.g - Ashton Tate Applause Chart
.g - Gaussian Z-matrix chemical modeller output soubor
.g - Mime: text/plain
.g - Paradox soubor
.g16 - GoldED / DOS compiled config
.g3 - G3 fax soubor
.g3 - Mime: image/g3fax
.g32 - GFA BASIC 32 Program soubor
.g3f - Zetafax TIFF soubor (fine resolution)
.g3n - Imaging Fax image format
.g4 - Access image format
.g721 - Raw CCITT G.721 1bit ADPCM data : Sound data
.g723 - Raw CCITT G.723 3 or 5bit ADPCM data : Sound data
.g726 - Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 2, 3, 4 or 5bit ADPCM data : Sound data
.g7xx - PCM, U-law, A-law, G7xx ADPCM sound soubors
.g8 - Cubicomp PictureMaker (green channel image data :24bit 3D animation)
.g8 - PicLab raw graphics (one byte pp)
.g94 - Gaussian 94 Output chemical modeller input soubor
.gac - Global Audio Control Skin
.gac - Mime: application/vnd.groove-account
.gad - Golden Arrow. See www.cranachan-software.com
.gadget - Windows sidebar gadget soubor (Microsoft Windows Vista) | www.microsoft.com/windows/products/windowsvista/
.gaf - Total Annihilation image format
.gak - Win32 Shellext soubor
.gal - Clipart; Corel Gallery (thumbnails)
.gal - Hewlett-Packard Graphics Galery
.gam - Fax (GammaFax)
.gamin - Gamess Input chemical modeller output soubor
.gamout - GAMESS Output chemical modeller input soubor
.gap - PhotoImpact Pencil Style
.garmin - The Garmin Hacking Project
.gat - Gator soubor
.gau - Game: Ms flight Panels Gauges soubor
.gau - Mime: chemical/x-gaussian-input
.gauout - Gaussian 92 Output chemical modeller input soubor
.gb - Chinese text
.gb - Gameboy game
.gb - Printfox/Pagefox image format
.gb$ - Basic Vb Beispiel Kartei soubor
.gba - GrabIt Batch soubors
.gbc - Color emulator ROM image soubor (Nintendo GameBoy)
.gbf - General Bible Format Tagging Specification
.gbk - Delphi Runimage Iblocal Examples soubor
.gbl - VAXTPU editor GlobaL definitions
.gbl - Visual Basic Global Definition
.gbly - Soubor platformy MAC (System Enabler)
.gbook - The Guest Book Egbook soubor
.gbr - Gimp BRush
.gbt - Photoshop soubor
.gc1 - Golden Common Lisp 1.1 source code soubor
.gc3 - Golden Common Lisp 3.1 source code soubor
.gcart - Gaussian Cartesian chemical modeller output soubor
.gcb - Chord Buster Sequences soubor
.gcc - Gnu C++ soubor
.gccv - Soubor platformy MAC (PageMaker Filter)
.gcd - Generic CAD Drawing format (vector)
.gcd - Soubor vytvořený vypalovacím programem (Prassi Global-CD) | www.prassi.com
.gci - GTA2 Game soubor
.gcp - Ground Control Point soubor
.gdb - Formula 1 car race 2001 Season01 soubor
.gdb - Mime: x-lml/x-gdb
.gdb - Datový soubor, databázový soubor
.gdf - Bitmap IBM Graphics Data Format
.gdf - GEOS Dictionary soubor
.gdi - GEM Metasoubor Image
.gdl - ArchiCAD Geometric Deskription Language data soubor
.gdl - Mime: model/vnd.gdl
.gdl - Mime: model/vnd.gs.gdl
.gdm - Bwsb120b Demo soubor
.gds - McDonnell-Douglas Things
.gdsii - VLSI cad layout format (for integrated circuits)
.gdsp - Soubor platformy MAC (Astound)
.ge - Gecho config soubor
.ge2 - 3d model: Maya 4 GE2 exporter (faces,vertices,TRI-tesselation etc)
.gea - Fifa World Cup game data fe art Legalscr soubor
.geb - Dr hardware soubor
.ged - EnerGraphics graphics editor soubor
.ged - GoldED / DOS compiled config soubor
.ged - Graphic Environment Document (Arts & Letters)
.ged - Micrografx Simply 3D Geometry
.ged - Wicat image
.gedcom - GEnealogical Data COMmunication standard
.gef - Graphics Exchange Format
.gem - GEM Picture; Gem Meta-soubor (vector)
.gem - Ventura Publisher vector image
.gen - Compiled template (dBASE Application Generator)
.gen - Ventura Publisher GENerated text soubor
.geo - GeoPaint image format
.geo - Geoworks Geode (GEOS executable)
.geo - GoldED / OS/2 compiled config soubor
.geo - VideoScape 3D object
.geom - AVS (Application Visualization System) Used by the AVS commercial high-end visualization environment.
