.c - C programming language source code Borland C++ , CodeWarrior , Microsoft Visual C++
.c - Check Point Site Configuration
.c - Compressed unix soubor archive : compact
.c - Mime: text/plain
.c - Mime: text/x-c
.c v - Cvip soubor
.c!_ - Audio Utility Midimach compressed soubor
.c# - Microsoft c#
.c*db - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Up-to-Date Calendar)
.c*dr - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Up-to-Date Datebook)
.c++ - C++ Source Borland C++ , CodeWarrior , Microsoft Visual C++
.c++ - Mime: text/plain
.c-- - C Source
.c-- - Sphinx C-- language source code soubor
.c-map - C-map soubor formats. standard formats for sea nautical charts.
.c00 - Ventura Publisher print soubor
.c01 - Typhoon wave soubors
.c02 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c03 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c04 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c05 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c06 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c07 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c08 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c09 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c1 - Povwin Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 scenes advanced newltpot soubor
.c10 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c11 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c12 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c13 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c14 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c15 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c16 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c17 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c18 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c19 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c2 - Povwin Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 scenes advanced newltpot soubor
.c20 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c21 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c22 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c23 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c24 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c25 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c26 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c27 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c28 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c29 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c2d - Soubor vytvořený vypalovacím programem (WinOnCD)
.c2i - Driver soubor
.c2i - Tt soubor
.c2l - Cequadrat Winoncd soubor
.c2x - Winoncd soubor
.c3 - Povwin Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 scenes advanced newltpot soubor
.c30 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c31 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c32 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c33 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c34 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c35 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c36 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c37 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c38 - Driveimage ace soubor
.c39 - Quicken ace soubor
.c3d - Micrografx
.c3d1 - Chem3D Cartesian 1 chemical modeller input soubor
.c3d1 - Chem3D Cartesian 1 chemical modeller output soubor
.c3d2 - Chem3D Cartesian 2 chemical modeller input soubor
.c3d2 - Chem3D Cartesian 2 chemical modeller output soubor
.c4 - Bitmap image (1bit) (JEDMICS CCITT4 format)
.c4 - Edmics image format
.c40 - Quicken ace soubor
.c41 - Quicken ace soubor
.c42 - Quicken ace soubor
.c43 - Quicken ace soubor
.c44 - Quicken ace soubor
.c45 - Quicken ace soubor
.c46 - Quicken ace soubor
.c47 - Quicken ace soubor
.c48 - Quicken ace soubor
.c49 - Quicken ace soubor
.c4d - CINEMA 4D soubor format (CINEMA 4D) | www.maxon.net/pages/products/cinema4d/cinema4d_e.html
.c50 - Quicken ace soubor
.c51 - Quicken ace soubor
.c52 - Quicken ace soubor
.c53 - Quicken ace soubor
.c54 - Quicken ace soubor
.c55 - Quicken ace soubor
.c56 - Quicken ace soubor
.c64 - Commodore 64 bitmap image
.c86 - C language source code soubor (Computer Innovation C86)
.c?? - Winace compressed archiv
.ca - DATAIR FlexPlus Data soubor
.ca - Initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)
.ca0 - Borland Installer packed and splitted soubor
.ca1 - Delphi Install Disk11 soubor
.ca2 - Delphi Install Disk12 soubor
.ca3 - Delphi Install Disk9 soubor
.ca4 - Delphi Install Disk10 soubor
.ca5 - Delphi Install Disk11 soubor
.ca7 - Beta 44 job soubor
.cab - Windows Cabinet Compressed Archive
.cac - dBASE IV executable when caching on/off
.cac - Microsoft Infoview
.caccrT - Cacao Cartesian chemical modeller input soubor
.caccrT - Cacao Cartesian chemical modeller output soubor
.cache - CAChe MolStruct chemical modeller output soubor
.cache - Snacc-1.3 vda soubor
.cacinT - Cacao Internal chemical modeller output soubor
.cad - Drafix Windows CAD picture
.cadpaC - Cambridge CADPAC chemical modeller input soubor
.caf - Southern Company Terrestrial Data Acq
.caf - Generic - sewing program soubor
.cafµ - Soubor platformy MAC (Cafµ)
.cag - MS Clip Gallery Catalog
.cal - CALS Raster Goup 1 image format
.cal - CALS Raster Group 4 fax compressed bitmap
.cal - CyberAudioLibrary link
.cal - Microsoft Schedule Plus 1.0
.cal - Mime: image/x-cals
.cal - MS Windows 3.x Calendar
.cal - SuperCalc spreadsheet
.cal* - Soubor platformy MAC (Now Up-to-Date)
.cals - Bitmap image (Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support)
.cals - CALS Raster Group 1 image format
.cam - Calibrated Camera soubor Photomodeller
.cam - Casio QV digital CAMera image
