.p - Applause picture soubor : Graphics
.p - Mime: text/x-pascal
.p - Pascal language source code soubor
.p - PDB chemical modeller output soubor
.p - Picture APPLAUSE
.p - ReaGeniX code generator : Rea-C-Time application parameter soubor
.p00 - C64 emulator soubor
.p01 - Soubor vytvořený vypalovacím programem (Gear)
.p10 - Mime: application/pkcs10
.p10 - Mime: application/x-pkcs10
.p10 - S/MIME : Digital identification soubor
.p10 - Security certificate request
.p10 - Tektronix Plot 10 : vector picture
.p12 - Mime: application/pkcs-12
.p12 - Mime: application/x-pkcs12
.p12 - PFX soubor (Personal Information Exchange)
.p12 - S/MIME : Digital identification soubor
.p16 - ProTracker Studio 16 : Music (16 channels), Renaissance
.p1c - "IBM Voice Type" languages Newuser soubor
.p1i - "IBM Voice Type" languages Newuser soubor
.p22 - Patch22 : Patch soubor
.p2a - "IBM Voice Type" languages Vocabels soubor
.p2c - "IBM Voice Type" languages Newuser soubor
.p2i - "IBM Voice Type" languages Newuser soubor
.p3 - Primavera : Project Planner soubor
.p3c - "IBM Voice Type" languages Newuser soubor
.p3d - 3d Graphic
.p3e - PC-Doctor soubor
.p3i - PC-Doctor soubor
.p3p - Platform for Privacy Preferences
.p56 - Patch
.p5w - Ressource
.p64 - Picasso 64 image format
.p65 - Dokument PageMaker 6.5 | www.adobe.com/products/pagemaker/main.html
.p65 - Pagemaker 6.5 soubor
.p7 - Xv's visual schnauzer format : Bitmap graphics
.p7a - Mime: application/x-pkcs7-signature
.p7b - Mime: application/x-pkcs7-certificates
.p7b - SPC soubor , cryptografic certificate
.p7c - Mime: application/pkcs7-mime
.p7c - Mime: application/x-pkcs7-mime
.p7c - S/MIME : Digital identification soubor
.p7m - Mime: application/pkcs7-mime
.p7m - Mime: application/x-pkcs7-mime
.p7m - PKCS #7 MIME Message (RFC 2311 MIME)
.p7m - S/MIME PKCS : Digital identification soubor
.p7r - Mime: application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp
.p7r - Response to a security certificate request.
.p7s - Mime: application/pkcs7-signature
.p7s - PKCS #7 Signature
.pa - Print Artist project
.pa1 - PageAhead : Worktable
.pa3 - Turbo Pascal Dos soubor
.pa4 - Turbo Pascal Dos soubor
.pa5 - Turbo Pascal Dos soubor
.pab - MS Exchange Personal Address Book
.pac - Archive
.pac - Atari STAD bitmap image
.pac - Mime: application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
.pac - Mime: audio/x-pac
.pac - Multi-resolution image soubor from Photo-CD
.pac - Pacman soubor
.pac - Sound Blaster Studio II : Package soubor
.pac - Stad image format
.pac - Windows Applications Manager : added or changed package
.pack* - glslang pack program (* means only .pack is tested)
.pact - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Archive created by Compactor (Pro)
.pact - Soubor platformy MAC (Compactor data file)
.pact - Soubor platformy MAC (Compact Pro Archive)
.pad - Keypad definition PR: Paddles/TELEMATE
.pae - Mime: audio/x-epac
.pae - Projet Personal AVI Editor
.paf - PARIS Audio Format
.paf - Personal Ancestral soubor 3/4
.pag - Lmsoft-Hypermedia page
.pag - Visual Basic property PAGe soubor
.pages - Pages document
.paint - Apple Macintosh MacPaint soubor : Bitmap graphics B&W
.pak - Compressed soubor archive
.pak - Infonie soubor
.pak - Quake WAD soubor
.pal - Adobe Pagemaker Library Palette
.pal - Color Palette for drawing and bitmap editors(many formats)
.pal - Compressed soubor
.pal - Harvard Graphics Palette
.pal - Lotus Freelance
.pal - Personal Ancestral soubor. backup of .paf
.pal - Tree Professional Palm Creator soubor
.pal - ZX SPECTRUM emulator soubor
.palm - Programming
.pam - Tonline Ob4hbci Smartupdate soubor
.pan - Chromeleon Control Panel
.pan - CorelDraw : Printer-specific soubor (copy to coreldrw.ink)
.pan - Mime: application/x-pan
.pan - SmoothMove Pan Viewer image format
.pane - Soubor platformy MAC (Preferences Pane)
.panl - Soubor platformy MAC (CodeWarrior Prefs Panel)
.pap - Painter4 soubor
.pap - Tree Professional Palm Creator Image soubor
.paq - Hewlett-Packard : Password encrypted zip soubor
.paq - Quantum archive
.par - Digitalk PARTS : Parts application
.par - Fractint : Parameter soubor
.par - POV-Ray parameter soubor
.par - Spartpar definition
.par - Windows 3.x swap soubor: 386SPART.PAR, SPART.PAR
.par - SolidEdge document (Solid Edge) | www.ugs.com/products/velocity/solidedge/solidEdge.shtml
.param - Kosima skripts soubor
.part - PTC Pro-Engineer Part soubor (Pro/Engineer) | www.ptc.com/appserver/mkt/products/home.jsp?k=403
.part - Partial Go!Zilla download
.part1 - Netobjects fusion Netobjects System soubor
.part2 - Netobjects fusion Netobjects System soubor
.pas - Mime: text/pascal
.pas - Pascal - Borland Delphi : Pascal language source code soubor
.pat - ArcView : geocoding pattern recognition soubor
.pat - AutoCAD Hatch Pattern
.pat - Corel Vector Pattern
.pat - document MultiMate 3.3
.pat - exePatch utility Warcraft2 (WarHack)
.pat - soubor Investigator pattern soubor
.pat - Forte Tech. Patch
.pat - generally patch
.pat - Gravis Ultrasound : Sound patch
.pat - Hatch patterns Photostyler
.pat - link geographic locations to databases : Polygon Attribute Table
.pat - Mime: audio/x-pat
.pat - PaintShopPro Pattern image format
.pat - Patch soubor (Advanced Gravis Ultrasound/Forte Technologies)
.pat - Pattern (bitmap used by drawing programs)/Corel Draw pattern
.pat - Smash : Simulator test pattern
.pat - Sound
.pat - US Patent and Trademark Office : Bitmap graphics (1bit black and white patent data)
.pat - vector Pattern PSP / Gimp / soubor Investigator / DataCAD Hatch
.patch - Gen patch soubor
.pattern - Photoline5 Defaults soubor
.pb - FAXability Plus fax
.pb - PixBase : Setup soubor
.pb - PowerBasic configuration (PBCONFIG.PB)
.pb - Proboard : Proboard configuration soubors
.pb - Setup soubor (PixBase)
.pb - WinFax Pro: Phone Book
.pb1 - First Publisher for Windows : Document
.pba - Genus : Powerbasic BASIC language source code soubor
.pbb - MS Mail address information soubor
.pbd - AXIALIS image (.PBI)
.pbd - Faxit Phone Book
.pbd - Mime: application/vnd.powerbuilder6
.pbd - Mime: application/vnd.powerbuilder6-s
.pbd - Mime: application/vnd.powerbuilder7
.pbd - Mime: application/vnd.powerbuilder7-s
.pbd - Mime: application/vnd.powerbuilder75
.pbd - Mime: application/vnd.powerbuilder75-s
.pbd - Phone book (FaxNOW!/Faxit)