.ger - German text/html info soubor
.gerber - Printed circuit board photoplotter soubors
.get - Povwin Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 soubor
.getright - GetRight Unfinished-Download soubor
.gex - GEcho config soubor
.gf - MetaFont font soubor
.gfa - Basic Gfa Gfados soubor
.gfb - Bitmap picture; GifBlast variation of GIF
.gfc - Patton&Patton Flowcharting 4 flowchart soubor
.gfi - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gfm - CGM picture; Ashton Tate Applause
.gfm - Computer Graphics Meta-soubor
.gfo - SGI Radiosity
.gft - Font soubor (GEM/NeoPaint)
.gfw - Basic Gfa soubor
.gfx - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gfx - Instant Artist image
.gg - Koala Paint Compressed image format
.ggs - Audio soubor
.ghi - an INI soubor for NCSA Mosaic
.gho - Norton Ghostback soubor
.ghs - Ghostback soubor
.ghs - Tarshare soubor
.gi - Audio Utility Tuningwrench compressed soubor
.gib - Chart (Graph-in-the-Box)
.gid - General index of a Win 95 help soubors
.gif - CompuServe bitmap image (Graphics Interchange Format),widely used Internet Format
.gif - Mime: image/gif
.gif2 - Netobjects fusion Styles Lines soubor
.gif87 - Gif(87) soubor
.gif89a - Gif 89a image soubor
.giff - Soubor platformy MAC (GIF files created by PageMill)
.giff - Soubor platformy MAC (GIF files created by PageMill (PC ext: GIF))
.giff - Soubor platformy MAC (GIF Image Filter Databgif)
.giff - CompuServe bitmap image (Graphics Interchange Format)
.gif_ - Soubor platformy MAC (GIF Image Filter Databgif)
.gig - Gigasampler soubor
.gim - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gim - Mime: application/vnd.groove-identity-message
.gio - Nyquist V2.10 Test soubor
.gis - Erdas gray-scale bitmap image
.giw - Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows)
.gix - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gkh - Ensoniq disk image (sound) (VFX SD EPS ASR TS)
.gkon - Soubor platformy MAC (GraphicConverter)
.gks - Graphics Kernel System
.gks - Gravis GripKey document
.gl - Animation (GRASP - GRAphical System for Presentation format)
.gl - GALink skript
.gl - Mime: video/gl
.gl - Mime: video/x-gl
.gl3 - Green line soubor
.glb - GLoBal module in Basic program
.glc - 3d Graphic
.glf - 3d font used by glf
.glf - Golf Save soubor
.glm - Glim datasoubor
.glo - Auxiliary for glossary (LaTeX)
.glo - GLObal module in Basic program
.glos - Soubor platformy MAC (MS-Word glossary)
.glos - Soubor platformy MAC (Word Glossary)
.gls - Across datasoubor
.glut - Opengl Glut-3.6 soubor
.glut2 - Opengl Glut-3.6 soubor
.glut3 - Opengl Glut-3.6 soubor
.glv - 2d Graphic
.gly - Glossary (MS Word for DOS)
.gm - Bitmap image (Autologic soubors)
.gm2 - Bitmap image (mode 2 black/white) (Autologic soubors)
.gm4 - Bitmap image (mode 4 gray-scale) (Autologic soubors)
.gmc - Game Music Creator format
.gmf - APPLAUSE CGM image
.gmf - CGM Graphics metasoubor
.gml - Graphlet soubor Format
.gmp - Geomorph tile map (SPX)
.gmr - Schlafhorst Automation Graphical Monitor Record
.gms - Corel Graphics10 Draw soubor
.gna - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gno - Genopro Genealogy Document soubor
