.e - EEL macro language(Epsilon Editor )
.e00 - ArcInfo Coverage Export soubor
.e00 - ESRI map soubor export
.e01 - Arj auto-extractable archiv
.e32 - Inno Setup 1.3 soubor
.e3d - Instant3D Project
.e3d - Macromedia Extreme3D object
.e99 - Steuer99 Daten soubor
.ea3 - Game: fifa 2001 data enviro soubor
.eac - EmEditor Auto Completion soubor
.eadb - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact Print File)
.eal - Enfocus Action List
.eal - Easel programming language source code
.eam - France98 football game audio soubor
.eas - OS/2 extended soubor attributes
.easm - SolidWorks eDrawing Asembly soubor (SolidWorks)
.ebj - Geoworks error-checking object soubor
.ebk - Mime: application/x-expandedbook
.ebo - Microsoft Reader Ebook Format
.ebs - Rational Rose 98 skript source
.ebu - EBU subtitling data exchange soubor format
.ebx - Rational Rose 98 compiled skript
.ec - Preprocessed GOC source code soubor (error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.ecard - eCard (Exchanage Card) format phone index or phone book format
.ecc - Ecchi image format
.ecd - Easy Clean Data soubor ( Configuration )
.ecelp4800 - Mime: audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800
.ecelp7470 - Mime: audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470
.ecf - Micrografx Media Manager
.ecf - Microsoft Office 97 Add-in configuration
.ecg - Preprocessed GOC source code soubor (error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.eci - Exact id , Cleaning and Info soubor
.ecl - Active Media ECLipse (screensaver maker)
.ecm - Cmpro examples soubor
.eco - Orchestria Active Policy Management ( http://www.orchestria.com ) Executive Console configuration information.
.ecpg - Soubor platformy MAC (Text Extension)
.ecs - Easy Clean Selection
.ect - System Dll Epic.ect soubor
.ecw - Enhanced Compressed Wavelet image format
.ecw - System Dll soubor
.ecw2002PUZZLE - EclipseCrossword Puzzle
.ecw2002WORDS - EclipseCrossword Word List
.ed - Tmx Editor soubor
.ed5 - EDMICS bitmap (DOD)
.ed6 - Bitmap; EDMICS
.eda - Ensoniq ASR disk image
.edb - WIN SECURITY soubor
.edc - Kryptel (light) Decoder/Encoder
.edd - Element Definition Document (FrameMaker+SGML documents)
.ede - Ensoniq EPS disk image
.edf - Drumbeat (Internet application) component
.edif - Electronic Design Interchange Format
.edk - Ensoniq KT disk image
.edl - Module musical Edlib
.edm - Active Media Eclipse Data Module
.edm - Mime: application/vnd.novadigm.EDM
.edoc - Soubor platformy MAC (EHelp Document)
.edp - Attachmate Extra! Session
.edq - Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image
.eds - Ensoniq SQ80 disk image
.edt - External editors definitions (DN)
.edt - VAX EDT editor default settings
.edtv - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact Detail Fil)
.edv - Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image
.edw - eDrawings SolidWorks Corp
.edx - Mime: application/vnd.novadigm.EDX
.eea - Encrypted E-mail Attachment (Scanlon Associates Attachment Decoder) | drugpak.com/eea
.eeb - WordPerfect for Win Equation editor button bar
.eenv - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact Envelope)
.eep - Microprocessor's eeprom soubor
.eer - Lahey Fortran execution error messages
.efa - Ensoniq ASR soubor
.efax - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact Fax Form)
.efc - Effect
.efe - Ensoniq EPS soubor
.efe - sound soubor
.efk - Ensoniq KT soubor
.efm - Equation FontMetrics
.efq - Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 soubor
.efs - Ensoniq SQ80 soubor
.efs - FlowChart; EasyFlow 6.x-8.x
.eft - ChiWriter high resolution screen font
.efv - Ensoniq VFX-SD soubor
.efx - Fax (Everex EFax)
.ega - Bitmap. Same as BMP. Saved in EGA resolution / MRBC.EXE
.ega - Ventura Publisher EGA display font
.egg - Game: wer wird millionaer Data Screens soubor
.eggp - Soubor platformy MAC (After Effects' project file)
.eggp - Soubor platformy MAC (After Effects' project file (PC ext: AEP))
.ei - Electric Image image format
.ei6 - Mime: application/vnd.pg.osasli
.eid - "IBM Voice Type" languages Newuser soubor
.eidi - Bitmap image (Electric Image EIDI soubor)
.eit - E-Icons Thčme (Windows)
.eka - Borland's Eureka internal data soubors
.ekm - Keyboard macro definitions (The Scientific Word Processor)
.el - Emacs Lisp programming language source code
.el - Mime: text/x-skript.elisp
.elbl - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact Label Defn)