.cam - Minolta CAM soubor
.cam - QV-PC 10 Cassio Digital Camera
.can - Navigator Fax
.canf - Soubor platformy MAC (CanOpener Filter)
.caos - Soubor platformy MAC (CanOpener Preference File)
.cap - Compressed music soubor
.cap - Network Associates Sniffer Capture soubor
.cap - ProComm/Telix session Capture soubor
.cap - Ventura Publisher Caption
.car - AtHome Assistant
.car - Biosym .CAR chemical modeller input soubor
.car - NeoBook Cartoon image format
.caro - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Acrobat Distiller
.caro - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Acrobat soubors (PC ext: PDF)
.caro - Soubor platformy MAC (Acrobat Reader)
.caro - Creatorcode Adobe Acrobat (MAC) (also Exchange)
.cas - Borland combined C/Assembly source code
.cas - Comma-delimited ASCII soubor
.cash - Soubor platformy MAC (CompuServe Cache)
.cat - dBASE/CP Backup CATalogue-soubor
.cat - Mime: application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat
.cat - Photomatrix image format
.cat - Quicken IntelliCharge CATegorization soubor
.cat - Rational Rose logical package
.cat - Advanced Disk Catalog database soubor (Advanced Disk Catalog)
.ca_ - Midiprg Cakepro compressed soubor
.cb - Microsoft clean boot soubor
.cbc - CubiCalc fuzzy logic system
.cbd - System Dll Catroot soubor
.cbf - Chess Base
.cbi - IBM mainframe Column BInary formatted soubor
.cbk - System Dll Catroot soubor
.cbl - Cobol language source code soubor same as COB
.cbm - Bitmap picture; XLib
.cbm - Fuzzy Bitmap image format
.cbm - XLib compiled bitmap image
.cbn - PaperMaster Cabinets group related folders and soubors into a cohesive unit that is used by PaperMaster (organizing, archiving, and retrieving digital versions of soubors) http://www.papermaster.net
.cbnd - Soubor platformy MAC (Connection Tool)
.cbr - Přejmenovaný .rar soubor - CDisplay Comic book obrázky (CDisplay Comic Reader) | www.geocities.com/davidayton/CDisplay
.cbs - MasterWord button bar configuration
.cbt - Borland Computer Based Training
.cbt - MS Computer Based Training
.cbz - Comic Book Archive soubor or ComicBook Reader soubor (CDisplay Comic Reader) | www.geocities.com/davidayton/CDisplay
.cc - C++ language source code soubor (gcc)
.cc - CC language source code soubor (cc)
.cc - Mime: text/plain
.cc - Mime: text/x-c
.cc - Visual dBASE custom class
.cca - CC: MAil Data
.ccad - Mime: application/clariscad
.ccad - ClarisCAD data
.ccb - Visual Basic animated button configuration
.ccc - Curtain Call bitmap image (native format)
.ccc - Microsoft Internet Chat Conversation
.ccd - Image disku vytvořený programem CloneCD (CloneCD) | www.slysoft.com/en/clonecd.html
.cce - Calendar Creator Plus Data
.ccf - Lotus Symphony communications configuration; INI
.ccf - OS/2 Multimedia Viewer configuration soubor
.ccf - OS2 Multimedia Viewer configuration soubor
.ccf - Symphony communications configuration soubor
.cch - Corel Chart
.cch - OES Systems Photomodeler Photochip soubor (thumbnail)
.cci - CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
.ccitt - CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
.ccl - Intalk Communication Command Language soubor
.ccm - Lotus CC:Mailbox
.ccn - Mime: application/x-cnc
.ccn - Vitalize! Game soubor
.cco - Btx Graphics soubor (XBTX)
.cco - CyberChat data soubor
.cco - Mime: application/x-cocoa
.ccp - Clonecd Prosoubors soubor
.ccr - Microsoft Internet Chat Conversation Shortcut
.ccrf - Bitmap image (Calcomp Raster soubor) (B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers)
.ccs - Ccs-lib soubor
.cct - Macromedia Director Shockwave cast
.ccx - Corel Photo House : Graphics
.cc_ - Audio Utility Midimach compressed soubor
.cd - CD deskription (DN)
.cd1 - DATAIR Cafeteria Document System Data
.cd2 - DATAIR Cafeteria Document System Custom Text
.cda - CD Audio song
.cdb - CardScan Card DataBase
.cdb - Clipboard
.cdb - Clipboard soubor
.cdb - Main database (Turbo C Utilities)
.cdb - One Page from a ROM With a View Project
.cdb - PowerDesigner Conceptual Model Backup
.cdc - Chromeleon Driver Configuration Plugin soubor
.cdd - Chromeleon Device Driver soubor
.cdev - Soubor platformy MAC (Control Panel)
.cdf - Comma Delimited Data Format, NSSDC scientific graphical format
.cdf - Cyberspace Deskription Format, ASCII format describing VRML worlds
.cdf - InstallShield Components Definition soubor
.cdf - Mime: application/cdf
.cdf - Mime: application/x-cdf
.cdf - Mime: application/x-netcdf
.cdf - Ms Channel Definition Format
.cdf - Unidata netCDF graphics
.cdfs - Compact Disk filing system (WindRiver)
.cdi - Compact Disk Interactive (Phillips CD-I IFF soubor)
.cdi - Soubor programu, image disku (DiscJuggler) | www.padus.com/free.htm
.cdic - Soubor platformy MAC (MS Spelling Dictionary)
.cdk - Atari Calamus document CDKEY = Access Data MEDIAREMOTE
.cdkey - Access data (MediaRemote)
.cdkey - Mime: application/vnd.mediastation.cdkey
.cdl - CADKey CAD language soubor
.cdm - Music format (compressed)
.cdm - Novell NetWare Disk Drivers NPA
.cdm - PowerDesigner Conceptual Model soubor
.cdm - Visual dBASE Custom Data Module
.cdo - California 7.5 Minute DEM
.cdp - CD Architect Project
.cdr - Corel Draw Bitmap (preview) image format
.cdr - CorelDRAW vector image
.cdr - Raw audio-CD data
.cdr3 - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Toast v. 3
.cdr3 - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw 3 Drawing)
.cdr4 - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw 4)
.cdr5 - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw 5)
.cdr6 - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw 6)
.cdrw - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisDraw)
.cdrw - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw)
.cds - Format on a copy protected CD ????