.pbd - PowerBuilder : Dynamic link library
.pbf - Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank soubor
.pbh - PowerBasic Help soubor
.pbi - AXIALIS image JPEG JFIF
.pbi - Genus : Powerbasic include soubor
.pbi - Microsoft Source Prosouborr : Prosouborr Binary Input
.pbk - Archive ARC
.pbk - HP-95 Phone Book
.pbk - Microsoft Phonebook
.pbl - Genus : Powerbasic library
.pbm - Mime: image/x-portable-bitmap
.pbm - UNIX Portable Bit Map Graphic
.pbm - Xlib bitmap graphics
.pbm - UNIX Portable bitmap graphic
.pbmv - Bitmapová grafika
.pbo - Microsoft Source Prosouborr : Prosouborr Binary Output
.pbp - Perl Builder soubor
.pbr - PowerBuilder : Resource soubor
.pbs - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.pbt - Micro Dynamics MARS image format
.pbt - Microsoft Source Prosouborr : Prosouborr Binary Table
.pbu - Powerbasic units (version 3.2)
.pbv - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.pc - PC Model chemical modeller output soubor
.pc - Postcard
.pc - Print Artist soubor
.pc - Text soubor containing IBM PC specific info
.pc1 - Atari Degas Image / Bitmap graphics
.pc2 - Atari Degas Image / Bitmap graphics
.pc3 - Atari Degas & Degas Elite bitmap image
.pc3 - Harvard Custom Palette (Harvard Graphics now Serif)
.pc5 - Rockwell Software Logix 5 soubor
.pc8 - NewWave Write : Ascii text IBM8 character set
.pc? - 2d Graphic
.pca - PCAnywhere Registry Backup soubor
.pcb - ACCEL, Protel : Printed Circuit Board soubor
.pcb - MS PowerPoint Settings Application Data soubor
.pcb - P-CAD : P-CAD database
.pcb - PADS : Printed Circuit Board
.pcb - PC-Doctor soubor
.pcb - Print Shop Deluxe business card/tbv
.pcc - Image soubor
.pcc - PC Checkup : system information
.pcc - VideoCraft GIF
.pcc - ZSoft PC Paintbrush : Cutout picture vector graphics
.pcd - Images CD Creator Corel Adaptec
.pcd - Kodak Photo-CD multiresolution Image
.pcd - Microsoft Visual Test : P-Code compiled test skripts
.pcd - Mime: image/x-photo-cd
.pcd - Pfaff Creative Designer for Windows
.pcd2 - Pfaff Creative Designer 2 for Windows
.pcds - Multi-resolution bitmap graphics - Kodak Photo-CD format (Kodak Picture CD)
.pce - Eudora Mailbox Name Map to Dos soubornames
.pce - mail signature
.pce - PCDR soubor (PC-Doctor)
.pcf - HP95 Printer configuration
.pcf - Microsoft Source Prosouborr : Prosouborr Command soubor
.pcf - Packaged collaboration soubors (Solid Edge) | www.ugs.com/products/velocity/solidedge/solidEdge.shtml
.pcfa - Soubor platformy MAC (DOS Executable)
.pcfl - Soubor platformy MAC (SoftWindows Binary)
.pcg - Graphics soubor
.pch - MS C PreCompiled Header
.pch - Patch soubor
.pch - Dočasný soubor Visual Studia (Visual Studio) | www.microsoft.com
.pci - Microsoft Windows System soubor : PCI Miniport soubor
.pci - PC-Doctor soubor
.pcj - IBM's Linkaway-Live : Multimedia authoring tool graphics
.pck - Package
.pck - Turbo Pascal : Picksoubor
.pcl - 2d Graphic : Page Control Language
.pcl - HP Printer Control Language
.pcl - Mime: application/vnd.hp-PCL
.pcl - Mime: application/x-pcl
.pcl - Printer Control Language soubor (printer-ready bitmap) (Hewlett-Packard)
.pcm - Audio soubor generic
.pcm - Image Photoline
.pcm - LaserJet Printer Cartridge Metric for printer driver
.pcm - OKI MSM6376 Sythesizer Chip : Audio soubor
.pcmod - PC Model chemical modeller input soubor
.pcn - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.pcp - Image PC Paint (DOS) Bitmap graphics
.pcp - Symantec Live Update Pro
.pcp - Windows Installer Patch Creation soubor (Windows Installer)
.pcq - Pfaff Creative Designer for Windows
.pcr - image format
.pcr - PCR Graphic Image
.pcs - Apple Macintosh PICT soubors : Animation
.pcs - Embroidery soubor format
.pcs - Microsoft Powerpoint - Microsoft ClipArt Gallery : Picture storage soubor
.pcs - Painter4 pict soubor
.pcs - Pfaff Creative Designer for Windows
.pct - Clipart ClarisWorks
.pct - Image NIST ihdr
.pct - Macintosh QuickDraw PiCT bitmap & vector image (b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
.pct - Mime: image/x-pict
.pct - PC Paint bitmap
.pctl - Soubor platformy MAC (PageMaker Reg File)
.pcw - PC Write : Text document
.pcx - Mime: image/x-pcx
.pcx - PC Paintbrush Bitmap Graphic RLE compr
.pcx_ - Soubor platformy MAC (PCX Graphic)
.pc[1-3] - Degas / Degas Elite image format
.pd - Male Normal CT image format
.pd - Paradox table
.pd3 - 3D Studio Max soubor (3D Studio Max) | www.autodesk.com/
.pd3 - PODarchive
.pd3 - Denso BHT-7000 Terminal Executable Program soubor | www.denso-id.com/
.pd3 - DFSee Partition Table and Boot Sector Backup | www.dfsee.com/dfsee.htm
.pd3 - ICDD X-ray Powder Diffraction Patterns and Digitized Diffractogram | www.icdd.com/
.pda - Image Print Shop Deluxe
.pda - Mime: image/x-pda
.pdb - 3Com Palmpilot database soubor
.pdb - C64 emulator soubor
.pdb - Chemical test : molecular image in 3D
.pdb - Mime: chemical/x-pdb
.pdb - MonkeyCard image format
.pdb - Palmpilot Database/Document soubor
.pdb - PDB chemical modeller input soubor
.pdb - Pegasus DataBase
.pdb - Photo Deluxe Image
.pdb - Physical model backup soubor (PowerDesigner)
.pdb - Pilot Image Format
.pdb - PowerBuilder Dynamic link library
.pdb - Program Database VisC++ 32-bit LINK program information
.pdb - Protein DataBank
.pdb - QuickPOS Database soubor
.pdb - TACT/Packrat data
.pdbx - Insight II X-PLOR Coordinate soubor (Insight II) | www.accelrys.com/products/insight/
.pdbx - Databázový soubor finančního software Martini (Martini) | www.sungard.com/martini
.pdd - Adobe PhotoDeluxe Image
.pdd - Paint Shop Pro Bitmap graphics
.pdf - Dokument Adobe Acrobat, určený pro prohlíľení v programu Adobe Acrobat Reader | www.adobe.com
.pdf - ArcView : preferences definition soubor
.pdf - Corel Ventura Publisher page (EPS-variety) soubor
.pdf - ED-SCAN 24bit format : Graphics soubor
.pdf - Mime: application/pdf
.pdf - MS Package Definition soubor: MS Systems Management Server
.pdf - Netware : Printer Definition soubor
.pdf - PCAD : Database Interchange Format
.pdf - Portable document format: Adobe Acrobat soubor
.pdf - Print device information (Netware)
.pdf - Printer deskription (QuarkXpress)
.pdf_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Acrobat files)
.pdf_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Acrobat files (PC ext: PDF))