.elc - Compiled ELISP code (Emacs-Lisp)
.elc - Mime: application/x-bytecode.elisp
.elc - Mime: application/x-elc
.elf - Black Belt Systems Extended Layer soubor
.eli - Compressed soubor archive (ELI)
.elm - Dllbackup microsoft Themes artsy soubor
.elst - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact Sorted List)
.elt - Prosa event list
.em$ - Modem Bitware Fax disk2 soubor
.email - Outlook Express Mail Message (Rename to .EML to access in OE)
.emb - ABT extended module
.emb - Mime: chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide
.embl - Mime: chemical/x-embl-dl-nucleotide
.emd - Micrografx System4 Media Manager soubor
.emf - Enhanced Windows Meta-soubor picture
.eml - Mime: message/rfc822
.eml - Outlook Express EMaiL
.emm - (old) extended memory manager soubor
.emme - Soubor platformy MAC (Email Merge)
.emr - Emrite (Wordprocessor soubor)
.ems - PC Tools Enhanced Menu System Config
.ems - Intergraph Engineering Modelling System soubor
.emst - Soubor platformy MAC (EHelp Media File)
.emu - BITCOM terminal EMUlation data
.emu - Emulation
.emu-sL - E-mu sound library cd-rom
.emx - Msdos Extender soubor
.en - Stratum template soubor
.en$ - Midiprg Steinberg Cubase compressed soubor
.en4 - Enable v3.0 & 4.x
.enby - Soubor platformy MAC (Envoy)
.enc - Encoded soubor - UUENCODEd soubor (Lotus 1-2-3 - uuencode)
.enc - Encore music
.enc - Mime: video/mpeg
.enc - MPEG Video; video/mpeg; (MOV | Encore sound )
.end - CorelDraw Arrow-head definition soubor
.enff - Extended Neutral soubor Format
.eng - ENGlish documentation
.eng - Graphics (charting) (EnerGraphics)
.eng - Matlab ENGine routines
.eng - Sprint dictionary engine
.enl - Endnote Library soubor (for research papers)
.ens - Enable spreadsheet, version 3.0, 4.0, and 4.5
.ent - SGML Entities, character mapping
.enu - Win Ace204 soubor
.env - ENVelope or ENVironments, may be used by many programs
.env - HP-95 Environment; like CNF
.env - Mime: application/x-envoy
.env - Novell ENVoy data
.env - WOPR ENVeloper macro
.enw - Windows Word processing Format
.enyd - Soubor platformy MAC (Envoy Document)
.eobj - Geoworks object code (error-checking version)
.eod - EMPIRE OF DARKNESS european hq
.eof - Downloadable font soubor (Netscape navigator)
.eol - Mime: audio/vnd.digital-winds
.eosat - LANDSAT/EOSAT Satellite picture data image format
.ep2 - EclipsePackager Package
.epa - Award Bios Logo image format
.epb - Mime: application/x-epublisher
.epc - Jill game soubor
.epd - Express Publisher publication
.epdf - Encapsulated Portable Document Format
.epf - Encapsulated Postskript Image (Image EPSF)
.ephtmL - Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML soubor
.epi - Express Publisher Encapsulated PostScript (text and graphics)
.epj - Java-clients soubor
.epl - Tallyman E-commerce Software
.eprt - SolidWorks eDrawing part soubor (SolidWorks)
.eps - Adobe Illustrator text and graphics (Encapsulated PostScript)
.eps - Corel-TRACE Encapsulated PostScript
.eps - Mime: application/postskript
.eps - Printer font (Epson/Xerox...) (Ventura Publisher)
.eps2 - Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
.epsf - Soubor platformy MAC (EPS file)
.epsf - Soubor platformy MAC (Mac PostScript File)
.epsf - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript text and graphics
.epsi - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
.epson - Epson printer graphics soubor
.epsp - Soubor platformy MAC (EPS created by Xpress (PC ext: EPS))
.epsp - Soubor platformy MAC (PC PostScript File)
.ept - Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview
.eqf - WinAmp equalizer settings soubor
.eqn - Equation
.eqn - WordPerfect for Win EQuatioN
.equ - Assembly language equates
.equiv - Specifies remote systems that can execute commands on the local system
.eqx - Goldwave 402 soubor
.er - Aol30 organizer soubor
.er1 - ERWin data
.erd - Active Media Eclipse Resource Database
.erd - Prosa Entity Relationship Diagram graphic soubor
.erf - Active Media Eclipse Resource soubor
.erf - SGML "Visual DTD Entity Reference soubor"
.erg - Midiprg Arranger soubor
.eri - ERI-chan (Entis Rasterized Image) image format
.eri - ERWin data
.erik - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Finder (Desktop soubors)
.erik - Soubor platformy MAC (Desktop)
.erik - Soubor platformy MAC (Finder)
.erm - Bitmap image
.erm - Prosa Entity Relationship diagram Model soubor