.gnt - Generated code (Micro Focus COBOL/2)
.gnu - gzip compressed soubor
.gnu - Gnu licence soubor (readme.gnu)
.gnx - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.go - CompuServe "application/x-gocserve"
.go - GraphOn bitmap image
.go1 - Wingames Go soubor
.goa - Spicecad soubor
.gob - Dark Forces Data
.gobj - Geoworks object code (non-error-checking version)
.goc - Geoworks GOC language source code soubor
.goca - Graphics Object Content Architectuire
.goe - Satellite image data (GOES soubor) (McIDAS system)
.goes - Satellite image data (GOES soubor) (McIDAS system)
.goh - Geoworks Goc language header soubor
.goo - Picture; Kai's Power Goo morphing program--still or multiple-frames
.gook - Soubor platformy MAC (Power Go)
.gotmp - Gaussian Z-matrix tmplt chemical modeller output soubor
.gould - Bitmap image (Gould scanner soubor)
.gp - Geoworks Geode parameter soubor
.gp - Gofer project (Haskell language dialect)
.gp1 - Log soubor | www.delorme.com/
.gp3 - GuitarPro 3
.gp4 - GTX Group IV format /CALS picture
.gpb - Backup configuration soubor (GenieBackup Manager Pro)
.gpc - GenieBackup Manager plugin soubor
.gpc - Exported data soubor format
.gpf - ?? Japanese graphic soubor ?? Any feedback from Japon ???
.gpg - GNU Privacy Guard
.gph - Freelance Graphics for OS/2
.gph - Graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
.gph - Mime: application/vnd.FloGraphIt
.gpi - Bitware Fax soubor
.gpk - Compressed Omnigo soubor archive (Geos package)
.gpl - DeLorme Map'n'Go GPS logs in GPL format
.gpl - Street Atlas logs in GPL format
.gpl - gen. gnuplot plotter soubor
.gpl - Gnu Public Licensee (readme.gpl)
.gplt - Gnuplot plot soubor
.gpp - Serif GraphicsPlus Object
.gprmc - APRS GPS Mobile RMC sentence
.gps - Mime: application/x-gps
.gpx - GPS eXchange Format for navigation data such as routes, trails and waypoints.
.gpx - BASIS soubor | www.basis.com/index.html
.gpx - GraphX dokument (GraphX)
.gpz - Msdev Common Ide Utility Projects soubor
.gq - Epson's page deskription language (printer)
.gqf - Mime: application/vnd.grafeq
.gqs - Mime: application/vnd.grafeq
.gr2 - Win 3.x screen driver
.gr3 - Device Driver
.gr3 - Windows 3.0 screen grabber
.gr96a - GROMOS96 (A) chemical modeller input soubor
.gr96n - GROMOS96 (nm) chemical modeller input soubor
.gra - graphics document
.gra - Microsoft Graph Chart
.gra - SigmaPlot datasoubor
.grads - Metasoubor
.graf - Digital F/X image format
.graph - Amaya soubor
.grasp - Animation (GRAphical System for Presentation format)
.gray - Bitmap image (raw gray bytes)
.gra_ - Soubor platformy MAC (MS Graph Setting File)
.grb - Bitmap image B&W binary (GROB Graphic Object) (HP-48sx calculator)
.grb - Ms-DOS Shell Monitor soubor
.grbdropfILE - GRBDropsoubor
.grd - Adobe Photoshop gradient soubor
.grd - Drivers for GRX (graphics library)
.grd - Grid soubor
.grdef - Geoworks UI resource soubor
.gre - Webalizer.01 Lang soubor
.grey - Raw image format
.grf - Graph soubor (Graph Plus/Charisma)
.grf - Micrografx Drawing (old)
.grf - Stanford image
.grh - Quickbasic image soubor (game)
.grib - Gridded Binary (FM 92-VIII Ext. GRIdded Binary soubor) (WMO CBS)
.grm - Minos soubor