.pdf_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Portable Documente Filpdf)
.pdg - Print Shop Deluxe : Data
.pdi - IBM VideoTex
.pdi - MS Powerpoint IMPORT/EXPORT soubor
.pdi - Instant Copy disk image (Instant Copy)
.pdl - Borland C++ : Project Deskription Language soubor
.pdl - Print Shop Deluxe flyer
.pdm - Sybase Power Designer soubor
.pdp - Print Shop Deluxe : Document
.pdq - BLUEWAVE sound soubor
.pdq - Flowcharting PDQ Lite : Flowchart
.pdr - Device Driver; Windows Port Driver (virtual device driver)
.pds - Adobe Photoshop
.pds - hardware assembly : Pldasm language source code soubor
.pds - Portable Data Specification image data image format
.pds - Space mission data (Planetary Data System Format by NASA)
.pds - Telsis HiCall Program soubor
.pds - VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval : Graphics
.pdt - ProCite : Database
.pdv - Paintbrush : Printer driver
.pdvr - Soubor platformy MAC (QuickDraw GX Drive)
.pdw - HiJaak vector graphics
.pdw - Professional Draw : Document
.pdx - Index soubor of .PDF
.pdx - Mayura Draw graphics format
.pdx - PageMaker : Printer deskription
.pdx - Paradox soubors
.pdx - ProCite : Database index
.pd_ - Visc15 Images Setup soubor
.pe - PE (Portable Executable)
.pe - STI (Microsoft Symbol and Type Information)
.pe3 - Image archive soubor (QuickViewer)
.pe3 - Ulead PhotoImpact : Image archive soubor
.pe4 - Ulead PhotoImpact : Image archive soubor
.pe4 - Ulead Texture image format
.pea - PEAch text soubor
.peb - WordPerfect Program Editor Bottom Overflow soubor
.ped - WordPerfect Program Editor Delete Save
.pef - Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format (Pentax photo RAW)
.pem - audio modul
.pem - WordPerfect Program Editor Macro
.pen - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.peq - WordPerfect Program Editor Print Queue soubor
.per - WordPerfect Program Editor Resident Area vakiovalue
.perl - Perl source soubor
.pes - Brother Embroidery soubor format
.pes - WordPerfect Program Editor Work Space soubor
.pet - Custom CD Menu
.pet - Macintosh PICT image
.pet - WordPerfect Program Editor Top Overflow soubor
.pex - Proboard : Proboard EXecutable program soubor
.pf - Aladdin Systems security software : Private soubor
.pf - Archive
.pf - ICC Prosoubor: Windows ICM prosoubor
.pf - Monitor or Printer Prosoubor soubor
.pf - Progress Parameter soubor
.pf - Windows soubor, prefetch
.pfa - Formdef or Pagedef source code
.pfa - Type 1 font (ASCII);
.pfa - unhinted PostScript font : Type 3 font soubor
.pfb - Adobe Type Manager : Type 1 PostScript font
.pfc - AOL : Personal Filing Cabinet
.pfc - First Choice : Text soubor
.pfc - PF Component
.pfc - WordPerfect Perfect Fit (filter)
.pfd - Micrografx Optima : Process Flow Diagram
.pfe - Programmers soubor Editor
.pff - Scandata : Paraform soubor for 3D modeling
.pfk - XTreePro : Programmable function keys
.pfl - Presentation soubor: Lotus Freelance for DOS 4.0 Portfolio
.pfm - Printer Font Metrics (Microsoft)
.pfm - Printer outline Font Metric: Font (Adobe Type 1 PostScript)
.pfn - Bitmapová grafika
.pfp - Panorama Factory project soubor
.pfr - Mime: application/font-tdpfr
.pfr - PaintShop Pro soubor
.pfs - First Choice : Database (PFS:FILE)
.pfs - First Publisher ART soubor
.pfs - text soubor (PFS:Write)
.pft - Printer Font PR: CHIWRITER
.pfunk - Mime: audio/make
.pfunk - Mime: audio/make.my.funk
.pfw - Symantec Shared Liveadvisor soubor
.pfx - Amiga Pageflipper Plus F/X Animation
.pfx - Mime: application/x-pkcs12
.pfx - Personal Information Exchange
.pfx - Rapsoubor
.pf_ - Midiprg Encore compressed soubor
.pg - 2d Graphic
.pg - IBM LinkWay : Page cut/paste soubor
.pg - Image PrintFox / PageFox
.pga - IBM Professional Graphics Adapter image
.pga - Solitaire Aztec Peg backup
.pga - Query application soubor
.pgb - Rayman2 soubor
.pgc - Egypt Solitaire back
.pgc - Portfolio Graphics Compressed image format
.pgd - Pretty Good Privacy : PGPdisk volume
.pge - Solitaire Peg back
.pgf - Portfolio Graphics image format
.pgi - PGRAPH library : Printer Graphics soubor device driver
.pgl - image/x-hpgl : HP Plotter drawing
.pgm - Chromeleon Batch Program
.pgm - Mime: image/x-portable-graymap
.pgm - Mime: image/x-portable-greymap
.pgm - PBM gray scale bitmap graphics : Portable graymap format
.pgm - Portable graymap soubor format
.pgm - Program soubor
.pgn - ChessMaster : game notation
.pgn - Mime: application/x-chess-pgn
.pgn - Portable Game Notation (Used for chess)
.pgp - Mime: application/pgp-encrypted
.pgp - Pretty Good Privacy : Encrypted soubor
.pgp - Program Parameter
.pgp - TBAV soubor
.pgr - Pretty Good Privacy : PGP Groups
.pgs - man4dos : Manual page
.pgt - Soubor s definicí DHTML menu (Sothink DHTMLMenu) | www.sothink.com
.pgx - Visual Basic binary property page soubor
.pg_ - Midiprg Improve compressed soubor
.ph - Geoworks : Optimized .goh include soubor
.ph - Perl Header soubor
.ph - Windows Help soubor phrase-table, created by HC.EXE
.phapack - PhaPacker music/sound format (ProPacker V1.0 by NoiseConverter & Exotic Ripper / HanniPacker / StrangePlayer)
.phb - ArcSoft PhotoBase picture soubor
.phd - PC Help Desk soubor
.phd - PolyHedra Database
.phe - WinChess game record
.phm - DN - Lync : Phone book
.phn - Compuserve signup soubor
.phn - PHoNe list (UltraFax/QmodemPro)
.phn - PhoneFree Internet Telephone
.phn - QmodemPro : Phone list
.pho - Metz Phone for Windows : Phone database
.php - PHP skript, stránka | www.php.cz
.php - Html PHP Script (see also .PHP3 & .PHP4)
.php - MS Picture It! Publishing Project soubor
.php - PhotoDeluxe PhotoParade Album
.php - Presentation
.php3 - PHP skript, stránka - verze 3 | www.php.cz
.php3 - HTML page that includes a PHP skript
.php4 - HTML page with PHP (HyperText PreProcessor)
.php5 - Skript PHP (verze 5) - HyperText PreProcessor
.PHPEditProject - Soubor projektu programu PHPEdit
.PHPEditSolution - Soubor nastavení a projektů programu PHPEdit (PHPEdit)
.phps - PHP skript source code soubor
.php_authALPH - php authalph auto soubor open with Internet Explorer
.phr - LocoScript Phrases
.phr - NoExcuse Phrase Checker
.pht - Partial Hypertext soubor or see below phtml
.phtm - HTML page that includes a PHP skript
.phtml - HTML page that includes a PHP skript
.phx - Phoenix
.phy - Spicemod Asic soubor
.ph_ - C Poet compressed Disk1 soubor
.pi - Blazing Paddles image format