.cdt - CorelDRAW Template
.cdt2 - Soubor platformy MAC (CD-ROM Toolkit)
.cdt6 - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw 6 Template)
.cdtr - Soubor platformy MAC (CDT Remot)
.cdt_ - Soubor platformy MAC (CorelDraw Template)
.cdu - CDU Paint image format
.cdv - CatDV Catalog soubor (www.catdv.com)
.cdx - Active Server Document
.cdx - CorelDRAW compressed drawing
.cdx - FoxPro Compound index (database container)
.cdx - Microstation Cell Library Index
.cdx - Mime: chemical/x-cdx
.cdx - Mime: chemical/x-chem3d
.cdz - ROM With a View Project
.ce - Digital Vision IFF bitmap Computer Eyes
.ce - FarSide Computer Calendar data
.ce1 - Computer Eyes, Raw image format
.ce2 - Computer Exes,RAW image format
.ce? - 2d Graphic
.cef - CA Clipper workbench application
.ceg - Tempra Show/Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics bitmap image
.cel - AutoDesk Animator/3D Studio Cel animation (bitmap)
.cel - Bitmap image (15/32bit) (Lumena CEL soubor) (Time Arts software)
.cel - CIMFast event language soubor
.cel - Kiss Paper Doll soubor
.cel - Microstation Cell Library
.celp - Sound
.cem - Computer Graphics Meta-soubor
.cer - Internet Security Certificate
.cer - Lahey Fortran compilation error messages
.cer - Mime: application/pkix-cert
.cer - Mime: application/x-x509-ca-cert
.ceri - Soubor platformy MAC (Netscape Certificate Indx)
.cert - Soubor platformy MAC (Netscape Certificate Indx)
.ces - Sheffield dic soubor
.cex - INMOS Transputer Development System Occam program
.cex - the Currency Exchanger Rate
.cf - Imake ConFiguration
.cf1 - Common soubor format 1
.cf2 - Common soubor Format 2
.cfb - Comptons Multimedia soubor
.cfb - Inmos binary configuration soubor
.cff - Capabilities soubor for FOUNDATION Fieldbus
.cfg - ConFiGuration soubor
.cfg - Swisslog System Configuration soubor
.cfh - Capabilities soubor for FOUNDATION(tm) Fieldbus
.cfk - Kardplay 1.62 soubor
.cfl - Corel Flow flow chart
.cfl - MS Developer Studio diagram
.cfm - ColdFusion template
.cfm - Corel FONT MASTER
.cfm - HyperText Markup Language soubor WWW
.cfm - Visual dBASE customer form
.cfn - Atari Calamus font data
.cfo - Borland Turbo C
.cfo - TCU C Form Object soubor (Turbo C Utilities)
.cfp - Complete Fax docu
.cfr - CFR Guidance (NRC Inspection Manual)
.cfs - Inmos configuration soubor
.cft - CFast graphics soubor (Disney Animation Studio)
.cft - Flow Chart; Corel Flow Template
.cfx - Creative Dsp soubor
.cg - Norton Crashguard soubor
.cg4 - CALS Group IV : Bitmap graphics
.cga - bitmap in BMP. format Saved in CGA resolution MRBC.EXE.