.err - Error log, messages for command line compilers
.ers - Satellite image header (ER Mapper soubor) (Earth Resource Mapping)
.erx - ERWin data
.er_ - Winhelp soubor (compressed)
.es - CONFIG 915E soubor
.es - Mime: application/x-esrehber
.es - Mime: audio/echospeech
.esc - 2d Graphic
.eset - Soubor platformy MAC (Extensions Manager Set)
.esf - Audio soubor (Emblaze)
.esh - Extended Shell batch soubor
.esi - Diskeeper disk defragmenter
.esk - Longplay Vesa soubor
.esl - FoxPro Macintosh Runtime Library
.esl - Mime: audio/echospeech
.esm - Enhance Simplex image format
.esn - WINXP SYSTEM32 soubor
.eso - FoxPro
.esp - Active Media Eclipse Screensaver Project
.espf - Encapsulated PostScript soubors
.espf - Soubor platformy MAC (Energy Saver Prefs File)
.esps - ESPS audio soubor
.esrf - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility storage format
.ess - Style sheet (The Scientific Word Processor)
.est - Webalizer.01 Lang soubor
.esu - LokSound Electronic Sound soubor
.esy - EmEditor Syntax soubor
.es_ - Audio Waveprg Sounder compressed soubor
.es~ - EPOC Synchronization soubor
.eta - eTreppid Audio soubor (eTplayer & ETVC media CODEC)
.eta - Keyhole Placemark soubor (Google Earth) | earth.google.com/
.etb2 - Soubor platformy MAC (Timbuktu Pro Resource)
.etc - eTreppid Compressed soubor
.etc - Mime: application/x-earthtime
.etf - Enriched Text Format for mail messages
.eth - Ethnograph 3 document
.etl - Active Media Eclipse Transition Listing
.etm - eTreppid Audio soubor (eTplayer & ETVC media CODEC)
.etv - eTreppid Audio soubor (eTplayer & ETVC media CODEC)
.etx - Mime: text/x-setext
.etx - Structure Enhanced (setext) text
.euc - Japanese text (Kanji)
.euhl - Soubor platformy MAC (Eudora Help)
.eui - Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image
.eui - sound soubor
.eurekA - Internal data soubors (Borland's Eureka Packer format)
.ev2 - Java soubor
.evc - Soubor programu (Earthview)
.evm - Mime: x-lml/x-evm
.evp - Sound envelope (general purpose data curves stored as doubles) (mxv)
.evp - Soubor programu (Earthview)
.evt - EVenT deskriptions/log
.evy - Corel Envoy Document
.evy - Mime: application/envoy
.evy - Mime: application/x-envoy
.evy - Tumbleweed Software ActiveX Control; a Portable Document format
.ewb - Electronics Workbench
.ewd - Express Publisher for Windows document
.ewd3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Bryc)
.ewl - Microsoft Encarta document
.ewp3 - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Contact File)
.ex - Cequadrat Backup soubor
.ex - Symantec Ghost template soubor
.ex! - Modem Bitware Fax disk1 soubor
.ex$ - MS compressed EXE; decompress with UNPACK.EXE
.ex3 - Harvard Graphics 3.0 device driver
.exa - Lsys soubor
.exc - Exclude soubor for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM)
.exc - Mail/Exchange component/tbv
.exc - Microsoft Word Exclusion Dictionary
.exc - Mime: text/plain
.exc - Rexx language source code soubor (VM/CMS)
.exc - Text document
.exd - VBE tmp soubor
.exe - Executable soubor
.exe - Mime: application/octet-stream
.exe - Mime: application/x-msdownload
.exe - Self-displaying image
.exe - Self-extracting archive
.exf - ABS Viewpoint soubor
.exif - Fuji EXIF format : Bitmap graphics
.exm - Application Program; HP 95, 100, 200 Palmtop PC System Manager Compliant program
.exm - Xsys document soubor
.exo - System soubor
.exp - Export (MS Visual C++)
.exp - Express schema (STEP)
.exp - Protected mode executable program (PharLap)
.exp - QuickBooks
.exp - Inventory configuration settings soubor
.exp1 - Possibly archive soubor
.exslt - Extensions to XSLT (Text editor, XML editor)
.ext - Mime: application/vnd.novadigm.EXT
.ext - Norton Commander extension soubor
.ext2 - Linux : Second extended soubor system
.ext32 - Linux second extended souborsystem specification
.extr - Soubor platformy MAC (Self-extracting archive created by Compact Pro)
.exu - Euphoria source code soubor for linux
.exw - Euphoria source code soubor for Windows
.exx - Intermediate soubor by MsgPut (IBM LinkWay)
.ex_ - Compressed EXE (a one-soubor archive)
.ex~ - DOS soubor
.eyb - Encyclopedia Yearbook soubor
.eye - Renderize Project
.ez - Mime: application/andrew-inset
.ezc - EZScreen Screen Saver Editor
.ezf - EZ-Fax
.ezf - Fax (Calculus EZ-Fax)
.ezm - Text soubor (mailing lists)
.ezp - Compressed soubor (Edify Electronic Workforce Backup Utility)
.ezs - Sunburst Technology Easy Sheet Document
.e_e - Eru soubor