.pi - Image Japan PI
.pi$ - MS compressed PIF; decompress with UNPACK.EXE
.pi1 - low resolution Atari Degas Image : Bitmap graphics
.pi2 - medium resolution Atari Degas Image : Bitmap graphics
.pi3 - high resolution Atari Degas Image : Bitmap graphics
.pi4 - Atari Degas: Degas image soubor
.pi5 - Atari Degas: Degas image soubor
.pi6 - Atari Degas: Degas image soubor
.pi? - 2d Graphic
.pic - 15/24bit RGB Autodesk Animator PIC/CEL soubors : Bitmap graphics
.pic - 3D Image soubor (SoftImage)
.pic - bio-rad image soubors
.pic - general picture extension used on many systems
.pic - Handy Scaner Cameron image
.pic - IBM Storyboard bitmap
.pic - Lotus Picture; Lotus 1-2-3 Graphics
.pic - Macintosh PICT drawing
.pic - Micrografx Draw
.pic - Mime: image/pict
.pic - Movie BYU soubor
.pic - MTV Image
.pic - PC Paint bitmap
.pic - Pictor picture
.pic - Pixar PIC soubor : Bitmap graphics
.pic - Psion Series 3 image format
.pic - QuickTime Picture
.pic - Radiance image soubor : Bitmap graphics
.pic - Rayshade Image
.pic - SoftImage : 3D Image soubor
.pic - Stad image format (.PAC)
.picio - PIXAR picture soubor : Bitmap graphics
.pics - Soubor platformy MAC (PICT Animation)
.pics - Macintosh PICS soubor : Variation of PICT for multiple frames
.pict - Soubor platformy MAC (PICT file)
.pict - Soubor platformy MAC (Mac Pictureionente Fipict)
.pict - Mime: image/pict
.pict - Mime: image/x-pict
.pict - PICT1 black and white, PICT2 color : Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT bitmap graphics format
.pict1 - Image Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
.pict2 - Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT bitmap graphics format
.pictor - PC Paint image soubor
.pid - Unix : Process ID soubor
.pie - Pie.Application open with: PIE.EXE
.pif - Macintosh : Compressed soubor archive
.pif - OS/2 : Graphics metasoubor
.pif - Vector image GDF format (IBM mainframe computers)
.pif - Windows Program Information soubor for dos prgs
.pig - Descent soubor
.pig - Lucas Arts Dark Forces : WAD soubor
.pig - Ricoh Pixel Image Generator graphics
.pim - personal information manager soubor
.pim - PixMaker Project soubor
.pim - Ultimate Draw : Pascal text mode image soubor
.pin - Atari ST graphics format
.pin - Epic Pinball : Game data
.pin - Links Games Player Information soubor
.pin - Pushpin Set
.pip - JPEG,JPG,JPE, JFIF,PJPEG compressed bitmap picture
.pipl - Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Sdk Samplecode Colorpicker soubor
.piqt - Quicktime still
.pit - Packit: Compressed Macintosh soubor archive
.pix - 24-bit RGB RLE graphics : SDSC Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
.pix - ESM Software Pix image format
.pix - Image Systems vector
.pix - Inset Systems raster & vector format : graphics
.pix - LUMENA .PIX and .BPX soubor formats
.pix - PrintMaster Graphic soubor
.pix - Truevision Targa bitmap image
.pixar - PIXAR picture soubor : Bitmap graphics
.pixelpaiNT - PixelPaint Professional (only 1.0 et 2.0) image soubor
.pi[1-6] - Degas / Degas Elite image format
.pi_ - Compressed Pic soubor
.pj - Bitmap image (HP PaintJet PCL graphics soubor)
.pj - Computer Associates SuperProject
.pj - HP PaintJet PCL graphics soubor : Bitmap graphics
.pj - MKS : Source Integrity soubor
.pj4 - electric quilt
.pj5 - electric quilt
.pjl - ProCite Term Lists and Journal Title Lists
.pjp - Image JPEG /MIME
.pjpeg - Image JPEG /MIME
.pjt - Foxpro Project Memo
.pjt - Project (Rational Rose/Visual C++)
.pjx - Foxpro Project index
.pjxl - HP PaintJet XL PCL graphics soubor : Bitmap graphics
.pk - CoolEdit96 Graphical Waveform /tbv
.pk - LaTeX compressed font
.pk - Packed bitmap font bitmap soubor (TeX DVI drivers)
.pk - Text
.pk3 - bonus-skins in the game Star Wars - Jedi Knight : Jedi Outcast.
.pk3 - Quake 3 Arena soubor (maps, etc. )
.pk4 - Doom 3 packed soubor (Doom 3 - PC Game) | www.doom3.com/
.pka - PKArc : Compressed soubor archive
.pkb - QuickPOS (Point-Of-Sale) Keyboard Layout soubor
.pkd - Turbo Pascal Dos compressed Batch soubor
.pkg - AppleLink Package Compression Format soubor
.pkg - Mime: application/x-newton-compatible-pkg
.pkg - MS Developer Studio Application Extension dll similar
.pkg - Next : Installer skript
.pkg - P-CAD : database
.pkg_ - Soubor platformy MAC (Newton Package)
.pki - Mime: application/pkixcmp
.pko - Mime: application/vnd.ms-pki.pko
.pko - PublicKey Security Object
.pkp - Msdev Common Ide Pakage Project soubor
.pkpak - Archive
.pkr - Pretty Good Privacy : Public Keyring
.pkt - Fidonet message PacKeT
.pkt - TeX font : Readable contents of .pk
.pkz - Winoncd Images Mask soubor
.pl - Harvard Palette (Harvard Graphics is now Serif)
.pl - Interleaf printerleaf (or WorldView) format
.pl - Mime: text/plain
.pl - Mime: text/x-skript.perl
.pl - PerL skript language source code soubor
.pl - ProLog language source code soubor
.pl - TeX : Property List font metric soubor
.pl - Text
.pl1 - 3D Home Architect : Room plan
.pl1 - PL/1 programming lang source soubor
.pl3 - Harvard Chart Palette (Harvard Graphics taken over by Serif)
.pl4 - Micrografx Designer Palette
.pla - ArchiCAD Archive
.plasma - Plasma fractal image
.platform - Topsy soubor
.player - player 6.1 formats music/sound (Asle / ReDoX)
.player - The player 4.0 (music/sound)
.playlist - PlayList soubor
.plb - AAICWpro log soubor
.plb - Foxpro Library
.plb - LogoShow Screensaver
.plb - P-CAD data
.plb - The Print Shop Multimedia Organizer
.plc - Lotus Add-in (functions macros applications)
.plc - Mime: application/vnd.Mobius.PLC
.plc - P-CAD : Database
.pld - PhotoDeluxe PhotoLine image document
.pld - PLD2 Source soubor
.plex - Visual Perl soubor
.plg - ButtonGadget.exe (template plugin for Button Maker Utility: www.buttongadget.com)
.plg - soubor format used by REND386/AVRIL
.plg - Microsoft Developer Studio : Build log
.plg - Mime: text/html
.plh - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.pli - Oracle 7 Data Deskription
.pli - PL/1 programming lang source
.plj - Mime: audio/vnd.everad.plj
.plk - Op9630 Am32 soubor
.pll - CA Clipper 5 : Prelinked library
.plm - DisorderTracker2 : Module Statix
.plmxml - plmxml - xml document format (Solid Edge) | www.ugs.com/products/velocity/solidedge/solidEdge.shtml
.pln - ArchiCAD Solo soubor
.pln - WordPerfect Spreadsheet soubor