.cga - Ventura Publisher CGA display font
.cgd - Cricket Graph Data
.cgdb - Soubor platformy MAC (MS Clip Art Package)
.cgdc - Soubor platformy MAC (Common Ground Document)
.cgf - Asm Objasm soubor
.cgfilETYPETEST - CGsouborType Document open with: CGFILETYPE.EXE
.cgg - Cricket Graph Graphics
.cgi - Common Gateway Interface skript (WWW)
.cgi - Common Gateway Interface skript soubor
.cgi - Mime: magnus-internal/cgi
.cgl - CodeGuard error log
.cgm - Computer Graphics Meta-soubor bitmap
.cgm - Computer Graphics Metasoubor vector-image, mostly vectors but also bitmaps
.cgm - Mime: image/cgm
.cgp - NetCaptor CaptorGroup
.cgr - CATIA MultiCAx plug-in conversin soubor (CATIA MultiCAx plug-in)
.cgr - Quest3D visualisation scene
.cgt - Cricket Graph Slide
.cgvm - Soubor platformy MAC (Common Ground)
.ch - Clipper include
.ch - OS/2 configuration soubor
.ch0 - Chartsoubor (graph)
.ch1 - Freelance CHart
.ch2 - Chartsoubor (graph)
.ch3 - Harvard Graphics for DOS 3.0 Chart
.ch3 - Harvard Graphics v3.0 CHart/image
.ch4 - Charisma 4.0 presentation
.cha - Adobe Pagemaker Kerning Data
.cha - CHAt (IRC data)
.cha - Mime: application/x-chat
.charmM - CHARMm chemical modeller input soubor
.chat - CHAT (IRC data)
.chat - Mime: application/x-chat
.chb - Oledb Checkbook soubor
.chd - Ares Font Chameleon font deskription
.chf - pcAnywhere Remote Control soubor
.chg - Quicken intuit(old) de online dat soubor
.chh - C++ Header
.chi - ChiWriter document
.chj - Help Composer Project
.chk - soubor fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk
.chk - WordPerfect for Win temporary soubor
.chk - Starcraft Campaign Map (Starcraft Game) | Blizzard Entertainment
.chk - SSConvert Multilanguage video subtitle data soubor (SSConvert) | www.screen.subtitling.com
.chk - Sophos Intercheck soubor (Sophos Antivirus) | www.sophos.com/
.chk - EpiData check soubor (EpiData) | www.epidata.dk/
.chk - 3D Movie Maker Interface Data soubor (3D Movie Maker)
.chl - Chromeleon Channel Raw Data
.chl - Configuration History Log
.chl - RealPlayer Live Channel
.chm - Ares Font Chameleon Source Font; font outline
.chm - Microsoft Compiled HTML
.chm - Mime: chemical/x-chemdraw
.chm - Mime: chemical/x-cs-chemdraw
.chn - Ethnograph 3 data
.cho - Ares Font Chameleon Output Font
.chp - Corel VENTURA chapter
.chp - Ventura Publisher chapter document
.chq - WIN Help soubor
.chr - Borland language stroke font soubor
.chs - Corel Presentations Chart Style
.cht - Chartist from Novagraph
.cht - ChartViewer soubor
.cht - Cheat Machine Data soubor
.cht - dBASE interface soubor
.cht - Harvard Graphics Graphwriter II/SoftCraft Presenter CHarT/image
.chw - HTML Help general index, funtional comparable with .gid
.chy - Claris : Hyphenation
.chz - CHARC compressed soubor archive
.cia - Sheffield dictionary soubor
.cidm - Soubor platformy MAC (Find File PDF Encoding)
.cif - Caltech Intermediate Format image
.cif - Colombo Ipermedia soubor
.cif - Soubor image vypalovacího programu (Easy CD Creator) | www.roxio.com
.cif - IUCr Crystallographic Information soubor
.cif - Mime: chemical/x-cif
.cif - pcAnywhere Caller soubor
.cif - Ventura Publisher information(chapter/converted image)
.cih - Virus Tchernobyl
.cii - Launcher of ANSER-WEB Terminal Client
.cii - Mime: application/vnd.anser-web-certificate-issue-initiation
.cik - Corel Graphics10 Custom dual tone soubor
.cil - Clip Gallery download package
.cim - C Text Mode Image soubor (The Ultimate Draw)
.cim - CIMEX Cimpack Design Drawing
.cim - Sim City 200 soubor
.cim_ - Soubor platformy MAC (CompuServe)
.cin - Digital moving Picture eXchange bitmap by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
.cin - Kodak Cineon image format
.cin - Microsoft Cinemania (CIN96LM CIN96UPD)
.cin - OS/2 change control soubor that tracks changes to an INI soubor
.cin96LM - See above CIN
.cin96UPD - See above CIN
.cinemA4D - Cinema4d Amiga version only
.cineoN - Kodak CINEON image format
.cipo - Internet; same as CPI
.cipt - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisImpact)
.cir - SuperMax E-CAD Save-soubor Command
.cit - Intergraph Scanned Image
.cix - Database index (Turbo C Utilities)
.ck1 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 data soubor
.ck2 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 data soubor
.ck3 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 data soubor
.ck4 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 data soubor
.ck5 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 data soubor
.ck6 - iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 data soubor
.ck? - iD/Apogee Commander Keen
.ckb - Borland C++ 4.x keyboard mapping
.ckp - Ingres Dbase Checkpoint data
.cl - Common Lisp programming language source code
.cl - Knihovna s kurzory myši (windows)
.cl3 - Easy CD Creator CD layout
.cl4 - Easy CD Creator CD Layout
.cla - Clarion source
.cla - CLASS Java Class
.cla - Mime: application/vnd.claymore
