st8 - SBIG CCD camera ST-x photo
.st8 - Spice : Status
.st9 - SBIG Astronomical Image
.st9 - Spice : Status
.sta - diverent games: saved state
.sta - Eudora soubor
.sta - Reflection 4.0 saved state
.sta - Spinmaker Plus : Stack
.sta - Statistica : Data soubor
.stak - Soubor platformy MAC (HyperCard Stack)
.starpack - StarTrekker pack format (music/sound) (Asle / ReDoX)
.stat - Status soubor
.status - Gen. Status soubor
.stb - Genus Stub Library
.stc - Plug-in Acrobat Exchange
.stc - Terrasoft SAS data soubor
.stc - StarOffice Calc spreadsheet template soubor extension (OpenOffice) | www.openoffice.org/
.std - LocoScript Standard Script soubor
.std - Plug-in Acrobat Exchange
.std - Prosa : State Transition Diagram graphics soubor
.std - SureThing CD Labeler Document
.stegano - Steganographic image
.step - ISO-10303 STEP product data
.step - Mime: application/step
.stf - ACME Table soubors (winword.exe)
.stf - Microsoft Setup table (many prg.)
.stf - Mime: application/vnd.wt.stf
.stf - ShrinkToFit : Compressed soubor archive
.stf - Structured soubor
.stg - PageKeeper Storage soubor
.sti - Programming
.stk - Mime: application/hyperstudio
.stk - Personal Stock Monitor soubor
.stk - Sticker Store Sticker
.stl - C++ Standard Template Library
.stl - CAD Software Solid Modeling/Prototyping soubor
.stl - Claris Works data soubor
.stl - Micrographics Designer stylesheet
.stl - Mime: application/sla
.stl - Mime: application/vnd.ms-pki.stl
.stl - Mime: application/x-navistyle
.stl - Security Certificate trust/request list.
.stl - STereoLithography 3d object
.stm - PhotoStudio Stamp image format
.stm - Prosa : State Transition Diagram model soubor
.stm - Scream Tracker II : Music (4 channel)
.stm - short for .SHTML = HTML with SSI
.stm - State Transition Diagram model soubor (Prosa)
.stmi - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Adobe's PageMill
.stmi - (MAC CREATOR CODE) GIF soubors created by PageMill (PC ext: GIF)
.stmi - (MAC CREATOR CODE) HTML soubors created by PageMill (PC ext: HTM)
.stmi - Soubor platformy MAC (PageMill)
.stml - See STM HTML
.stn - ArcView : geocoding standardization soubor
.stn - Microsoft Flight Simulator soubor
.stn= - Genuine Fractals STiNg soubor format (losslesss image codec)
.sto - Genus Pascal Stub OBJ soubor
.stot - Soubor platformy MAC (Mac OS Help Index)
.stp - 3d Graphic
.stp - ISO-10303 STEP product data
.stp - Mime: application/step
.stp - PageKeeper Packed Storage soubor
.stp - Plug-in Adobe Acrobat Exchange (language)
.stq - StatSoft Software : Text soubor (Statistica)
.str - DataPerfect Structure soubor
.str - dBASE Application Generator : Structure list object soubor
.str - Gate3 table structure soubor
.str - Mime: application/vnd.pg.format
.str - Mime: audio/x-str
.str - Screensaver soubor
.str - Stream soubor Playstation Discs
.str - Scan data soubor
.str - Structure list object soubor (dBASE Application Generator)
.strk - Soubor platformy MAC (MOD Music File)
.strn - Soubor platformy MAC (HyperCard Stack Converter)
.sts - MS C Project Status Info
.sts - Scream Tracker : Song format
.stt - Tacmi Pixia palette soubor
.stub - Soubor platformy MAC (Mac OS Stub Library)
.stuff - A jokey soubor extension used by the authors of the game black and white II
.stw - Neopaint Stamp image format
.stw - SmartTerm for Windows : Data soubor
.stx - CA-Simply Tax : Tax form
.stx - Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image : Bitmap graphics
.stx - SBIG CCD camera ST-x (Astronomical Image)
.stx - Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit
.stx - SmarText : Electronic book
.stx - SPOT Image : Statistics soubor
.stx - System/User Topic Set Deskriptor BullsEye
.stx - Terrasoft SAS data soubor
.sty - gen. STYle template, library or sheet used by many text and graphics programs
.sty - Micrografx Picture Publisher Print Style
.sty - MS Word for DOS Style Sheet
.sty - Ventura Publisher style sheet
.style - Html style soubor
.sub - Rational Rose component package
.sub - Soubor vytvořený programem CLONECD (CloneCD) | www.elby.de
.sub - Movie subtitle soubor format
.suc - Softrans Hello Engines! 2.1 soubor
.sud - Symantec Undodata soubor
.sui - Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit)
.suit - Soubor platformy MAC (MacBench Test Suite)
.sul - Gfa Raytrace image/tbv
.sum - SUMmary
.summ - Clapack Blas Testing soubor
.sun - Bitmap image (Sun raster soubor format), UNIX
.sun3 - Possibly modified Sunos4 soubor
.sun4 - Sun Os 4 soubor
.sun5 - Sun Os 5 soubor
.suniff - Bitmap image (Sun TAAC Image soubor Format)
.suo - Visual Studio .NET user settings
.sup - Bitmap image (Startup screen)