.plot - Unix Plot(5) format : Vector graphics
.plp2 - Soubor platformy MAC (Persuasion)
.plp3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Persuasion)
.plr - Descent Pilot soubor
.plr - Player soubor
.pls - DisorderTracker2 : Sample soubor
.pls - Mime: audio/mpegurl
.pls - Mime: audio/scpls
.pls - Mime: audio/x-mpequrl
.pls - Mime: audio/x-scpls
.pls - Mime: uadio/scpls
.pls - MYOB Data soubor
.pls - Name & address soubor for WinPas Plus32 app
.pls - Name and Address soubor for the WinPAS Plus32 application
.pls - Napster MPEG PLayList soubor
.pls - Real MP3 Playlist
.pls - Shoutcast soubor
.pls - WinAmp Music playlist
.plt - AutoCAD HPGL Vector Graphic Plotter soubor
.plt - Bentley's CAD MicroStation Driver Configuration for Plotting
.plt - CA Clipper 5 pre-linked transfer soubor for .pll
.plt - Clipper 5 : Pre-linked transfer soubor
.plt - EPOC Software platform soubor
.plt - Geoworks Glue Software platform soubor
.plt - Gerber Sign-making Software soubor
.plt - HP Graphics Language (plotter)
.plt - LOTUS Organiseur
.plt - Page Magic 2.0 : Paper format
.plt - Page Magic paper format
.plt - Palette soubor
.plt - PCAD 8.5 drawing image format
.plt - Pre-linked transfer soubor (Clipper 5)
.plt - Windows Update
.pltn - Soubor platformy MAC (Appearance Theme)
.plug - Soubor platformy MAC (Plug-In)
.plugin - Amaya pluginlib soubor
.plx - Mime: application/x-PiXCLskript
.plx - PERL programming language skript
.ply - 3d Graphic
.ply - Autodesk Polygon Format
.ply - Data soubor (PopMail)
.ply - Harvard Spotlight : Presentation screen
.ply - Polygon mesh format ZipPack by Silicon Graphics
.plz - Presentation LOTUS Freelance
.pm - Mime: application/x-perl
.pm - Mime: image/x-xpixmap
.pm - Mime: text/x-skript.perl-module
.pm - Perl Script Module
.pm - Power Music Format
.pm - Presentation Manager : Bitmap graphics
.pm - Rebel Assault soubor
.pm - X Window PixelMap : Bitmap graphics (8bit text)
.pm3 - PageMaker 3 Document
.pm4 - Mime: application/x-pagemaker
.pm4 - PageMaker 4 Document
.pm5 - Mime: application/x-pagemaker
.pm5 - PageMaker 5 Document
.pm5f - Soubor platformy MAC (PageMaker)
.pm6 - PageMaker 6 Document
.pm? - PageMaker Document
.pma - Archive format used on MSX computers
.pma - Performance Monitor : Data
.pmb - Picture; Bitmap/tbv
.pmc - A4TECH Scanner : Graphics
.pmc - Windows Performance Monitor Settings
.pmd - AdobePagemaker soubor
.pmdh - Soubor platformy MAC (Pegasus Mai)
.pme - Plazmic Media Engine soubor
.pmg - Pagemaker Group soubor (EPS graphic)
.pmg - Paint Magic image format
.pmi - OS/2 : Program manager information
.pmi - Pegasus Mail Message Folder Index soubor
.pml - Mime: application/vnd.ctc-posml
.pml - PADGen Program Information
.pml - PageMaker 4 library
.pml - Pegasus Mail Distribution List
.pml - Windows NT Performance Monitor Log
.pmm - Amaris BTX/2 program soubor
.pmm - Pegasus Mail Mail Message Folder
.pmp - AutoCAD : Plotter Model Parameters soubor
.pmp - Image Sony DSC-F1 Cyber-shot Camera (jpeg)
.pmp - Pegasus Mail notepad soubor
.pmp - Photomorph : Project
.pmp - PowerMedia : Color palette
.pmp - Project Manager Pro : Schedule
.pmp - ThumbsPlus : Graphics
.pmp - VideoCraft GIF Animator Project
.pmr - PhotoModeler : Project
.pmr - Windows NT Performance Monitor Report
.pmt - Photomodeler Lite Tutorials soubor
.pmw - Windows NT Performance Monitor Workspace
.pmx - PageMaker document (x=ver.)
.pm_ - Midiprg Musicato Musicat.zit compressed soubor
.pn3 - Harvard Printer Driver (Harvard Graphics taken over by Serif)
.pnc - "IBM Voice Type" languages skripts Data soubor
.pnc - Palm OS configuration soubor
.pnc1 - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Utilities)
.pnch - Soubor platformy MAC (RealPlayer Channel)
.pnd - DATAIR Pension System Pending soubor
.pndd - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Disk Doctor)
.pnde - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Disk Edi)
.pnf - standalone stream : Bitmap graphics (Portable Network graphics Frame)
.pnf - Windows : Precompiled setup information
.pnfc - Soubor platformy MAC (FileSaver Data File)
.pnfd - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton FileSaver Data)
.pnff - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Fast Find)
.pnfl - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Floppier)
.pnfv - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton FileSaver Volume)
.pnfx - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton FileSaver Index)
.png - Browser catalogue (Paint Shop Pro)
.png - Mime: image/png
.png - Mime: image/x-png
.png - PaintShop Pro Browser
.png - Grafický formát - obrázek, fotka - zejména pro internet
.pngf - Soubor platformy MAC (PNG Imagereionente Fippng)
.png_ - Soubor platformy MAC (PNG Imagereionente Fippng)
.pnl - PaNeL soubor
.pnm - Mime: application/x-portable-anymap
.pnm - Mime: image/x-portable-anymap
.pnm - PBM Portable aNyMap : Bitmap graphics
.pnnb - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Backup)
.pnne - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Encrypt)
.pnnu - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Utilities)
.pnq - ICQ ( instant messaging)
.pnra - Soubor platformy MAC (RealPlayer Filente Fippra)
.pnrm - Soubor platformy MAC (RealPlayer Filente Fipprm)
.pnsd - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Speed Disk)
.pnsi - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton System Info)
.pnst - Soubor platformy MAC (RealAudio)
.pnst - Soubor platformy MAC (RealAudio Preference File)
.pnt - Apple MacPaint format : Bitmap graphics
.pnt - ARC format : Vector point data
.pnt - FTN software : Pointlist segment
.pnt - MarkMail 2.x : Qwk reader pointer soubor
.pnt - Paperport Thumbsview
.pnt - Pro/Engineer : Pen Table plotting soubor
.pntg - Soubor platformy MAC (MacPaint Image)
.pntg - Apple Macintosh MacPaint/SuperPaint soubor : Bitmap graphics B&W
.pnue - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Open Unerase)
.pnvr - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Open Volume Recov)
.pnwi - Soubor platformy MAC (Norton Wipe Info)
.po - CONFIG 915E soubor
.poa - Fifa World Cup game data fe art Legalscr soubor
.pob - 3d Graphic
.poc - PocoScript soubor
.poco - Soubor platformy MAC (Apple Guide)
.pod - Perl POD-formated text, can get converted to html,text,doc...