.claf - Soubor platformy MAC (Claris Font File)
.clas - Java Class
.class - Java bytecode (compiled class - application)
.class - Mime: application/java
.class - Mime: application/java-byte-code
.class - Mime: application/octet-stream
.class - Mime: application/x-java-class
.class - Mime: application/x-java.vm
.clb - Super NoteTab CLipBook template
.clc - Microsoft Schedule+ 7-Habits Mission Statement
.cld - CA Clipper debugger configuration soubor
.cld - TerraGen CLouD layer soubor (landscape renderer)
.cldlyR - TerraGen CLouD LaYeR soubor (landscape renderer)
.clf - ListPro soubor
.clg - Database of Disk Catalog
.clg - CollageMaker Graphic
.clg - Photo collage soubor format (Coco6 PhotoComposer) | www.saleh-software.de/
.clip - Soubor platformy MAC (Clipboard File)
.clk - Corel R.A.V.E. Animation soubor
.clkz - Soubor platformy MAC (Date Preferences)
.cll - CrickSoftware Clicker soubor
.clm - Micrografx Picture Publisher 7 macro
.cln - CLT soubor
.clo - Cloe image
.cloe - Cloe Ray-Tracer image
.clp - CA Clipper compiler responce soubor
.clp - GoDot image format
.clp - Mime: application/x-msclip
.clp - Quattro Pro/PCPaint/Pictor bitmap CLiP-art
.clp - Windows Clipboard
.clpp - Soubor platformy MAC (Picture Clipping)
.clps - Soubor platformy MAC (Sound Clipping)
.clpt - Soubor platformy MAC (Text Clipping)
.clr - 1st Reader CoLoR binary screen image
.clr - Boxer/2 CoLoR scheme
.clr - Photostyler CoLoR definitions
.clr - WinEdit Colorization Word List
.cls - Arcview
.cls - JavaScript class
.cls - MS VB-4 Class Module Add-In
.cls - MS VisC++/Visual Basic class definition
.clss - Soubor platformy MAC (Java Class Filegcodiclass)
.clss - Soubor platformy MAC (Metrowerks Java Class)
.clu - Cluster soubor
.clut - Color Lookup table/ palette of an indexed image
.clw - MFC Class Wizard information (Ms VC++)
.clx - UltraEdit soubor
.cly - Corel Graphics10 Custom Layouts soubor
.cl_ - C Poet compressed Disk1 soubor
.cm - CraftMan data
.cm - Unix Puzzle bitmap image (8bit)
.cm4 - ClipMate Data soubor
.cma - Applix TM1 Database
.cmb - Chromeleon Backup Archive
.cmb - Xtree for Windows button bar
.cmc - CosmoCaller : Remote connection information
.cmc - Mime: application/vnd.cosmocaller
.cmd - 1st Reader external CoMmanD menu
.cmd - command soubor for Windows NT
.cmd - dBASE/Waffle CoMmanD soubor
.cmd - DOS CP/M command soubor
.cmd - OS/2 Command language, more advanced than BAT
.cmd - REXX batch soubor (OS/2)
.cmdf - CrystalMaker
.cmdf - Mime: chemical/x-cmdf
.cmdo - Soubor platformy MAC (SARez Setting File)
.cmdt - Soubor platformy MAC (Claris Dictionary)
.cmf - Corel metasoubor
.cmf - Sound Blaster synthesized FM-sound (Creative Music soubor)
.cmg - Chessmaster saved game
.cmgr - Soubor platformy MAC (MS Configuration Mgr)
.cmi - The Dig bundle soubors - soubors containing all music
.cmi - Image soubor (CDMATE) | cdmate.copystar.com.tw/cht/
.cmk - Card Shop Plus card
.cml - Cheat Machine Library soubor
.cml - CML document (Chemical Markup Language)
.cml - Mime: chemical/x-cml
.cml - PADGen Company Info soubor
.cmm - CEnvi CMM skript
.cmp - Address document of Route 66
.cmp - Compressed data (PKWare compression library)
.cmp - CorelDraw header soubor for PostScript printer soubors
.cmp - CraftMan data
.cmp - Discorp CMP Image image format
.cmp - JPEG bitmap image (Lead CMP compression)
.cmp - Leadview Bitmap
.cmp - Microsoft Internet Explorer custom menu plugin
.cmp - Mime: application/vnd.yellowriver-custom-menu
.cmp - Ms Word for DOS user dictionary
.cmp - Open Access soubor
.cmp - Photofinish Calibration MaP
.cmpi - Soubor platformy MAC (Contextual Menus Plug-in)
.cmr - Movie
.cmrt - CraftMan data
.cmt - Chinon ES-1000 digital camera image format
.cmt - Corel Draw
.cmu - Audio mono (short ints,mono,CMU header ,TIMIT)
.cmu - Bitmap image (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap Formats)
.cmuwm - Bitmap image (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap Formats)
.cmv - CorelMove/CorelDraw 4.0 animation
.cmx - Apple Viewer soubor
.cmx - Corel Presentation Exchange, Corel Metasoubor Exchange or Clipart
.cmx - Mime: application/x-cmx
.cmx - Mime: image/x-cmx
.cmy - Corel40 Custom soubor
.cmyk - Raw cyan, magenta, yellow and black bytes bitmap image
.cnc - CNC general program data
.CNC3Campaign - Command and Conquer 3 campaign save game soubor
.cnd - ControlDraw soubor
.cnf - Conference Link
.cnf - generaly configuration-soubor (program,printer setup etc)
.cnf - Lotus configuration soubor: 123.CNF
.cnf - MS Windows 95 Speed Dial
.cnm - Windows application menu options and setup soubor
.cnq - Compuworks Design shop soubor
.cns - Chgname settings
.cnt - Rational Rose 98 contents tab soubor Rational Rose 98
.cnt - Windows (or other) system content soubors for the help index and other purposes
.cntk - Soubor platformy MAC (Outlook Express Contacts)
.cnv - Translation; Converter (Driver, Overlay?)