.sup - Error Suppression for Nu-Mega Technologies, Inc. BoundsChecker
.sup - Supplemental data (spelling checker user dictionary)
.sup - WordPerfect for Win SUPplementary dictionary
.sur - Leben_jesu Bibel soubor
.sux - audio modul
.sv - Game: roland garros tennis soubor
.sv2 - Terrasoft SAS soubor / retrieval information
.sv4 - RollerCoaster Tycoon Saved Game
.sv4cpio - Mime: application/x-sv4cpio
.sv4crc - Mime: application/x-sv4crc
.svd - Document autosave soubor (Ms Word)
.sve - WINXP SYSTEM32 soubor
.svf - Vector image (Simple Vector Format used by CAD programs)
.svf - Integrity check soubor
.svg - Mime: image/svg-xml
.svg - Ms Word glossary autosave soubor
.svg - W3C's XML based vector graphics format
.svh - Mime: image/svh
.svh - Picture; Black Diamond Consulting (Surround Video - Animated Internet Picture)
.svm - Formula 1 car race 2001 Save soubor
.svp - SwiftView Command soubor
.svq - Music soubor
.svr - Compressed virtual world for WWW
.svr - Mime: application/x-world
.svr - Mime: x-world/x-svr
.svr - SuperScape ActiveX Superscape Viscape Control
.svs - Ms Word style sheet autosave soubor
.svu - Adressmanager Default.dbu soubor
.svx - Sound (Amiga 8SVX format)
.svy - SAVVY/PC : Database soubor
.sw - 16bit) data : Sound (Raw Signed PCM Word
.sw - Audio soubor (signed word)
.sw0 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw1 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw2 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw3 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw4 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw5 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw6 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw7 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw8 - Spice : Sweep output
.sw9 - Spice : Sweep output
.swa - Macromedia Shockwave music (MPEG-1 Layer III with special header)
.swb - Photoshop soubor
.swd - Schoolwide Database soubor
.swdb - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks 3/4 Database)
.swe - Nhl Ice Hockey 2002 required soubor
.swecoin - Swecoin Font Format and PKT
.swf - Mime: application/x-shockwave-flash (Macromedia Flash) | www.macromedia.com
.swf - ShockWave Flash animace (Macromedia Flash) | www.macromedia.com
.swf2 - Soubor platformy MAC: flash animace (na PC přípona SWF) (Macromedia Flash) | www.macromedia.com
.swfl - Soubor platformy MAC ( Shockwave Flash files (PC ext: SWF))
.swfl - Mime: application/x-shockwave-flash (Macromedia Flash) | www.macromedia.com
.swg - SWAG Pascal Snippets (SWAG Reader)
.swgr - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks 3/4 Drawing)
.swi - soubors created by Swish (help in making Macromedia Flash soubors)
.swin - Soubor platformy MAC (SoftWindows)
.swish-e - SWISH-E soubor
.swl - Macromedia Flash Format [Alternate]
.swp - Borland Sprint document backup
.swp - Win virtual Memory Storage = Swap soubor
.swpl - Soubor platformy MAC (Software Update File)
.swss - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks 3/4 Spreadsht)
.swt - Visual Basic Setup Wizard Template soubor
.swv - Windows Sound soubor Format
.swwp - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks 3/4 Document)
.sxc - OpenOffice.org 1.0 Spreadsheet soubor (OpenOffice) | www.openoffice.org/
.sxp - 3D Studio process soubor
.sxw - OpenOffice.org Writer document
.sy# - Darn! Backup soubors
.sy0 - WordExpress soubor
.sy1 - Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro)
.sy3 - Harvard Graphics Symbol 3.x
.syd - Backup soubor made by QEMM/SysEdit
.syk - SYLK spreadsheet format (Excel)
.sylk - Soubor platformy MAC (SYLK Spreadsheet)
.sylk - SYLK spreadsheet format (Excel)
.sym - Borland C++ precompiled headers
.sym - Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics 2.x/Ms Windows SDK)
.sym - Lotus Freelance SYMbol library
.sym - P-CAD component symbols
.sym - Program symbol table (many assembler/compilers and linkers)
.sym - Symbol (generic name)
.syn - Bitmap image (SDSC Synu image soubor)
.syn - Ms Word 5 synonym soubor
.syn - Synthetic Universe image format
.sync - Soubor platformy MAC (ColorSync)
.synu - Bitmap image (SDSC Synu image soubor)
.synu - Synthetic Universe image format
.sys - Datasoubor (SYGRAPH/SYSTAT/SPSS/PC)
.sys - Mime: video/x-mpeg-system
.sys - System soubor - device driver or hardware configuration info (DOS)
.sys - Windows Bitmap image format
.sys-old - cygwin terminfo soubor
.sysk - cygwin terminfo soubor
.syw - Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics Win)
.syw - Yamaha SY-85/SY-99 Wave soubor
.syx - Modula M2sds soubor
.sy_ - Korg Dw8000 compressed soubor
.sy~ - CorelDraw! soubor
.s_s - Eru/erd soubor