.pod - Text
.pod - Punch CAD Program (Punch! Home Design Architectural Series®) | www.punchsoftware.com/
.pod - PodFlow Project soubor (PodFlow) | www.ikonavs.com/PodDownloadsMain.html
.pog - Descent2 soubor Pig soubor ext.
.poh - Geoworks : Optimized .goh include soubor
.pok - ZX SPECTRUM emulator
.pol - AsctoHTM Policy soubor
.pol - InnovMetric Software : 3D Polygon Models Format
.pol - Music soubor
.pol - Policy Windows 95 network setup
.policy - Javasoft Jre 1.3 lib security soubor
.poo - INITeX : String pool
.pool - TeX messages soubor
.pop - AAICWpro saved pop3 mail
.pop - dBase Popup Menu, dbase application generator
.pop - PopMail : Messages index
.por - Painter4 soubor
.pos - Poster
.pos - ProCite Output Styles
.pos - QuickPOS IIF soubor (see IIF above)
.pot - Animation
.pot - Fractint continuous potential image
.pot - Microsoft PowerPoint Template
.pot - Mime: application/mspowerpoint
.pot - Mime: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.pot - PowerPoint Template
.potm - PowerPoint 2007 Macro-Enabled XML Template (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.potx - PowerPoint 2007 XML Template (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com
.pov - Mime: model/x-pov
.pov - Persistance Of Vision : Raytraced graphics image
.pow - PowerChords : Instrument or song soubor
.power - Goo Picture Library
.pp - PowerPacker : Compressed Amiga soubor archive
.pp$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk6 soubor
.pp4 - Micrografix Picture Publisher 4 : Bitmap graphics
.pp5 - Micrografx Picture Publisher soubor
.ppa - Mime: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.ppa - PowerPoint Add-in/slides
.ppam - PowerPoint 2007 Macro-Enabled XML Add-In (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.ppb - WordPerfect Print Preview Button Bar
.ppc - Game: Uefa champions league soubor
.ppd - PageMaker : PostScript printer deskription soubor
.ppf - Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 Preset soubor
.ppf - Micrografx Picture Publisher
.ppf - Turtle Beach : Pinnacle Program soubor
.ppi - MS PowerPoint Graphics soubor
.ppk - PPK : Archive (many distributives)
.ppl - Harvard Graphics 3 Polaroid Palette Plus ColorKey Driver
.ppm - Mime: image/x-portable-pixmap
.ppm - PBM Portable Pixelmap Graphic
.ppnt - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint)
.ppo - CA Clipper 5.x : Preprocessor output
.ppot - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint Template)
.ppp - Document or finished project (Parson Power Publisher)
.ppp - Enfocus Preflight Prosoubor
.ppp - Point to Point Protocol
.ppp - Punk Productions Picture image format
.ppp - Serif PagePlus Publication
.ppp9 - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint Wizard)
.pps - ArcView : processing set codes
.pps - Mime: application/mspowerpoint
.pps - Mime: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.pps - Paint Shop Pro image
.pps - Personal Producer Storyboard
.pps - PowerPoint Slideshow (Microsoft PowerPoint) | www.microsoft.cz
.ppsm - PowerPoint 2007 Macro-Enabled XML Show (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.ppss - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint Slide ShowFppt)
.ppsx - PowerPoint 2007 XML Show (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.ppt - Microsoft BIFF soubor
.ppt - Mime: application/mspowerpoint
.ppt - Mime: application/powerpoint
.ppt - Mime: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.ppt - Mime: application/x-mspowerpoint
.ppt - Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation soubor type (Microsoft PowerPoint)
.ppt3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Power Point 3 (PC ext: PPT)
.ppt3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Power Point 98 (PC ext: PPT)
.ppt3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) PowerPoint (all versions)
.ppt3 - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint)
.pptm - PowerPoint 2007 Macro-Enabled XML Presentation (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com/office
.pptv - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint Viewer)
.pptx - PowerPoint 2007 XML Presentation (Microsoft Office 2007) | www.microsoft.com
.ppv - Microsoft Pocket Powerpoint Presentation for Windows CE
.ppv - Vox Proxy Animated PowerPoint (Vox Proxy) | www.voxproxy.com/
.ppv - Punch CAD Program Thumbnail (Punch! Home Design Architectural Series®) | www.punchsoftware.com/
.ppw - Micrografx Picture Publisher wizard
.ppx - Serif PagePlus Publication
.ppz - Mime: application/mspowerpoint
.ppz - Mime: application/ppt
.ppz - PowerPoint Packaged Presentation
.ppz9 - Soubor platformy MAC (PowerPoint Wizard)
.pq - Adobe Pagemaker Default Printer Style
.pqb - PowerQuest BootMagic : Master boot backup soubor
.pqf - Corel Presentations Runtime
.pqf - Mime: application/x-cprplayer
.pqg - Rescue Me Os2dos soubor
.pqi - Mime: application/cprplayer
.pqi - PowerQuest : Drive image soubor
.pqw - Corel Presentations Runtime
.pqx - Power Quest Drive Image Index
.pr - Sun raster soubor : Bitmap graphics, icon,cursor
.pr1 - Packrat 4.0 : Data soubor
.pr2 - Aldus Persuasion 2.x presentation
.pr2 - dBase IV Printer Driver
.pr2 - Packrat 4.x data soubor
.pr3 - Aldus Persuasion Presentation
.pr3 - dBase IV PostScript Printer Driver
.prc - Palm OS resource (text or program) soubor
.prc - Corel Presentation
.prc - Picture Gear Pocket image format
.prc - Programming
.prc - Rational Rose : Processes
.prd - Lode Runner game
.prd - Microsoft Dos Word Printer Driver
.prdg - Soubor platformy MAC (Elastic Reality Project)
.pre - CMYK bitmap image (Stork format)
.pre - Freelance Presentation
.pre - Mime: application/vnd.lotus-freelance
.pre - Mime: application/x-freelance
.pre - Settings (Programmer's WorkBench/Ms C/C++)
.preextenSIONMANAGER - Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 Configuration Menus soubor
.pref - Soubor platformy MAC (Preference Fil)
.pref - Soubor platformy MAC (Preference File)
.pref - Soubor platformy MAC (Preference File)
.prep - AMBER PREP chemical modeller input soubor
.prer - Soubor platformy MAC (Printer Driver)
.pres - Soubor platformy MAC (Chooser Extension)
.prf - CheckIt Pro 1.0 : Data soubor
.prf - ClarisWorks preferences soubor
.prf - dBase IV Printer Driver
.prf - Improces - Fastgraph : Bitmap graphics (pixel run format)
.prf - Macromedia Director : Settings soubor
.prf - McAfee Viruscan prosoubor
.prf - Mime: application/pics-rules
.prf - PICS Rules soubor