.cnv - Word for Windows dll for import CoNVersion
.cnv - WordPerfect for Win temporary soubor WordPerfect
.cnv - WS_FTP Pro Upload Conversion
.cn_ - Regeditx soubor
.co$ - MS compressed COM; decompress with UNPACK.EXE
.coa - Caligari trueSpace 3D object (ASCII)
.cob - Caligari trueSpace 3D object (binary), also truespace2
.cob - COBOL programming language source
.cobol - Micro-Focus Cobol
.cod - Boxer/2 printer CODe definition soubor
.cod - Forecast Plus
.cod - FORTRAN program compiled CODe
.cod - generally Code List
.cod - Microsoft Multiplan
.cod - Mime: image/cis-cod
.cod - Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (Ms C)
.cod - StatPac Gold datasoubor
.cod - Template source soubor (dBASE Application Generator) dBASE
.cod - UUPC CODe definition table
.cod - Videotext soubor
.codecS - Video compressors/decompressors (codecs) (Video for Windows and ActiveMovie)
.coff - Windows NT object soubor format
.col - "COLWIZ" Internet Colour Wizard Colour Scheme
.col - Autodesk Animator palette
.col - COLor palette (Autodesk Animator - many)
.col - Lotus Notes Import Column Deskription soubor
.col - Ms Multiplan spreadsheet
.coµk - Soubor platformy MAC (Java Library)
.color - Amaya config soubor
.colr - Soubor platformy MAC (Kaleidoscope Scheme)
.com - Common Object Module
.com - Compiled executable program
.com - DOS or CP/M executable (COMmand), mostly smaller than 64 Kb
.com - Mime: application/octet-stream
.com - Mime: text/plain
.comd - Soubor platformy MAC (Networking Extension)
.comms - Adobe Serial and Parallel Communications Protocols Specification
.comp - Soubor platformy MAC (CodeWarrior Compiler)
.comprESS - MS Compress 5.0 soubor Format
.con - Concordance (WordPerfect document)
.con - Conjure chemical modeller output soubor
.con - Knowledgeware Consolidation soubor
.con - Simdir CONfiguration soubor
.con - Tree Professional Conifer Creator soubor
.conf - Mime: text/plain
.conf - Unix CONFiguration information
.confiG - Mime: application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
.config - Konfigurační soubor, různé aplikace, SWISH-E
.consoLE - Winnt console soubor
.contmP - Conjure Template chemical modeller output soubor
.contoUR - Contour Mortgage loan soubor format
.coo - COOkie soubor
.cook - Soubor platformy MAC (Netscape Cookie File)
.cop - Tree Professional Conifer Creator Image soubor
.cor - coreldraw soubor
.cor1 - Soubor platformy MAC (Corel Multimedia Manager)
.core - Bitmap image (Core Software Tech CORE IDC soubor)
.cotx - Soubor platformy MAC (Corel Texture)
.count - Gen counters soubor
.countER - Netobjects fusion Components Bbscomp message soubor
.cov - Fax Cover Page (Win2000 Cover Page Editor)
.cp - Sound shared soubor
.cp8 - CP8 256 Gray Scale image
.cpao - 3dize Cool Page Objects Counter soubor
.cpc - Compressed image (Cartesian Perceptual Compression)
.cpct - (MAC CREATOR CODE) Compactor (Pro ?)
.cpct - Soubor platformy MAC (Archive created by Compactor (Pro))
.cpct - Soubor platformy MAC (Compact Pro)
.cpd - Complaints Desk skript
.cpd - Corel PrintOffice drawing
.cpd - Fax cover page (Windows)
.cpe - Fax cover page
.cpe - Fax cover page (Windows)
.cpf - The Complete Fax soubor
.cpg - 3dize Cool Page Tutorials soubor
.cph - Corel PrintHouse picture (simple layout program)
.cpi - Bitmap image (Colorlab Processed Image)
.cpi - Calamus picture image format
.cpi - Cartesian Products Compressed Internet document
.cpi - Character Translation; Windows or DOS International code page
.cpi - Microsoft MS-DOS code page information soubor
.cpio - Mime: application/x-cpio
.cpj - CeQuadrat CD ProJect soubor
.cpk - Compiled Server Software Package soubor (Novell ZENworks Suite)
.cpl - Compel presentation
.cpl - Corel colour palette
.cpl - Windows Control Panel extension
.cpm - Turbo Pascal Dos soubor
.cpnl - Soubor platformy MAC (MS Configuration Panel)
.cpo - Corel Print House data
.cpp - C++ source
.cpp - CA-Cricket Presents presentation
.cpp - Mime: text/x-c
.cpr - Corel PRESENTS Presentation
.cpr - INMOS Transputer Development System Occam Program Code
.cpr - Knowledge Access Graphics
.cps - Antivirus Checksum soubor
.cps - Central Point PC Tools Backup
.cps - Color PostScript
.cps - QEMM backup of startup soubors
.cpt - song pattern soubor written by Casio digital pianos. Skeleton of a song, to provide accompaniment while the user plays the melody.