.grn - Drivers for GRX (graphics library)
.gro - HP-48/49 Grob image format
.grp - PixBase pictures GRouP
.grp - Windows Program Group; shortcuts to programs created by Applications Manager; also PAC, DPK, DPG
.grs - grssoubor open with: GetRightgetright.exe
.grv - Cakewalk soubor
.grv - Mime: application/vnd.groove-injector
.grx - GetRight soubor List
.gry - Image (Raw GREY)
.gr~ - DOS7 soubor
.gs - Gofer skript (Haskell language dialect)
.gs1 - GraphShow presentation
.gsd - GSM internet realtime audio
.gsd - Mime: audio/x-gsm
.gsd - Professional Draw vector image
.gsf - Golf Seasons soubor
.gsm - Mime: audio/x-gsm
.gsm - Mime: model/vnd.gdl
.gsm - Mime: model/vnd.gs.gdl
.gsm - Sound (GSM 6.10 prI-ETS 300 036 13kbit/s) (Internet phones)
.gsm - sound soubor
.gsm - Formát Nokia Logo Manageru
.gsm_ - Soubor platformy MAC (GSM Audio File)
.gsp - Geometer's Sketchpad Material soubor
.gsp - Mime: application/x-gsp
.gsp - Giza Specifier Project soubor (20-20 Giza Studio) | www.2020technologies.com/
.gss - Geometer's Sketchpad skript
.gss - Mime: application/x-gss
.gst - Game: need for speed soubor
.gstat - CSD GSTAT chemical modeller input soubor
.gsvr - Soubor platformy MAC (GhostScrip)
.gsw - GraphShow worksheet
.gt - Apple QuickTime movie clip
.gt2 - Graoumftracker (new) music module (MOD) soubor
.gtar - GNU tar compressed soubor archive
.gtar - Mime: application/x-gtar
.gtf - Pga Golf bin soubor
.gtk - Graoumftracker (old) music module (MOD) soubor
.gtm - Mime: application/vnd.froove-tool-message
.gtm - Mime: application/vnd.groove-tool-message
.gto - Quicken intuit(old) de online soubor
.gtp - Atari ST
.gtp - Mime: application/bsi-gtp
.gts - GTS Tracker Modules
.gtw - Mime: model/vnd.gtw
.gtx - Raster graphics (GTX Group IV)
.gtx - seamless textures by Genetica (Spiral Graphics) http://www.spiralgraphics.biz/genetica.htm
.gty - Gibson Tray soubor
.guess - cygnus dejagnu soubor
.gui - Guide Document
.gup - PopMail data
.gv - GrandView outline
.gwm - Epson creativ studio 30 example soubor
.gwp - Greetings WorkShop soubor (is now MS Picture It!)
.gwx - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gwz - Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gx0 - Image Story Board
.gx1 - Show Partner Screen Capture soubor
.gx2 - Image Story Board
.gxa - Attribute Data General CADD Pro General CADD Products, Inc www.generalcadd.com
.gxc - Component data General CADD Pro General CADD Products, Inc www.generalcadd.com
.gxd - drawing soubor General CADD Pro General CADD Products, Inc www.generalcadd.com
.gxf - Font data General CADD Pro General CADD Products, Inc www.generalcadd.com
.gxl - Genus graphics library
.gxm - General CADD Pro General CADD Products, Inc www.generalcadd.com
.gxt - GTA2 Game soubor
.gym - Geoworks generic symbol soubor
.gz - GZIP soubor (Archive for Unix, just compression)
.gz - Mime: application/x-compressed
.gz - Mime: application/x-gzip
.gzf - Webcopier soubor
.gzip - Mime: application/x-gzip
.gzip - Mime: multipart/x-gzip
.gzip - Soubor platformy MAC (Gnu Zip Archiveg Filebggz)
.gzip - Archív
.gzl - Go!Zilla souborlist
.gzmat - Gaussian Z-Matrix chemical modeller input soubor
.gzp - Gazelle System Page