.prf - plot reference soubor
.prf - Polychrome Recursive Format image format
.prf - Preferences (like INI)
.prf - Prosouborr output: Function list (MS Prosouborr)
.prf - Rapsoubor
.prf - Settings soubor (Macromedia Director)
.prf - Windows system soubor
.prfl - Soubor platformy MAC (Netscape User Profile)
.prg - Atari program
.prg - Gem executable program
.prg - OzWin Purged Messages soubor
.prg - Program source (dBFast)
.prg - Program source soubors CA Clipper 5
.prg - Program source soubors dBase IV
.prg - Program source soubors Microsoft FoxPro
.prg - WAVmaker : Program soubor
.prh - Cold Fusion Studio 3.1 Project
.prh - HomeSite 3.0 Project
.pri - LocoScript Printer Definitions
.pri - Prisms
.prj - ArcView : projections definition soubor
.prj - AutoDesk 3D Studio soubor
.prj - AwpHelp project
.prj - soubor containing information about a programming project
.prj - HitPlayer Advanced Playlist soubor
.prj - MyCad : IC layout architecture
.prj - Project soubor used by many prgs
.prk - CampgroundMaster/ResortMaster Database
.prk - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Saved Park
.prl - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.prl - seldom used for .pl = perl source soubor
.prm - BullsEye style soubor
.prm - Parameter soubor (Generic)
.prm - Prolog Module (tokenized code)
.prmr - Soubor platformy MAC (Premiere)
.prmt - Soubor platformy MAC (PrintMonitor)
.prn - black and white or 4bit CMYK : Bitmap graphics (Calcomp Raster)
.prn - DataCAD Windows Printer soubor
.prn - generally Printer output soubor
.prn - HP Printer Control Language
.prn - PostScript soubor
.prn - Print Table
.prn - Printer driver (Signature)
.prn - Text soubor (Lotus 1-2-3/Symphony)
.prn - XYWrite Printer Driver
.pro - abbrev. for project, used by many prgs
.pro - Configuration soubor (Pro/Engineer)
.pro - Configuration soubor (PROsoubor) used by many programs
.pro - DOS : Graphics prosoubor soubor
.pro - Euphoria Prosoubor soubor
.pro - Graphics prosoubor soubor (DOS)
.pro - MS program prosoubor
.pro - Pagis Pro 3.0 : Graphics soubor
.pro - Project soubor of Lorenz Graf's HTML tool
.pro - Prolog language source code soubor
.pro - Terramodel Project soubor
.product - Norton Ghost soubor
.prof - Soubor platformy MAC (ColorSync Profile)
.prof - Soubor platformy MAC (Metrowerks Profile)
.prof - Soubor platformy MAC (MW Profiler)
.profiles - Amaya config soubor
.prog - Soubor platformy MAC (CD Remote Program Fil)
.proj - Soubor platformy MAC (Localized Project)
.proj - Soubor platformy MAC (THINK Project)
.proj - NeXT : Project soubor (Interface Builder)
.promizer - Promizer v0.1/v1.0c/v1.8a/v2.0/v4.0 formats
.prop - AVS (Application Visualization System) AVS high-end visualization environment.
.propackeR - ProPacker v1.0/v2.1/v3.0 formats music/sound (Asle / ReDoX)
.properties - Java Properties soubor
.prorunneR - ProRunner v1/v2 formats (music/sound)(Asle / ReDoX)
.proto - Windows amaya soubor
.proxy - Mime: application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
.prp - Movie
.prp - Oberon Prospero : Data conversion saved project soubor
.prp - Rational Rose : Model properties
.prr - Perfect Resume : The Perfect Resume data soubor
.prs - dBase Procedure
.prs - Harvard soubor (Harvard Graphics now Serif)
.prs - LodeRunner game
.prs - Lotus Freelance PReSentation for OS/2
.prs - Norton Viewer DLL
.prs - WordPerfect Printer Resource Font soubor
.prs1 - Soubor platformy MAC (Persuasion 2 Presentation)
.prs2 - Soubor platformy MAC (Persuasion 2 Presentation)
.prst - Soubor platformy MAC (Photoshop Settings File)
.prt - Attention: soubor of W32/Parrot-A worm
.prt - CADkey Part soubor
.prt - Dr.Halo printer driver
.prt - Formatted text
.prt - Mime: application/pro_eng
.prt - Ms Schedule+ PrinT
.prt - P-CAD component
.prt - Printer Configuration : IRMA WORKSTATION FOR WINDOWS
.prt - Printer formatted soubor (from a Print-to-soubor operation)
.prt - PTC Pro/Engineer Part soubor
.prt - SolidWorks Part soubor (SolidWorkś)
.prt - NX, Solid Edge Part soubor (CAD modeling data) (NX, Solid Edge) | www.ugs.com/products/nx
.prt - Windows directory (with .EXE soubors of the same root name)
.prt - PTC Pro/Engineer Part soubor (Pro/Engineer) | www.ptc.com/appserver/mkt/products/home.jsp?k=403
.prt1 - Soubor platformy MAC (Persuasion 1 Slide)
.prt2 - Soubor platformy MAC (Persuasion 2)
.prtc - Soubor platformy MAC (OmniPage)
.prv - Backup soubor
.prv - ClarisWorks soubor
.prv - Previous Version (used for soubors that change)
.prv - psiMail : Internet provider template soubor
.prvkr - Pretty Good Privacy : Private keyring
.prx - Atari ST executable
.prx - Foxpro Compiler Program
.prx - Profil Windows Media | www.microsoft.cz
.prz - Lotus Freelance Graphics soubor (Lotus Freelance Graphics)
.prz - Mime: application/vnd.lotus-freelance
.pr_ - (compressed) proj soubor
.ps - Mime: application/postskript
.ps - MSWORKS soubor
.ps - PostScript view with Ghostskript viewer
.ps - Adobe PostScript soubor
.ps0 - PS/2 soubor
.ps1 - Ps soubor
.ps16 - Protracker Studio 16 Format
.ps2 - text/graphics : Adobe Level II PostScript document
.ps3 - text/graphics : Adobe Level III PostScript document
.psa - GNU PSA.OUT : Archive (Pretty Simple Archive)
.psb - Pinnacle : Sound Bank soubor
.psb - Velmi objemný dokument, nadrozměrná grafika (Adobe Photoshop) | www.adobe.com
.psc - Paint Shop Pro Presets soubor
.psd - (Adobe) Photoshop Document
.psd - Apple Viewer soubor
.psd - Mime: application/octet-stream
.psd - Periscope Debugger definition soubor
.pse - IBM printer Page SEgment : Bitmap graphics
.pseg - IBM printer Page SEgment : Bitmap graphics
.pseg3820 - Mime: application/vnd.ibm.modcap
.psf - ChiWriter : Outline PostScript printer font
.psf - MicroStation Plot specification
.psf - PhotoStudio soubor image format
.psf - PowerSoft Report soubor
.psf - Adobe Photoshop ProofSetup soubor (Adobe Photoshop) | www.adobe.com
.psf - Insight II X-PLOR Molecular Structure soubor
.psi - Psion : A-law audio soubor
.psi2 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) MS Works 2.0 PSI2_text
.psi2 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Works 2
.psid - ascii soubor : Postskript image data (text/graphics)
.psid - Mime: audio/prs.sid
.psid - Picture / text
.psid - Sidtune soubor formats (Word)
.psin - PS-GVB Input chemical modeller input soubor
.psion - Psion a-law audio : Sound
.psip - (MAC CREATOR CODE) MS Works 1.1 PSIP_text
.psm - Protracker Studio Module (sound)
.psm - Sound data for Epic's games