.cpt - Bitmap Picture; Corel PHOTO-PAINT bitmap
.cpt - CA-Cricket Presents Template
.cpt - CA-Cricket template
.cpt - Compact Pro archive format (Macintosh)
.cpt - dBASE encrypted memo soubor dBASE
.cpt - Mime: application/mac-compactpro
.cpt - Mime: application/x-compactpro
.cpt - Mime: application/x-cpt
.cpu - Sysoft Sandra soubor
.cpup - Soubor platformy MAC (CPU Plug-in)
.cpx - Character Translation; Character set translation table
.cpx - Control Panel Applet
.cpx - Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed drawing
.cpx - CryptaPix Encrypted Image
.cpy - Cobol Include
.cpy - Copy Books Data soubor
.cpz - COMPOZ music text soubor
.cp_ - Compr. Scanner us driver soubor
.cr - Bitmap image (32bit) (Iris CT format) (Iris printers)
.cr$ - Basic Vb Kartei soubor
.cr2 - Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format version 2.0
.cra - Advanced CRAck soubor (usually text)
.crb - Cardsoubor
.crc - Check soubor (Win-SFV32) (Fantasia Software)
.crd - Mime: application/x-mscardsoubor
.crd - Windows/Yourway CaRDsoubor database
.cre - generated by "Cresus" accounting software
.crf - Game archive soubor
.crf - MASM/Zortech C++ Cross-reference
.crf - Programming cross-reference
.crf - CHARTrunner Chart Definition (CHARTrunner) | www.pqsystems.com/products/SPC/CHARTrunner/CHARTrunner.php
.crg - Calamus picture image format
.crh - Links Games Course soubor
.crh - MS Golf Image soubor
.crk - CRacK soubor (usually text)
.crl - Certificate Revocation List
.crl - Mime: application/pkcs-crl
.crl - Mime: application/pkix-crl
.crmlog - Registrační soubor (Windows)
.cro - Webalizer.01 Lang soubor
.crp - Corel Presents run-time presentation
.crp - dBASE IV encrypted database dBASE
.crp - Visual dBASE Custom RePort soubor dBASE
.crs - Links Games Course soubor
.crs - WordPerfect 5.1 soubor Conversion Resource
.crs3 - Soubor platformy MAC (OmniPage Lite)
.crt - Commodore emulator soubor; image of a cartridge
.crt - Certificate soubor
.crt - Internet Security Certificate
.crt - Mime: application/pkix-cert
.crt - Mime: application/x-x509-ca-cert
.crt - Mime: application/x-x509-user-cert
.crt - Oracle terminal settings information
.crt - Unix Crontab soubor
.crtc - Soubor platformy MAC (Project file by Toast 3)
.cru - CRUSH compressed soubor archive
.crv - Corel Graphics10 Custom gradients soubor
.crw - Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
.crx - Links Games Course soubor
.cry - Crypto Chat II Encrypted Notebook-content
.crz - Links Games Course
.cs - C#.NET Source
.cs8 - Probably type of graphics soubor
.csa - Archív dokumentů, www stránek atd. (Content Saver Professional) | www.macropool.com
.csa - Comma Delimited textsoubor
.csb - Pci Ncr3030 Ncrflash soubor
.csc - Corel SCRIPT 6.0 Script
.csc - Wizard
.csd - Bitstream Fontware soubor
.csd - Chemsoft MSDS Database soubor
.csf - Game: Uefa champions league Logic Cutscene soubor
.csg - Statistica Graph
.csh - Internet Program
.csh - Mime: application/x-csh
.csh - Mime: text/x-skript.csh
.csh - Unix shell skript (csh)
.csi - Cyberautograph Signed Item
.csk - Claris Works
.csl - Aol5.0 csl soubor
.csl - Corel symbol library (Corel Draw!) | www.corel.com
.cslm - Bitmap image (Zeiss CSLM soubor)
.csm - Borland C++ 4.5 precompiled headers
.csm - Kodak DC265 Camera Script
.csm - Mime: chemical/x-csml
.csml - Chemical Style Markup Language
.csml - Mime: chemical/x-csml
.csn - CopyMate Raw Points Cloud - GraphiTech Ltd. | www.graphitech.net/
.csn - Snippet (Dreamweaver MX) | www.macromedia.com
.cso - Customer service data and outcome soubor
.csom - Soubor platformy MAC (Eudor)
.csp - Mime: application/vnd.commonspace
.csp - PC Emcee On-Screen image
.csq - Foxpro Queries
.css - Soubor kaskádových stylů (CSS - Cascading Style Sheets)
.css - Internet HTML Cascading Style Sheet
.css - Mime: application/x-pointplus
.css - Mime: text/css
.css - Statistica data
.css - Stats+ data
.css1 - Cascadind Style Sheet see CSS
.cssr - CSD CSSR chemical modeller input soubor
.cssr - CSD CSSR chemical modeller output soubor
.cst - Macromedia Director CaST (resource) soubor
.cst - Mime: application/vnd.commonspace
.csv - Comma Separated Value Microsoft Excel (among others)
.csv - CompuShow adjusted EGA/VGA palette
.csw - Windows Corel soubor