.psm - SolidEdge document format (Solid Edge) | www.ugs.com/products/velocity/solidedge/solidEdge.shtml
.psm - Turbo Pascal symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal) | www.borland.com
.psm - PrintShop Mail Data soubor (PrintShop Mail) | www.objectiflune.com/OL/en-CA/Products/PrintShopMail/Index.aspx
.psn - Sound Script : Presentation soubor
.psout - PS-GVB Output chemical modeller input soubor
.psp - PaintShop Pro Image
.psp - Prodea Synergy procedure
.psp - Scenicsoft Preps : Postskript prepped imposed print soubor
.psp - Adobe Photoshop preferences soubor (Adobe Photoshop) | www.adobe.com
.pspt - Soubor platformy MAC (Apple File Exchange)
.psq - Postskript Grafic
.psr - PowerSoft : Report soubor
.pss - Adobe Type Manager PostScript stub
.pst - BMail postbox soubor
.pst - Lahey Fortran paste buffer
.pst - MS Exchange Address Book soubor
.pst - MS Outlook Personal Folder soubor
.pst - Personal Folder soubor (Microsoft Outlook)
.pst - Ulead Pattern image format
.psw - Broderbund's Print Shop Deluxe (ver. 6) soubor
.psx - Dirty Little Helper Chat soubor
.psy - PLD2 System soubor
.psz - Creaf Awedip Doc soubor
.pt - Kodak Precition Color Management System
.pt - Pitch Track sound
.pt - Player Tools game crack
.pt - Pop!site; HTML
.pt - Page template soubor
.pt3 - Harvard Device Driver (Harvard Graphics now Serif)
.pt3 - PageMaker Template
.pt4 - PageMaker 4 Template
.pt5 - PageMaker 5 Template
.pt6 - PageMaker 6 Doc Template
.ptb - Power Tab Guitar Tablature Editor
.ptb - Pro/Engineer : Table soubor
.ptb - PubTech BatchWorks : Script
.ptc - Abbyy Finereader 5.0 pro soubor
.ptd - Pro/ENGINEER : Table soubor
.pte - "Picture to Exe" project
.pte - Pop!site
.pth - Path
.pti - Mime: image/prs.pti
.pti - Pop!site
.pti - PTI-Plugin : Graphics
.ptif - Pyramid encoded TIFF : Bitmap graphics
.ptk - Quicken intuit(old) de online dat soubor
.ptl - ASCII version of Microsoft Visual Modeler : Petal soubor
.ptl - Painter4 soubor
.ptl - Rational Rose 98 : Petal
.ptlk - Mime: application/listenup
.ptm - Module audio Poly Tracker
.ptm - Page Magic 2.0 Template
.ptm - Polytracker : Music format
.ptm - PubTech BatchWorks : Macro
.ptn - Amaya dicopar soubor
.ptp - C Poet Examples Advanced soubor
.ptr - OS/2 PTR soubor : Cursor image soubor
.ptr - QMail : Qwk reader pointer soubor
.pts - Abbyy Finereader 5.0 Pro soubor
.ptt - Context4 dos word processor Print soubor
.ptu - Performer Terrain Utilities
.ptx - PageMaker template (x = ver.)
.ptx - Pop!site
.ptx - Printronix graphics soubor : Bitmap graphics
.ptx - Rayman2 soubor
.pty - Rational Rose 98 : Properties
.pt__ - Soubor platformy MAC (Kodak Precision File)
.pub - Mime: application/x-mspublisher
.pub - MS Publisher Document
.pub - Public key for Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
.pub - Publication (PageMaker/Ventura Publisher/1st Publisher)
.pub - Ventura Publication
.pubf - Soubor platformy MAC (PageMaker 2 Document)
.pubkr - Pretty Good Privacy : Public key ring
.pud - WarCraft II : Map soubor
.puf - Puffer Encrypted soubor
.pul - Dinfo soubor
.put - PUT : Compressed soubor archive
.put - WScan : Graphics
.puz - Across puzzle
.puz - BrainsBreaker Puzzle : Puzzle soubor
.puz - Crossword
.puz - Mime: application/x-crossword
.puz - Puzzle
.puzz - X11 Puzzle : Bitmap graphics (8bit)
.puzzle - X11 Puzzle : Bitmap graphics (8bit)
.pv - Phase Vocorder : Analysis data
.pvd - Instalit : Script
.pvg - Ms Encarta World Atlas Pushpins
.pvk - Msdev Common Ide resources soubor
.pvl - Instalit : Library
.pvt - FTN software : Local Fidonet pointlist
.pvti - Visualization Toolkit Parallel Image Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.pvtp - Visualization Toolkit Parallel Polygonal Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.pvtr - Visualization Toolkit Parallel Rectilinear Grid Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.pvts - Visualization Toolkit Parallel Structured Points Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.pvtu - Visualization Toolkit Parallel Unstructured Points Data (http://www.vtk.org)
.pvu - Mime: paleovu/x-pv
.pvu - PaleoVu : Paleoenvironmental data
.pw - Professional Write text document
.pwa - Password Agent soubor
.pwd - Microsoft Pocket Word for Windows CE docu
.pwd - TBAV soubor
.pwd - Solid Edge document | www.ugs.com/products/velocity/solidedge/solidEdge.shtml
.pwf - ProCite Workforms
.pwi - Soubor poznámek z PDA (Poznámky)
.pwl - Windows Password soubor
.pwn - Mime: application/vnd.3M.Post-it-Notes
.pwp - Photoworks image soubor (roll of soubor)
.pwp - Professional WritePlus text document
.pwp - Seattle Film Works multi-image
.pwr - A PWR soubor is an XPower power report soubor
.pwrk - Image Apple IIGS
.pww - Patternland Weave Simulator soubor format
.pwz - Microsoft Powerpoint : Wizard
.pwz - Mime: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint
.px - Borland Paradox : Primary database index
.px1 - Image Pixel Paint
.px5 - Poker Pal third-party plug-in soubor (Poker Pal plug-in) | poker-pal.com/plugins.html
.pxa - Image Pegs
.pxa - Pixia Color Painter soubor
.pxb - Image Pixibox
.pxd - Sound
.pxe - Partial XML Envelope
.pxj - Pixtran soubor
.pxj - Stomp ( click N' Burn program as a CD Mastering soubor) Saves the info for a list of tracks to burn a CD
.pxl - Microsoft Pocket Excel : Spreadsheet
.pxl - Pixclskript skript
.pxl - Pixel data of TeX driver
.pxm - Pixel Magician native format : Bitmap graphics
.pxn - Pixtran soubor
.pxn - Twain32 soubor
.pxp - 3D Studio : Process soubor
.pxr - 3D rendering soubor
.pxr - Photoshop : Bitmap graphics (Pixar image)
.pxs - Image Pegs
.pxt - Nte2000 soubor
.pxw - Pixtran
.pxw - Twain32 soubor
.py - Mime: text/x-skript.phyton
.py - Python skript language source code soubor
.py - Yahoo Saved Messages
.py - Oracle Batch Procedure
.pyc - compiled source code : Python skript
.pyc - Mime: applicaiton/x-bytecode.python
.pyo - Python Compiled soubor open with: python.exe
.pyw - Python NoCon soubor open with: pythonw.exe
.pz - Png soubor /compressed
.pzd - Pizazz Plus soubor
.pzi - Pizazz Plus Graphics soubor
.pzip - Soubor platformy MAC (ZIP Archive)
.pzl - Lode Runner Puzzle Set
.pzl - Unix Puzzle : Bitmap graphics (8bit)
.pzm - GraphPad Prism
.pzo - Pizazz Plus soubor
.pzp - MGI Photosuite Project image format
.pzp - Pizazz Plus Palette soubor
.pzs - Pizazz Plus Palette Settings soubor
.pzt - Pizazz Plus : Transfer soubor
.pzx - Pizazz Plus : Swap soubor
.pzz - Curious Labs Compressed Poser soubor