.csy - EPOC Polymorphic DLL
.cs_ - Creativ compressed Sb16 sbide soubor
.ct - graphic soubor associated with the Paint Shop Pro Graphic Editor
.ct - IRIS CT image format
.ct - SciTex Continuous Tone bitmap image (32bit CMYK)
.ctbl - CTBL and SHAM dynamic colour tables
.ctc - PC Installer control soubor
.ctf - HP-95 Comm program character translation
.ctf - Lotus Symphony character translation
.ctf - TIFF Compressed soubor
.ctl - control information(various)
.ctl - dBASE IV/Aldus Setup ConTroL soubor dBASE
.ctl - FAXWorks' send/receiveinformation
.ctl - Visual Basic ConTroL soubor
.ctm - CGMetasoubor
.ctr - Corel40 Trace soubor
.cts - Permanent location ConTentS (ABC programming language)
.ctt - Messenger contact list
.ctx - Compressed Text
.ctx - Course TeXt soubor (Microsoft online guides)
.ctx - PGP ciphertext soubor Pretty Good Privacy
.ctx - Visual Basic user control binary soubor
.cty - SimCity City soubor
.cu1 - Photoline4 Curves Curve soubor
.cu3 - Photoline4 Curves Clut soubor
.cu? - Photoline Clut
.cub - Mime: chemical/x-gaussian-cube
.cub - Validační modul (Windows Installer)
.cube - Bitmap image (Cubicomp/Vertigo image soubor) (Cubicomp PictureMaker)
.cubi - Bitmap image (Cubicomp/Vertigo image soubor) (Cubicomp PictureMaker)
.cuce - Soubor platformy MAC (CU-SeeM)
.cudt - Soubor platformy MAC (Claris User Dictionary)
.cue - Popis obrazu disku, CD image (.bin souboru) (CDRwin) | www.goldenhawk.com
.cue - Microsoft Cue Cards data
.cuf - C Utilities Form definition (Turbo C Utilities)
.cul - IconForge/ImageForge Cursor Library
.cup - Game: roland garros tennis terrains soubor
.cur - Windows 3.x/95/NT Cursor Resource
.curl - Mime: text/vnd.curl
.curl - URL links Curl
.cursoR - Sun Cursor
.cust - Soubor platformy MAC (Quark XPress Xtension)
.cut - Dr Halo Bitmap Picture
.cut - INMOS Transputer Development System Occam Utility soubor
.cu_ - Winhelp soubor (compressed)
.cv - Corel Versions Archive
.cv - Ms CodeView information screen
.cv4 - CodeView color soubor
.cv4 - Microsoft CodeView color configuration
.cv5 - Ccs-lib.2 Jpeg Stream soubor
.cvb - Charset CVB. Borland Database Engine internationalization
.cvd - Calamus Vector Picture : Graphics
.cvf - SuperStor compressed volume
.cvg - Image format
.cvip - Cviplab soubor
.cvl - Coastal Vector Listing,mapping soubor for GPS plotting,coastal outline data in vector format(similar to MAPINFO Import soubors (.MIF) )
.cvp - Portrait image format
.cvp - WinFax cover page
.cvr - Bitware Fax soubor
.cvs - Canvas bitmap image
.cvs - CVS and VMS sound soubors (continous variable slope)
.cvsigNORE - Snort soubor
.cvt - dBASE IV backup soubor for ConVerTed database soubor dBASE
.cvw - CodeView color soubor
.cw - Mime: application/prs.cww
.cwa - See also CLC
.cwc - Claris Works : Color palette
.cwdb - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks Database)
.cwe - Crossword Express
.cweb - C Web
.cwg - Palette CWK
.cwgr - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks Drawing)
.cwie - Soubor platformy MAC (CodeWarrior)
.cwk - Claris Works data soubor
.cwks - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks)
.cwl - ClarisWorks library
.cwpt - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks Painting)
.cws - ClarisWorks stationery
.cwss - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks Spreadshee)
.cwt - ClarisWorks : Texture
.cww - Mime: application/prs.cww
.cwwp - Soubor platformy MAC (Claris Works text v. 1 to 5 (PC ext: CWK))
.cwwp - Soubor platformy MAC (ClarisWorks Document)
.cw_ - Corel Graphics10 Workspace Corel Photo-paint10 soubor
.cx - CodeMapper skript
.cxe - Common XML Envelope
.cxi - cxisoubor open with: CXIE.EXE /t
.cxn - CONEXANT driver soubor
.cxq - soubor created by Trojan-worm (check your computer!)
.cxt - Macromedia Director protected cast soubor
.cxx - C++ language source code soubor (Zortech C++, gcc)
.cxx - Mime: text/plain
.cx_ - C Poet compressed Disk1 soubor
.cy - Ccs-lib.2 Jpeg-v4 soubor
.cya - Cyan color separation. BLA (Black), MAG (Magenta), YEL (Yellow) Adobe Color Separation
.cyn - Cynex Root55 Program Extension
.cyp - Cypherus Encrypted Archive
.cze - Nhl Ice Hockey 2002 required soubor
.c_ - Winhelp soubor (compressed)
.c_m - Eru/erd soubor
.c__ - C++ Source; C__ is C++ in Win32